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01-13-2003, 06:45 PM
i wantto make a table top and i dont have any machines but i have like shovels and wheelbarrows and 2 friends to help soo how do u think i should make it like how far and high i wana get alotof air too but dont want it to be too hard to mke help thanks

01-13-2003, 06:54 PM
we made a little nature table top...

there was a big long mound of dirt with the lip already formed. so we dug out the middle and threw it on the landing. with 3 friends it took about a half hour. it wasnt a table top really. it was like a 5 foot gap, then flat, then slanted down.

it'll be hard just to make a table top with no base already formed.
goooood luck

01-13-2003, 06:56 PM
Heres a nice table top


01-13-2003, 06:57 PM
Boo nausty Boo

:p :blah

01-13-2003, 06:58 PM
Originally posted by Nausty
Heres a nice table top



01-13-2003, 07:04 PM
ouch :p :blah

lol, I should be a comedian huh?

hehe j/k i'd pry get laughed off the stage.

01-13-2003, 07:26 PM
if you dont have enuff dirt for a good sized table top, or you guys are too damn lazy to do it in a day ( like we are) then just make a double with a table top landing, and when you decide you have a burst of energy fill in that spot

so you would put a pile of dirt, then like who knows how much u jump but say a 45 ft table, make a 10-15 foot gap after the jump, then make a landing a few feet high, then you can add up to that or put some in the middle you decide, we usualyl like to add on to it and push it out b/c it becomes easier, thats the greatest way to learn to jump doubles

01-13-2003, 07:26 PM
Originally posted by Nausty
ouch :p :blah

lol, I should be a comedian huh?

hehe j/k i'd pry get laughed off the stage.

or get hit by random vegatables being thrown at you

01-13-2003, 08:19 PM
i'll tell ya what, make a single jump as big as you want to and hit that and record where you land, keep hitting it harder and harder, build somwhat of a table-top landing just to be safe and after you build up the confidence move the landing to your desired distance, just build a double man, especially if you are just working with shovels, trust me on this one:devil :blah

Narly R
01-13-2003, 09:20 PM
hsr is RIGHT!!!! With your eqiptment thats your best bet!!!