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View Full Version : Polaris Pro rider Doug Eichner and John Natalie has tragic accident

09-26-2009, 08:29 PM
My heart goes out to them both.
Ive known Doug threw the WORCS series for a few years now and hes just a super guy.

this weekend was a brutal weekend at Glen Helen between the heat and rough course.

I wish them both a speedy recovery. :(

09-26-2009, 08:36 PM
That totally sucks. What a freak random accident. I hope Eichner pulls through ok. X2 on the speedy recovery :)

ATV Chic
09-26-2009, 08:39 PM
prayers sent up for both to quickly recover!

09-26-2009, 08:56 PM
I hope both of them recover quickly.

09-26-2009, 10:42 PM
wow, thats crazy, lucky he didnt get hurt worse! hopefully they both recover 100%

09-26-2009, 10:44 PM
Originally posted by SRH
wow, thats crazy, lucky he didnt get hurt worse! hopefully they both recover 100% X2

09-26-2009, 10:57 PM
Natalie intends to race tomorrow

Sure hope for a speedy recover for Eichner!!! And a big thanks to the man upstairs...sounds like this could have been deadly

09-26-2009, 11:11 PM
that's bad, i hope both heal back to 100%.. prayers for both and their families, its gotta be tough on everyone involved...

09-27-2009, 05:36 PM
I just talked to John and he is in good spirits. He is a little sore but doing ok. He raced WORCS today and took 5th despite having 4 broken ribs and he plans to be at Montreal Supercross as well.

I still don't have an update on Doug, but as soon as I hear anything I will let everyone know.

09-27-2009, 06:05 PM
Wow! Thats scary as hell! Hope Doug recovers quickly!

09-27-2009, 09:37 PM
I heard his arm is in real bad shape . :(
The photog at the track got a shot of the collide I guess.

09-27-2009, 10:16 PM
Originally posted by QuadJunkies
I heard his arm is in real bad shape . :(

That's what I heard to. I feel really bad for Doug. He is a really nice guy and I hope he pulls through this.

09-27-2009, 10:17 PM
Eichner has always been one of my favorite riders, I hope he will be OK.

I just don't get how such an experienced rider could get on the track in the wrong direction.

09-27-2009, 10:33 PM
Originally posted by OzLinc
Eichner has always been one of my favorite riders, I hope he will be OK.

I just don't get how such an experienced rider could get on the track in the wrong direction.
From what I have heard, a couple riders almost done the same thing. I dont understand it quite myself, but heard the layout and the entrance onto the track .

09-28-2009, 07:23 AM
That was always one of my fears when i raced is either landing on someone or being landed on, i cant imagine what that would have been like for both doug and john. Hope they both have a speedy recovery!

09-28-2009, 09:38 AM
is there any video of this??

09-28-2009, 10:09 PM
Originally posted by dehner47
is there any video of this??


ive landed on and been landed on and run over, not fun, i couldnt imagine a head on landing/collision

09-28-2009, 10:12 PM
From what I was told, Natalie pretty much landed on him as eichner came up the landing.

God speed for Eichner, this is a bad series of injuries

09-28-2009, 11:34 PM
wow, thats horrible.
ill keep him in my prayers

09-29-2009, 03:29 AM
That is terrible to hear :( . I wish all the best for Doug. Anyone have any updates on this?

I don't know the track they were running, But I seen some places where the riders enter and exit (Crossing the track) in multiple areas, and it can get really confusing, and certainly dangerous. Accidents happen, just sad to see the extent of injury from this one.

09-29-2009, 11:27 AM
Originally posted by Ryan
That is terrible to hear :( . I wish all the best for Doug. Anyone have any updates on this?

I don't know the track they were running, But I seen some places where the riders enter and exit (Crossing the track) in multiple areas, and it can get really confusing, and certainly dangerous. Accidents happen, just sad to see the extent of injury from this one.

UPDATE: 9/29/2009
On Saturday, Doug Eichner spent 6 hours in surgery to repair his severely broken wrist / arm, and Eichner remains in the ICU at the Arrowhead Regional Medical Center in San Bernardino, CA.

Cards can be sent to:
Arrowhead Regional Medical Center
C/O Doug Eichner - Room# 2310
1543 W. 8th St.
San Bernardino, CA 92411

09-29-2009, 01:58 PM
[QUOTE]Originally posted by SRH

its not about wanting to see someone getting hurt. its more about maybe we all as a community can watch and learn from stuff like this. plus, there could be no, "i saw this and i saw that" kinda BS stories. dudes got hurt yes. sucks real bad. my thoughts and prayers go out to him. just like i do for anyone in our lil community gets hurt. i'm not a cold SOB. but this can help kids, adults, track builders/owners and fans from making the same mistakes and ending up broken and battered like doug. whether it was tracks, dougs, both, ect fault. its something we all need to understand can happen and how to prevent it from happening again.

and i'm with you. i've been landed on, run over, drug over jumps, landed on dudes and ran dudes over. i wish that wasn't part of our sport. but it is. when i said "got video of this" didn't mean to push any buttons. i've know john and doug for years. look up to both for totally dif reasons. if me asking for video was me being a "sicko" then i appoligise to you, the riders and this forum.

09-29-2009, 10:31 PM
For dehner47's sake, from reading alot of his post's lately, he is very in touch with the pro circle, and i wouldn't doubt, by reading his past experiences, that he does know both doug and john, and i hope he mean's no harm, only help with his post for video's. I do not know him what so ever, so it is not a personal thing. I hope nobody takes it the wrong way. It could be easy to do, in text form.

My prayers go to doug and john for speedy and full recovery's

09-29-2009, 11:16 PM
I've had the pleasure of knowing Doug for a few years now, this really hits hard. He's just one of those guys you never see something like this happening to.

Thoughts go out to John, and Doug....And also to Joan(sp?) and Devin Eichner for having to deal with the pain of seeing Doug in this situation.

09-29-2009, 11:40 PM
Prayers Sent God Bless

09-30-2009, 07:46 AM
Originally posted by mxduner
For dehner47's sake, from reading alot of his post's lately, he is very in touch with the pro circle, and i wouldn't doubt, by reading his past experiences, that he does know both doug and john, and i hope he mean's no harm, only help with his post for video's. I do not know him what so ever, so it is not a personal thing. I hope nobody takes it the wrong way. It could be easy to do, in text form.

My prayers go to doug and john for speedy and full recovery's

thanks for understanding where i'm coming from. never ment any bad or neg thoughts to come about me over my post. didn't mean it in malishis way.

and your totally correct. i was in touch with alot of pro riders back in the day. not so much witht he new school riders. but the old school, raced for fun/love of the sport riders. before big $$$ and factories came back in the game. late 90's to early/mid 2000's was when i ran A class and pro-am. started in C back in '96 and worked my way up. back when the 250r was the king of the block. the good old days. the days that most of ya young bucks know nothing about. haha just bustin on ya young boys and the post 4 stroke era riders. :blah: