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View Full Version : few?? on motor transplant

09-15-2009, 03:29 PM
Ok i installed the lifan 150...i have a few issues maybe you guys can help

The rear foot break is hitting the motor and kick starter...Did you guys notch it on just bent it or is there a better one that will fit?

The carb i got with the motor is hitting the frame tube under the gas tank? what to do??
can i go ahead and run the stock carb?

This motor came with cdi and coil is it going to hurt the motor using the stock cdi and coil??? Lots more wire to cut and splice if i use there stuff.

Thanks for any replys.

09-15-2009, 08:00 PM
My rear brake cleared and didn't hit the motor or kicker, nor does my carb hit the frame. What kind of carb did you get? Using the stock carb on this motor you won't get near the maximum performance out of this motor. I used the CDI that came with the motor. All the rest of those wires on the bike including the key start you can eliminate. Post some pics of the setup if you can. If you need more help let me know.

09-16-2009, 03:40 PM
There is an oval blocker mounted on the frame above the brake pedal, adjust that so the brake pedal does not hit.

Go to tbolt usa.com use the wiring diagram.

Did you double check wich way you mounted the intake tube? Mount it so the carb angles out towards the shifter.

09-16-2009, 04:05 PM
It came with a diffrent intake tube...i did mount that correctly...I think the carb is a 30mm it looks way bigger than the stocker ill take pics tonight and put them up!

09-16-2009, 09:04 PM
was the stock motor a 90 or 125. the 125cc quads have different brake pedals than the 90cc quads.


09-16-2009, 10:42 PM
The old motorwas a 125

Now for the pics .....I got wire every were!




09-16-2009, 10:45 PM



09-17-2009, 02:28 PM
I think u have the other Mikuni carb. The VM26 is the Mikuni to get. Your neck is longer than mine (Hence why it's hitting the frame). 90% of those wires u can remove. I'll take some pics and post them up of the wires I kept on mine (2 or 3 if I can remember correctly from the coil). The rest came from the CDI. U can ditch the battery and any wires that run from it as well as the regulator.

09-17-2009, 04:02 PM
hey that would be great if you could post som pic of the wires you did


09-17-2009, 07:41 PM
In the 1st pic all I have are 3 wires running from the coil. A yellow, blue, and black wire. The yellow is not hooked up, the black is the ground, and the blue is spark/hot wire. These run to the CDI. Then in the second pic you see the wires running from the coil to the cdi. The big patch of wires that are taped up are mostly connectors from jack to jack from CDI to my Outter rotor kit or stator. The color of the wires will vary depending on what CDI you have. The 1st thing you need to do is eliminate ALL the wires you don't need. Anything that's running to the battery, regulator, start button, key switch wires all need to be removed as they no longer serve any pupose. Once you do this if you're still stumped post another pic of what you have(which won't be many) and I'll help you connect the wires.

http://img200.imageshack.us/img200/9743/87290545.jpg (http://www.imagehosting.com/)

http://img36.imageshack.us/img36/8240/24846236.jpg (http://www.imagehosting.com/)

09-18-2009, 10:32 PM
Thanks everyone especially ride 1 rob !!

I got all the wiring all done along with the cdi....

THANK YOU very much guys! Now to for the carb!:D