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View Full Version : 99 400ex cuttin out. possible spark plug boot problem?

09-14-2009, 02:45 PM
alright, my 400ex just landed me in the hospital yesterday cause of this problem. It cut out going off a 30ft double and sent me nosing in and comin up short on the landing.. sent me over the bars, bustin my knee open and gettin 17 stitches. my quad also has a few hundred in damage.. This has happend before. Riding on very rough terrain it will cut out, i stop, play with the spark plug boot,and its runnin fine again for a lil while. I replaced the plug, boot and wire. And it still happens. Any other ideas? I can't go thru this again lol. thanks, steve

09-14-2009, 02:59 PM
check all the connections for corrision or possibly a loose one.