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09-17-2009, 08:17 PM
ok so ive been getting into racing for the past year and i seem to have so much trouble with not really arm pump but just my hands freezing up and barly being able to hold on or touch the throttle. Is it maybe just because im so tense and gripping the grips like crazy? haha. just give me some tips on how to keep my stanama throughout a race. thanks

09-18-2009, 06:55 AM
one thing i started doing to reduce arm pump and hand fatigue was to keep your gloves loose. dont tighten the strap around your wrist so much if any at all. it sounds stupid, but i started leaving mine loose a few years ago and it helped. now every time i ride the wrist strap on my gloves are just dangling there and i no longer have a problem

something else that may help would be to look into a stabalizer if you dont already have one. then you wouldnt need to give your bars the death grip so much

09-18-2009, 12:31 PM
Originally posted by ECOR#8
one thing i started doing to reduce arm pump and hand fatigue was to keep your gloves loose. dont tighten the strap around your wrist so much if any at all. it sounds stupid, but i started leaving mine loose a few years ago and it helped. now every time i ride the wrist strap on my gloves are just dangling there and i no longer have a problem

something else that may help would be to look into a stabalizer if you dont already have one. then you wouldnt need to give your bars the death grip so much

2 aspirin 20 minutes before hitting the track works for me.

You can also modify the spring in your carb so it doesn't take as much thumb pressure to operate.

09-18-2009, 12:49 PM
and in the air you can stretch your fingers out to keep them loose, and like someone else says if its really bad and if you dont have a stabilizer, get one!

09-18-2009, 08:08 PM
Yeah ive been looking into a stabilizer. thanks for all of the tips though!

09-18-2009, 08:32 PM
since youre lookin into stabilizers, if the funds allow get a precision. i went through 3 stick stabilizers, broke 1, bent 1 and wore 1 out. got tired of them so i got a precision havent had a problem and it was the best $ i ever spent

09-18-2009, 11:11 PM
keep gloves and cuffs loose, dont build excessive muscle in the forearms, wrist curls help alot i use to do 2 sets of 30 every other night, it helped...dont forget to breath!...and im sure there is some nutritional things that will help, basically i beleive arm pump is your arms being so tensed the blood cannot flow back out etc...thats how it was explained to me....i dont think a stabilizer is going to affect arm pump at all it will keep the bars from getting yanked out of your arms but its going to be stiffer to turn the bars

09-21-2009, 10:41 PM
keeping the gloves loose works best for me

09-22-2009, 03:37 AM
i started a thread a while back, when i was having problems coming back after my wreck. but now i do my arm stretches and massage my arms, eat right, bananas and orange juice - need to have both or it doesn't give you the best of it, protein powder drink mix, wrist curls, a couple asprin, drink water! no soda no gatorade, try to stay loose when racing, breathe, pro-taper grips- dual compound pillow top thingys? , adjust your levers so you reach easy and have a natural pull/push, make sure you use your legs to help control the quad, etc. etc.....

here's a link to that thread

and a good video on you tube...

09-22-2009, 06:32 AM
If you are going to weight lift do endurance lifting which is like sets of 20-30 reps you will increase strength but not bulk up as well. I take Moto X Nutrition supplements. I find Endurogen works the best for me. I started using it last year during basketball season (wheelchair ball that is) and my arms rarely ever got tired. Used them before a snowmobile ride I was good until I destroyed the rad on it even when I got home I was still good to ride for atleast another hour. When I use it for mx only things that bother me is one grip is finally wearing down (holy crap spider grips last awhile) and the heat because I wear a 661 pressure suit which is full body armor. Look up MXN and Christian or Jorie will help you out with your program. Drink lots of chocolate milk on a daily basis it helps buffer your lactic acid (learned that from a teammate in bball) also if you see an old junker wheelchair kicking around use it trust me builds up your arm endurance.

09-22-2009, 09:21 AM
good way to stretch out your hands is to just pull your hand straight back then go the opposite direction and try to touch your fingers to your forearm . Thats what i do and it seems to help.

09-22-2009, 10:29 AM
I had that a lot at the beginning of this season, then I did P90X and I can ride forever without any fatigue. Its plyometrics, cardio, weight training, stretching, yoga, all in one program.

www.beachbody.com (http://www.beachbody.com)

if you're feeling brave there's usually a torrent of it floating around.

Also try Shaun T's Insanity workout. Seriously the hardest I've ever worked in my life.

09-22-2009, 01:03 PM
just remind yourself during the race not to do the death grip, stay loose and smooth and that took care of the problem for me.

09-22-2009, 11:02 PM
GRIPS... I have found that you need to find a comfortable grip. TAG mediums are nice. Also, use baby powder to keep your hands dry. Shake a good amount on them and rub them together like your washing your hands, keep your hands and gloves dry!!!