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View Full Version : alpinestarts new cheaper neck brace

09-17-2009, 08:26 AM
finally. alpinestar has stepped up and made a cheaper version of the bionic neck brace. this newer brace sells for $300 compaired to the original brace which sells for close to $700.

i just bought a new leatt 3 weeks ago. still haven't worn it. i wish i would have known Astar was gonna release this brace cause i def would of waited to pick up this beauty:grr:

http://www.motosport.com/dirtbike/product/ALPINESTARS-BIONIC-NECK-SUPPORT-SB/?psreferrer=http%253A%252F%252Fwww.racerxonline.co m%252F%253F&catalogId=115617

09-17-2009, 08:43 AM
Hey that looks good. My boy bought the Leatt at the beginning of the season. I see it opens up in the front , the leatt opens to to side. So many things to buy. Oct 16th is that the fallfest weekend? Thats when we are all gonna be @ BPG. I will meet up w/ ya some day. Planned on atco at least once this year but still haven't made it.

09-17-2009, 09:37 AM
i gotta get my girl a brace sometime. well, actually have about 5 more months til babies here so she cant actually ride til next season. anyway, i am thinking of picking this brace up for her. whe has 2 sets of Astar boots and loves the Astar logo. she has hats, jackets, shirts, ect all Astar. haha anyway,think i'll buy this and if i like it more, she can have my leatt. haha

the fall fest is weekend before our trip. i think the 10th or 11th of oct. we always try to plan our annual breezewood trip for the weekend after cause most folks will take the trip there for fall fest and the week before and after are usually quit. which is nice cause it leaves most of the park open for us to have free play. stop on out there the weeknd of the 17th. we have about 10 riders staying with us (all guys trip this year. leaving the wives at home) so def should be a weekend to remember haha

as for atco, me and JR3 will be there next saturday if ya wanna stop out. JR3 will be racing and i will be coaching as usual. stop by and hang for a bit. be nice to finally put a face to the posts. haha

09-17-2009, 10:41 AM
atco when? friday or sat ? what # day - I'll see if we can go.

I need nerfs -$400
Neck brace $300
New Helmet $200 ?
Front Brakes $50 ?
Rear rotor ?
Handle bars 75
Gas money - must be 7 cans & there all empty :mad:

I have work in Pennsville I'm still doing. Hard to believe - this winter it will be 2 years from when I started. Might be nice to do atco & then go there to finish :cool:

09-17-2009, 11:07 AM
Whats the difference between the two? Is the cheaper one less adjustable?