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View Full Version : anyone not like their R4 or T4 slip-on?

01-12-2003, 03:05 PM
Ive been studying pipes and I've come to the conclusion that almost everyone likes what they have. If i were to ask whats the best, everyone would say the brand they like or have and how good it is. But does anyone have actual reasons, for not getting one pipe over another? Quality, looks, sound, etc.
So what im asking is has anyone had problems with the WB R4 or the Pro T4? They are the cheapest (around $210) and for the extra $50 I save i can do something else. I cant afford Sparks or TC like everyone recomends everytime this question comes up. I also need something that will not upset the neighbors too bad.
I just cant justify the extra cash if I will like whatever I get anyway. Anything else i should consider?

I hope this finishes this debate for me.

thank you for any input


01-12-2003, 03:10 PM
I have a T-4 and love it, never have had a single problem out of it.. It is however loud. If you do mainly track riding, I wouldn't worry about it. It may tend to pi$$ the neighbors off in a residential area though..It has a great sound, and did help out on bottom end power a little bit. Hope I helped...YLW

01-12-2003, 03:20 PM
I really sounded like a prick, sorry. I guess it just bothers me that every time this question is asked everyone says "thats what i got and its fast " or "my pipe is louder than yours" doesnt really help people looking for pipes.

i feel better now.

01-12-2003, 03:30 PM
I dont think you sounded like a prick at all.....You just wanted your question answered....Thats understandable...I am not going to say the T-4 is the best...I haven't had any others to compare it to, so I cant say either way......I can say though, I like my pipe alot. like I said though....It is not the quitest thing I have ever heard.

01-12-2003, 03:36 PM
I've had my R4 for 2 years now. Is has been reliable and a good performer. Its looks are its benefit and it noise level is its drawback.

The e-series is quiter but bigger. Choice is yours.


Steve-o 400EX
01-12-2003, 03:43 PM
I ordered an R4 from go parts direct and the screwed up and sent me an e-series by mistake, i'm gunna keep it though, i really like it. It really woke up my EX.

01-12-2003, 04:56 PM
I had a FMF Power Core 4 ^2 before. I did not like the construction of that pipe. I got the T-4 mainly for the costruction. It is well put together and it pulls better than the FMF I had. I have the FMF Powerbomb header in front of it and it seems to help out on the sound. The only thing I can say I don't like about the T-4 is the way it slips on the head pipe. I do not like the o-ring fitting. It may work fine on a stock headpipe but on the Powerbomb it will wear them down to nothing in no time. :(
To help this problem I put stock muffler gasket and clamp on it to help hold it tight. It seems to help. :rolleyes:

01-12-2003, 05:20 PM
I've got an HMF coming sometime this week and I've herd that it sounds really deep and throaty on the 400 so I decided to order one. Reason I went with the HMF is that noone seems to have one around where I live.. mostly everyone's got a T-4 or FMF megamax.. so I wanted to be diffrent, Im also ordering it in black so it will look trick :macho

01-12-2003, 05:28 PM
My T4 is currently getting a makeover:D

01-12-2003, 05:32 PM
Very Pretty.

01-12-2003, 06:54 PM
it that pc, if not what is it?

01-12-2003, 07:14 PM
i like my T-4. i did have an old beat up suppertrapp for about 2 days. my friend had it layin around and i tried it, sounded like crap, and added no power. it was shotened, and the discs were fallin out of it.

01-12-2003, 07:16 PM
porkchop, the HMF is a sweet pipe. it sounds awesome, really really deep tone, and adds good power, a friend of mine has it. it's pretty loud though, but that's how i like it. LOUD=POWER!!

01-13-2003, 08:38 AM
I will be using them with the stock head pipe, but the fit is a good thing to bring up.

how loud are the T4 and R4? 1 to 10 1 being stock and 10 being TC or Sparks (i figure they are about the loudest)


01-13-2003, 10:06 AM
The paint on the decal came off and it looked like crap, so i took off the whole aluminum decal and plugged the holes. I don't remember having an oring in mine to seal it with the head pipe. I just use the stock clamp and it doesn't leak at all. Construction is top notch on the silencer!


