View Full Version : FU****** kickstater

09-23-2009, 07:54 PM
how do i fNcking take the stupbid kick starter aprt . the philips wnt come out and i am on my second kicker trying to get them out

09-23-2009, 08:58 PM
its hard, I got one apart, the rest had to be drilled out

09-23-2009, 09:56 PM
Impact driver...
There is also a spring in there that will shoot across the room so be carefull.

09-23-2009, 11:56 PM
An impact driver will work great...but if the screw head is too far gone, try this....it's worked many many times for me. Keep soaking the screw & threads with PB Blaster. When you're ready to get that screw out, get either a hardened cold chisel or centerpunch, and a regular flat-faced pin punch. Heat the area with a torch. First, smack the screw head squarely with the standard punch and hammer- this will help break the corrosion free on the threads. Then, using the centerpunch or chisel, pick a spot near the outer edge of the screw head, and drive the centerpunch/chisel into it to make a dimple- after that, set the centerpunch/chisel at an angle in the dimple, and hold the tool securely as you drive it with the hammer counterclockwise. This should break that screw right loose and you should be able to spin it out of there w/o a problem. I would be surprised if this didn't work. But, if it doesn't...go to plan B. Mount the kickstarter in a vise, and take it to your drill press. Centerpunch the CENTER of the screw pocket or the threaded end of the screw. Start with an 1/8" drill bit and using cutting lube, drill all the way thru the screw, and work up in drill bit sizes until you get close to breaking thru the threads. Then, either try the screwdriver, impact driver, ez out, or the chisel/punch trick and some heat.

If any of those methods don't work, send it to a machine shop or ship it to me. Good luck!

09-24-2009, 05:00 AM
I have alredy tried the chisle thing on both of them, my dad is bring our drill press home from the shop to day so hopsully it will work!! I could not find anything about this in the search

86 Quad R
09-24-2009, 08:09 AM
i'll 3rd the impact driver using a #3 bit after socking in penetrating oil.

Honda 250r 001
09-24-2009, 10:12 AM
get a 1/4 inch nut and a wire welder, put the nut over the stripped head and burn the weld into the screw and let it cool and twist it out.

09-24-2009, 05:18 PM
Originally posted by 86 Quad R
i'll 3rd the impact driver using a #3 bit after socking in penetrating oil.
yes! Dont' use the common #2. It seems like it fits but it doesn't. You need the fatter tip and it will be a lot easier! Heat and patience and the right tip work every time.