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View Full Version : Pregnant wife & riding

Team X
09-29-2009, 10:22 AM
Looking for advice, I want to go on one last sand dune trip in a few weeks. My wife is 16 weeks pregnant. She would like to go, but I am un-sure if she should. She has never crashed and does not ride aggressive at all. We have a MD apt the day before we would leave so we will also talk to the doctor about it.

What do you guys think, would you let your pregnant wife ride?

09-29-2009, 10:38 AM

09-29-2009, 10:50 AM
I would ask your doctor.

Then it would depend on what terrain you will be riding and what machine would she be riding.

Unless its something smooth, I would wait.

Actually I probably wouldnt do it in the first place. Just to be sure. You wouldnt want to even imagine what could happen, so dont take the risk.

09-29-2009, 12:04 PM
nope, i wouldnt want to risk the health of the mother of my child or my child.

Team X
09-29-2009, 12:15 PM
Thanks for the advice, I think the doctor will know best, however
She drives her car everyday, witch by the numbers is more dangerous (in one year more people get injured or die in auto accidents then all of power sports)
Something to think about

09-29-2009, 12:16 PM
hell NO she will be sitting at camp or home

09-29-2009, 01:10 PM
Originally posted by Team X
Thanks for the advice, I think the doctor will know best, however
She drives her car everyday, witch by the numbers is more dangerous (in one year more people get injured or die in auto accidents then all of power sports)
Something to think about

Not a viable argument.

Of course more people die everyday in a car accident then on an atv. Because 1 million times more people are in a car at a given moment then on a atv.

Look at the percentages, that shows a comparison.

She is a lot more at risk to be injured in an atv accident then a car accident.

09-29-2009, 01:40 PM
percentages and statistics doesnt matter.
its whether you are willing to take the risk of harming your wife and unborn child. if you are willing to take that risk, go for it. if not, let her invite some girlfriends and let them sit at camp and talk.
remember, just because she has never crashed before, doesnt mean she cant ever crash.

09-29-2009, 03:31 PM
Don't let her ride. My wife was pregnant not that long ago, and although it was tough for her not to ride, we have a beautiful healthy baby boy to show for it. It's sooooooo not worth a dunes trip to risk the chance of a crash. Even if she is a good rider, rarely do people end up in single vehicle crashes....it's always some other drunk jack *ss that hits you.

09-29-2009, 05:30 PM
NO WAY, you never know what could happen, build yourself a man cave you'll be home for awhile....congrats by the way

09-29-2009, 06:37 PM
She would not necessarily have to crash. Just the jarring could be a problem. We rode with a girl several years ago that didn't know she was pregnant and she had a miscarriage after the ride.

09-29-2009, 06:46 PM
no way. use common sense and think of your unborn child. she can ride all she wants to when the baby is born. and by the way congrats. kids are awesome. i bought my son a 50 for his 4th b-day.

09-29-2009, 06:53 PM
just wait until after you have the little one man. my buddy and his wife waited untill after the child was born and loved it. they said it was a good braek from the newborn and a great stress reliever.

09-29-2009, 07:20 PM
I would spend some time on perfecting the MAN CAVE.

You are going to need it !

That is, if you have time to go in it ......

09-29-2009, 08:10 PM
Well, I'm the father of two, and what I remember about risks was that the first trimester and last trimester were most risky.

If they are right, she's in the second trimester at 16 weeks.

So if she wants to ride a little more, now is the time.

Leisure ride ONLY!
No jolts or jumps.
It's time you learned the other joy of riding...
The scenery... go slow and take it in together.
You don't have to be wide open all the time to enjoy riding.

09-29-2009, 10:06 PM
I would have to say no way.She has never wrecked or anything but thats not saying someone wont wreck into her.I have a hose farm and when my girlfriend was pregent we were told not to let her around the horses.Well we didnt listen and she was brushing out one of the horsehe got spooked by something and pined her up aginst the wall.The next day she could not feel the baby moveing.Went to the doctor and the baby had died as a result of her getting pined between the horse and the wall.I dont like telling people what to do but play it on the safe side man there will be other rides.

Bill Martin
09-29-2009, 11:39 PM
I'd say No as well.
A friend was pregnant and just putting around and flipped her three wheeler. This was the first and only time she had wrecked the thing since she started ridding. It was a very slow and easy flip over backwards and she did not get hurt but of all the times to go down it had to be then.

You just never know.

09-30-2009, 12:03 AM
I'm not going to get into the details of my/our own unborn children.
what I AM going to say is,...

you are asking about the justification of ONE RIDE TRIP....

I ask YOU, ...
Is this one ride trip,
worth risking,
"I should have known better"???