01-13-2003, 10:39 AM
The R4 and the T4 are not only loud but annoyingly loud. I'll call them an 8 on the Loud Scale. I really suggest a quieter pipe than these two, especially if you're not racing. Loud pipes=Less Land.
I personally use the E-series and the bottom mount broke on it so I'm going to have it welded. If money was no option I would suggest the Yoshimura pipes. They give awesome power and they are fairly quiet. Especially with the different end caps they offer.

01-13-2003, 11:40 AM
Originally posted by Taco
My T4 is currently getting a makeover:D

That pipe looks pretty sweet. How did you do that? I have a T-4 and I am interested in the look that you have.

I am not a fan of loud pipes but I like the sound of the T-4. It is a little louder than I was wanting but not much. It is worth it for the good sound.

01-13-2003, 04:44 PM
Everyone likes the e-series , but everyone has the e-series. I'd like to be a little different. I've heard things about welds breaking on the E-series
I pm'ed 400grl and she gave a pretty good arguement for the R4

"if there was a weld there (like the e-series has) it would eventually crack with the shock of jumps (had this happen), hitting braking bumps as high speeds, engine vibrations, etc. Having the springs hold it on there actually keeps it from breaking - gives it a flexible joint. "

but they are loud, man im horrible at making decisions

01-13-2003, 05:11 PM
one more thing, are the disc type tuneable silencers better or worse?

thanks for all the help


01-13-2003, 06:27 PM
Originally posted by jesshamner
That pipe looks pretty sweet. How did you do that? I have a T-4 and I am interested in the look that you have.

I am not a fan of loud pipes but I like the sound of the T-4. It is a little louder than I was wanting but not much. It is worth it for the good sound.
Pappy powdercoated it for me:D

01-14-2003, 06:43 AM

01-14-2003, 07:00 AM
I am running a PC T-4. Yes it is on the upper end of the loud scale, but to me it not an obnacious loud. It gives good all round power gains more noticable in the bottom end. My paint on thier name plate started coming off shortly after I got it :( so I just went ahead and removed it all and then polished it with the pipe. It is a shame they don't want to display thier name on the pipe. I did not get a o-ring with mine either and I was concerned about it leaking at the fitting so I took teflon tape and made my own seal. So far so good. Overall durability= no cracks or breaks, mounts up without any difficulty. I hope this helps you some.

racin 400
01-14-2003, 08:34 AM
Mine is great it has good mid end power.By the way its a R4.

DGR Designs
01-14-2003, 10:17 AM
r4 = great but loud. all pipes are gonna be loud if you want gains BUT if you like the R-4 im pretty sure you can buy a quiet core insert for it. am i right?

01-14-2003, 02:49 PM
I have a pro circuit t-4 and a friend has the r-4. We both weigh about the same thing and neither one of us can tell a difference in our machines as far as power is concerned. Both pipes seemed to take away the mid-range lag that I had with stock exhaust. However, both are what I consider too loud for any area of concern. Both sound good, but are loud. I also have tried a IDS2 and it is not so obnoxious as the others, and still seemed to have as good of a power gain. Just my 2cents but if sound is a concern think about something quieter.

01-14-2003, 07:15 PM
I took my R4 off for the fact it seem to have a flat spot at 6000rpm's, I went to an e-series, also it was very loud, but it seemed to be pretty descent other than that.

01-15-2003, 11:03 AM
i was looking through dirtwheels and HMF slip-ons w/0 spark arrestor were around the $210 mark

good / bad comments


01-15-2003, 11:23 AM
T-4 = Loud. Sounds good but Loud. But this pipe (when jetted correctly) gives enormous power gains.