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09-28-2009, 10:12 AM
my friend got 3 tickets...15 points
-31 over
-reckless driving
-racing on a highway

speed limit was 45. the other two guys pulled over were in a civic and a rsx. one of them got two tickets, the other got one.

anyways, what should my friend expect to pay with these 3 tickets? including lawyer fees, suspension of license, fines, driving school, etc.
thanks for any help

09-28-2009, 10:20 AM
No lawyer here, but from an outsiders perspective sounds like he needs to just lose his license for about 6 months til he can wisen up. Probably gonna be expensive though.

09-28-2009, 12:21 PM
Not sure about the laws in jersey but here in michigan he would be paying upwards of $5k easy. Not to mention the ticket and court fees are the only half of it. Wait until he starts getting his next insurance bill if he will have any. A buddy of mine thought it would be cool to do all that with his mustang in high school. Had 17 pts within 60 days of getting his car. He lost his liscense for one year and it was restricted for another. Needless to say now he drives a ext. cab 2wd ranger!

09-28-2009, 01:05 PM
Well I know from my experience the deffensive driving school class was $35. That will take the points off your licensense IF you were less than 20 over. 20+ over the speed limit and it is serious because if you hit someone and kill them its now 1st degree murder or something. Its deffinately not going to be cheap by the time its over and done with. Take it to the track man, people racing on the streets has so many consequences and lives at stake. Hopefully your friend learns from this. Harsh way to learn your lesson but if thats what it takes to get people to stop racing on the streets hen its worth it.

09-28-2009, 01:24 PM
I'm not a lawyer but I'd count on him losing his license for several months. My brother lost his for 60 days for his 3rd speeding ticket (3 separate incidents and all were under 10 over) and we were told he got off easy because he had no fines and court costs were only like $75.

09-28-2009, 01:31 PM
i had a friend who got racing on highways and careless driving and lost his license for 15 months

not sure what everything will be but tell him to write the judge and cop letters of appology and plead not guilty. make sure he sounds really sincere and talk about how you'll never do it again and all that stuff. and personally apologize to the cop and judge.

i've done this on 2 seperate occasions, once i got a 15mph over speeding ticket reduced to disobeying traffic signs or something. anyways i my fine was only like 30 or 40 (i forget) instead of around 160 and another time i got a 20 mph over speeding ticket dropped completely.

09-28-2009, 01:42 PM
By the time I was 21, I had 26 moving violations of various kinds. Had My license suspended 7 times and in all it I paid more than 7k. The thing is, every time you get your license suspended, you have to pay to get it reinstated. Plus, for the next 3 years, you will be paying out the *** for insurance, if anyone will insure you. Now I drive like owe on it instead of like I stole it so I have a clean record! Who gets a lawyer for traffic violations? You either did it or didn't do it. Does not take a lawyer to figure that out. That would be a waste of money!

09-28-2009, 08:22 PM
sometimes a lawyermight be able get it reduced. he might be able to plea to one and not all of the charges.

09-28-2009, 08:45 PM
Originally posted by 79400ex
sometimes a lawyermight be able get it reduced. he might be able to plea to one and not all of the charges.

yea but you dont even need a lawyer, represent yourself. chances are he will be able to get it drastically reduced. but of course this depends on the cops and judges attitudes.

09-28-2009, 08:49 PM
as a matter of fact, with the speeding ticket that i got completely wiped off, i just sent in a letter to the judge when i pleaded not guilty. it was like a page long just explaining why i need my license and how i was sorry. i ended up having a lot of work to catch up on and knew i wasn't going to lose my license (cause i got my other ticket reduced) so i didn't go to the hearing. the judge or someone called my mom and asked why i didn't show and she said i had to work and he said well we read the letter and decided to drop everything.

and i ended up losing my license a few months later :( lol yea well i learned my lesson

09-28-2009, 08:55 PM
lol still haved this saved in word in case anyone wants to use it... worked for saving me a couple hundred in fines and about 10 points.

January 7, 2009
Dear Magistrate,

I am asking for your understanding as I fight to keep the privilege of having my driver’s license. I happily received my license in September 2008. This has been a great assistance with my job at Agway in Ephrata. I respect the fact that having a license is a privilege and want to do the best I can to keep them.

After receiving two speeding tickets in less than 2 days I’ve come to realize that I really need to get my speedometer fixed. Last month my car was in the shop to have the rear axle repaired. After several phone calls from the repair man I allowed him to put a different gear ratio in my car. Unfortunately this affected the reliability of my speedometer. Even though I was aware of this fact, I decided since I was only working part time that the speedometer chip would have to wait.

I am going to school full time at Ephrata High School and work part time at Agway. I didn’t want to put more on my credit card than I could afford to pay each month so thought I’d wait until I had the money saved to fix my speedometer problem. I realize now that it would have been more cost effective to fix it right away and perhaps not be in this situation.

I understand that if charged with these two violations, I may lose my drivers license as well as my part time job at Agway. It will take me more than 50 hours and more than 4 weeks of work just to pay off the two violations, not including my gas or insurance cost.

I am asking for some leniency since I now realize the importance of having a speedometer that functions properly. I promise to have this problem resolved as well as keeping close tabs on my speed at all times. I appreciate your consideration in this matter. I can not plead guilty since I am not certain of the speed I was driving.


Jesse Weaver

P.S. I will be out of town on a family vacation from 2/12-2/22 so will not be present to appear over that time. Thanks for your consideration.

^^^^ just tell him to type up something like that and send it in along with pleading not guilty

09-28-2009, 08:57 PM
and the funny thing is i got higher gears so the speed odometer actually read faster than what i was going. so if i was doing 15 over it probably read 20 over lol i didn't tell the judge that