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09-21-2009, 01:43 PM
Ok some off you may know that I was goin to trade to a yz250...Well the boy call's this moreing ask if I still want to trade I was like yea bring the bike. Well he shows up but no bike. He said hey im goin take the 4 wheeler and bring you the bike this weekend. Its locked in my dads garge and I cant get to it..So I told him if he wants to trade get the bike than you can take my 4 wheeler..
wtf is wrong with people now days?

09-21-2009, 01:53 PM
Can I just send you a check, and when you recieve it you can go ahead and ship the quad to me ????

btw- my secretary will probably write the check for 10 times the amount, so just deduct the difference, and add $100 to that for your trouble, then just send me the remainder in cash along with the quad.....
HAHAhaaaa !!!

Tommy Warren
09-21-2009, 06:10 PM
I get this one a lot...."Ok well I just got a divorce so the bike is in storage on the other side of the country so if you pay me for the bike and pay half of the shipping I'll send it right after payment clears" yeah I'll get right on that Mr. Bob Lawblaw:p

09-21-2009, 06:32 PM
LOL,people will try anything.

no1 300ex
09-21-2009, 08:17 PM
This summer there was a local guy who posted his 2 warriors 4 sale on C.L. 2 young men came out to see the quads. They wanted to hear them run. So he starts both of them up. Young man #1 want to test drive around the yard and local guy lets him. Young man #2 wants to test drive also. Local guy realizes there is no car or truck in the driveway and makes a move to shut off the second warrior. Young man #2 jumps on the second warrior and they both take off down the road, never to be seen again.:eek2: Now thats a f ing bad day. C.L. is loaded with D bags especially when it comes to selling a atv. I sold my kawi on C.L. and I cant tell you how many emails I got that read something like this. I will trade you a 1981 moped (needs a little tlc), ps2 w/ 12 games, and a air conditioner for your atv.:mad:

09-21-2009, 09:29 PM
yup...im gettin the bike tomaro..but sadley all ready been offerd an 03 dakota for it and I need a truck.lol