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10-06-2009, 04:21 PM
I bent my valves before the summer and got my seats cut and new valves put in at the end of summer. Got everything back together and it ran good for maybe an hour before I put it up. Brought it out again and there was noticeable ticking but my Dad said it was always there and to not worry about. After 20 minutes of medium riding I cut it off and when I go back to start it it's locked up. Tore it down and the intake valves had been hitting the piston and were badly bent. There was a lot of build up on the exhaust valves for such a small running time also. Finally got enough cash for a couple of intake valves and don't want to mess them up. Any ideas of what I could have done wrong other than maybe timing or valve clearances.

10-06-2009, 04:26 PM
did you get the right size valves for your year model.. i think the 06 and up are longer? then 05/04..did you change the springs too??.some one correct me if im wrong.. but idno anything else.. still learning on valves..

10-06-2009, 04:58 PM
Yeah I ordered one intake valve that I know is right and C&D got the others. Pretty sure springs are fine. Everything is kibblewhite and it's an 05. Thanks Wcked. Also, I took my cylinder off and took my piston out when I tore it down.

10-06-2009, 05:02 PM
i thought kibble white had to have their springs added when you add the valves?? i was doing some reading and if you are converting from titanium to stainless steel you will need the kibblewhite valve spring... but dno if its for sure.. am i wrong?

eastside 400
10-06-2009, 05:26 PM
no never heard of needing kw springs with their valves, should work with just valves, the 06+ valves will work in 04-05 on the intake but 06+ is Ti, exhaust are different stem sizes though. what kind of piston and cam are you running? is your head decked at all? valves dont just bend for no reason, sounds like they hit the piston the first time and you did nothing to correct the problem.

10-06-2009, 08:44 PM
Springs, valves, and all the stuff in the head is kibblewhite. It was set up the exact same before I bent the valves. Running a wiesco 11:1 piston with some kind of hotcam (probably stage 2). Bought it used so I don't know about the head.

eastside 400
10-06-2009, 09:00 PM
either your timing is wrong or something is with the head

10-06-2009, 09:20 PM
did you try kicking it with your boot or something.. make ya feel better

10-07-2009, 02:59 PM
If it bends my new valves I'm getting a sledge hammer

10-19-2009, 04:20 AM
ok guys here you go on some info on valves.
If you switch the 06 and newer intake valves that are titanium to kibblewhites stainless steel- you must switch the springs too. Stock intake springs have the tension set up for the stock ti valves.

Now if you are running stainless steel valves and you switch to Ti valves you have to switch the springs too. Vice versa.

Now in the past two years I have seen on the hondas when timing it on how the big service manual says- It says take the right plug off the right side of the motor, turn the gear clock wise to get your piston in TDC by lining the punch mark to the mark on the side of the case. Well I have found two 450r's with the punch mark placed in the wrong spot. and the timing was off by 2 teeth.
Use your flywheel to get your piston in TDC. Take the top plug out by your clutch cable holder on the engine. It has the marking on it with the letter "T" on the flywheel and it is right after the letter "F" which is for fire to run a timing light on it. Then line your cam gear up with the arrows on the cam holder, when you think you have it in the right spot, put some tension on the timing chain where the timing chain tensioner goes to make sure your cam gear is lined up with the arrows on the cam holder then bolt up your cam gear. This is the most accurate way for you to time your engine unless you have the correct tools like a shop has with the timing degree wheel to do this.
Your valves got bent because your timing was off. The only reason I would say this is, if you had the correct springs that are suppose to be with your valves and they were seated correctly, then the only thing else could be the timing.. I hope this helped you out and you do not bend no more valves.

10-19-2009, 05:52 AM
Also put new cam in! Most likely has the sprocket flange slipped or rotated from prior valve interference!

10-20-2009, 05:13 PM
Yeah my crank punch mark is off about a tooth. We pulled the plug and dropped a rod on the piston and turned it over to find exact TDC. The flywheel was spot on but the the problem ended up being a stretched timing chain which threw my timing off in the first place. It is fixed now so it's all good. Make sure you don't put the tensioner on by just running the 2 bolts in without screwing in the back.