Kids, are by far the most precious gift you will EVER have in your life.

To HELL with riding.

You need to be asking yourself, what is the BEST thing for my coming child ?
what can I be doing to insure a happy, healthy, fruitful life,
with my soon to be here son or daughter.

don't be so selfish, that you are more concerned with,
"getting in one more ride"

rides and good times are ahead in your future, and TRUST ME,...
That gets here ALOT faster than you think !

ask yourself this,...
how will you feel if your child was somehow "Damaged", as a result of this "one ride"?
Is it really worth it?

I have 2 beautiful kids, and yeah, it took me some time, and a little getting used to,
having to make some responsible decisions,
when I would have rathered not,
and just done my usual thing of thinking only for myself, and my own "Good Times".

Well let me tell you what,...
There is NOTHING better than going for a ride with my kids...
that will never happen if you screw it up now.

Do you really want to take that chance with your unborn child?
Do you really want to gamble a miscarraige?

Dont be stupid.
Make better decisions.
Use your head.

I have ALOT more fun riding 10 mph with my beautiful 8 year old daughter, and 10 year old son, than I have EVER had riding with my buddies for the last 40+ years.

think about that.
you know what the correct answer is.

09-30-2009, 05:59 AM
Wait it out.
Or tell her she has to stay home.

1 of the 2

These are the only options.
Or it could be a lifetime of "I should have known better"

09-30-2009, 07:11 AM
no...i wouldn't even let my wife test ride a new 400ex while she was pregnant with our daughter. she just wanted to take it around a flat track in first gear...

09-30-2009, 08:36 AM
i would have to agree with everyone else..no need to risk it, its hard enough for a woman to get pregnant if you look at the statistics.. there will be plenty of time to ride once the child is born and a lil grown..wait it out and the end result will be alot more rewarding than going riding... congrats btw!

09-30-2009, 09:20 AM
absolutely not..man im not going to tell people what to do but both of my sisters are nurses and one is married to a doctor and she is pregnant..i work in medical field too in xray and we have to do extensive studies on pregnant mothers and its not that the chance of a WRECK its a slight BUMP in the road or on the trail or where ever.. the smallest bump can cause a miscarriage..an wreck is not your main concern its the chance of having a miscarriage..earlier in pregnancy has a greater chance of miscarriage so dont increase the chances for one small ride..its not worth it at all

09-30-2009, 09:54 AM
I definitely wouldn't let my wife ride pregnant.

09-30-2009, 10:53 AM
i have a feeling he's going to let her ride no matter what, and no matter what we all say, if you do let her ride you have no respect for life, just my 2cents

09-30-2009, 11:38 AM
Originally posted by storms400ex
i have a feeling he's going to let her ride no matter what, and no matter what we all say, if you do let her ride you have no respect for life, just my 2cents

You'd like to think that the hundreds of rides you can take with your healthy little boy/girl (When they grow up a little) would be more important than this trip to the dunes...

Team X
09-30-2009, 12:21 PM
Wow, lots of response,
First off, the most important thing to me is the well being of my wife and un-born child. She is the one who really wants to ride, and I told her no. Part of the reason I made this post was to show her I am not the only one who thinks it’s a bad idea to ride. When she gets home I am going to show her this thread.

Thanks for all your input.

09-30-2009, 12:22 PM
Originally posted by Team X
Wow, lots of response,
First off, the most important thing to me is the well being of my wife and un-born child. She is the one who really wants to ride, and I told her no. Part of the reason I made this post was to show her I am not the only one who thinks it’s a bad idea to ride. When she gets home I am going to show her this thread.

Thanks for all your input.

Haha, I thought that might have been the motive....

09-30-2009, 04:27 PM
Originally posted by Team X
Wow, lots of response,
First off, the most important thing to me is the well being of my wife and un-born child. She is the one who really wants to ride, and I told her no. Part of the reason I made this post was to show her I am not the only one who thinks it’s a bad idea to ride. When she gets home I am going to show her this thread.

Thanks for all your input. ^^That being the case^^,...

Here's what your future Fathers days, (and Mothers days), can be like for you, when you have Healthy Children.
It can't get any in better !
Playing it safe now,.... insures a future of fun and happiness.

btw- my Daughter is only 8 y.o., and my son is 9 y.o.

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09-30-2009, 08:54 PM
^^^^ shes pretty good at those doughnuts!

10-01-2009, 08:51 PM
hell no i wouldn't let her ride. the closest i would let her get to a quad is being in the truck with them on the trailer. she can wait a couple more months and she can ride all she wants... congrats and hope all these replys work