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View Full Version : thinking about givin it up....

09-15-2009, 02:51 PM
well ive been thinkin for awhile now about getting out of the atv world. i race mx and all that but i also started gettin into mud trucks. i really enjoy both, but i cannot afford both. ive been racing for awhile and just feel that im soon gunna have a really bad crash but i feel that ill regret it if i sell my bike and get out of it all together. very hard decision for me. what do u guys think?

09-15-2009, 03:24 PM
i made the descsion to get out of atv mx but i broke my ankle real bad and im still not able to walk normal(happened in april) i just cant afford another injury right now i already owe like 15000 in hospital and doctor visits so i guess it was a little easier on me, but i tried to get out of it a couple years ago and ended up getting back into it a few months later its hard when its something you enjoy doing

09-15-2009, 03:27 PM
I gave up on racing due to having no health insurance, but hey there isn't any thing wrong with some laid back trail riding! It's a hell of a lot cheaper then racing lol :D

09-15-2009, 03:30 PM
Mud trucks isn't going to save you any money, so you might as well not even consider that into the equation. As far as quitting racing because of money, fully understandable. But that doesn't mean you have to give up riding all together. There's a lot of fun to be had on a stock fourwheeler playing on the trails.

09-15-2009, 05:26 PM
muddling is a even more expensive sport but it is fun.

09-15-2009, 05:43 PM
for me muddin would be alot less cheaper becasue i have everything here to do it and to fix whatever breaks, plus all my friends are into muddin and that and all the people i race with live 4 hours away

09-15-2009, 06:01 PM
i got out of racing to build up my truck etc. its a nice change in pace but i still miss racing. trucks are not cheap though.

09-15-2009, 06:30 PM
I started riding dirt bikes at age 3. Started riding atv's at age 12. Started racing at age 14. Quit 7 times. I am now 35 still racing at the national level. My only advice to you is, if you sell out now, don't give them everything you got. You would be amazed at how hanging on to a few things even if its a container full of nuts and bolts will go when you get older and need something odd that you had years ago.

Best wishes to what ever decision you make.

Dave Trimble #99 Vet 30+

09-15-2009, 06:34 PM
try to balance it

you dont have to jump out completly, just sell your quad, go pick up a good reliable play quad to scratch the itch when it comes around and then you can focus on your muddin'

just my thoughts
BTW, what kinda truck are you running?

09-15-2009, 07:44 PM
I got out of it due to no local spots to ride and it is a super expensive sport. i see more and more threads like this everyday on here. i found that getting into hobbies i can do locally is somewhat cheaper and more fun. I'm sure traveling 4 hours to get to your buddies place gets old after a while. going out to the garage and building a truck up is so much more convenient and if you enjoy it you might as well give it a try. Sometimes you just want to piddle around after work and stuff so its great for that.

Oh and Dave is 100% right! I sold my quads but I still have a bunch of parts, all my gear (and spare helmets, etc), loading ramps and tie downs... stuff like that. If you ever get back into the sport you'll save a ton of time and money by having that stuff already. Good thinking Dave! :cool:

no1 300ex
09-15-2009, 07:57 PM
A street legal mud truck might not be to much $$ to build and run. But having a mudding truck that you would have to haul places would suck. Where would you race your atv Bridgewater exhibition ground?

09-15-2009, 09:17 PM
Originally posted by JJs450r
i made the descsion to get out of atv mx but i broke my ankle real bad and im still not able to walk normal(happened in april) i just cant afford another injury right now i already owe like 15000 in hospital and doctor visits so i guess it was a little easier on me, but i tried to get out of it a couple years ago and ended up getting back into it a few months later its hard when its something you enjoy doing

How bad did ya' mangle the ankle? I'm 6 weeks in and already walking again and looking forward to riding before the season is out?


09-15-2009, 09:41 PM
Honestly just give it time. I thought I wanted to quit a few months ago when my motor went out on me. Now it's been down long enough for me to realize it is something I don't want to give up.

09-16-2009, 01:04 AM
Thats why i just trail ride mostly, we will go to a track occasionally but its just for fun so im not constantly pushing the limits. Dont get me wrong its still dangerous but not as bad as racing, plus you break way less stuff this way so its a lot cheaper too. Since i own my bike the only cost really is fuel and i can ride all day on like $20 bucks, pretty cheap in my book. Thats just me though....

09-16-2009, 10:32 AM
do mudbogging on a quad. best of both

09-16-2009, 10:41 AM
you have no real reason to quit blaze i know expensive racing gets you don;t always have to commit to full out season..honestly you need to try a race outside of atlantic canada where quad racers are catered too, motos are not cut short and theres more than one class for you to run. i get what your saying driving most of the races for 2 motos gets to be a pain in the *** after a while..first try a race in the us you will be glad you did

09-16-2009, 12:43 PM
i'm a big believer if you enjoy doing something you will do it dispite injury or the cost of your hobby. some of you know, i been banged up, broken, fixed, broken again and then broken some more. but i love atv riding/racing to much to walk away from it. it frustrates me to hear people talk about getting out of something they "love" cause they worry about being injured or it cost to much. everything is expensive. and everything can cause injuries. like i told my DR as i lay in bed wondering if i'll walk again or if they will need to remove my leg. he asked me if i'm going to ride again so i said "doc, if you were driving to work and crashed your car, would you come back to work when you can" well, we all know the answer he gave. and the same with me. i told him. this is what i do and what i'm good at. NOTHING can keep me away from the sport i LOVE and the sport that i have done since i been 4yrs old. if you love it, nothing will prevent you from doing what you enjoy and love to do. so, long story short, dont sell out if you really do "LOVE" the sport. no matter the risk or the price or the price of the risk:D

09-16-2009, 05:23 PM
Originally posted by xrxmxcx
How bad did ya' mangle the ankle? I'm 6 weeks in and already walking again and looking forward to riding before the season is out?


i broke and fractured my talus bone, which in the key in foot movement, connects the ankle foot and leg i just started walking but i guess things are tight and i walk like the bug alien from men in black

09-16-2009, 08:10 PM
Originally posted by hondariderdylan
try to balance it

you dont have to jump out completly, just sell your quad, go pick up a good reliable play quad to scratch the itch when it comes around and then you can focus on your muddin'

just my thoughts
BTW, what kinda truck are you running?

im a ford man myself

09-16-2009, 08:12 PM
i would like to do both but i just cant balance both and ben its not because of the lack of respect here for quads i just want to do other things and everyone around here that i hang out with is into mud trucks.

09-16-2009, 08:38 PM
hey man, i know just what your talking about, im at the ponit now im done with high school( not really, im a sr. but im at tech for class more then at hs.) and i'm starting to look on to my career and stuff. i'm working on a deal with a leagers 250r right now and if everything pans out like i would like it to im gonna have the leager and in 2010 im gonna race the D23 hard core and work my *** off, i've almost sold everything i have and built up my ranger and made it a pre runner but its really spendy for all the fiberglass, suspension, seats belts roll cage, and all the fab work, another thing is from what i've learned people in the off road truck fourms are huge D ick heads, if you ask a question teh rip your head off and its not like this fourm! like on here if some one ask something for me theres always been someone that has helped me out on it, even if its already been asked, they will post a link up on it..

but look back all the years i've rode, the best was when i had my blaster, i was 14 and i had 800 in it, i am not joking one bit, i beat teh **** out of that thing... i rode it ALL the time, nonstop! its all i did. 24/7! i also did alot of trail ridin with it, it was something that was really cheap, and some how it just kept on going, i dont know why...it never stopped and blew up... i wounder if its still running or not some times...