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09-11-2009, 06:44 AM
I was getting out of bed only to see one of the WTC's falling. I called my wife, told her to leave work, and I was going to war! Some how, my Gaurd Unit (before I went active duty) was not called... My cousins was. That is the some of it really. We made a 3 hour trip back home, and watched as it all un-folded. I was pizzed at it all. Ready to whoop some "hodgie arse!"

So what were you doing when you found out?


09-11-2009, 06:49 AM
doing school at home...i think a test..

09-11-2009, 06:58 AM
Same place I am right now...Work. Weather was very similiar here today as it was that day also. Clear and cool.

09-11-2009, 07:02 AM
i was in 8th grade. after the first tower got hit we watched it on t.v the rest of the day. wasnt very old at the time so i didnt have much understandin on wat was going on really (usual kid) now im 21 bout to be 22 and have a better understanding and realize how many ppl lost their lives this day 8yrs ago:ermm:

09-11-2009, 07:14 AM
11th grade marketing class, back row of seats, third from the right. It seems like just yesterday.

God bless the men and women of our military for no attacks on American soil in the past 8 years. Thank you all!!

09-11-2009, 07:15 AM
I was inspecting the main spar on a C-17 wing.
what is so sad about that day, and the days BEFORE that day...

Is that so many of you here were too young to realize,
just how much that day changed the world forever.

Many things in this world were alot different then, than they are today.

09-11-2009, 07:21 AM
I was headed out of DC

09-11-2009, 07:43 AM
**Drug references removed**
Turned on the t.v. and watched the 2nd plane hit the tower.

I still go to youtube and watch the planes hitting and the towers falling. The feeling i feel after this many years are still gut wrenching when i watch it. Its still so over whelming.

09-11-2009, 08:03 AM
I was driving on my way to work when the 1st plane hit. Got to work to watch the second hit. Then just watched them tumble:(

09-11-2009, 08:14 AM
4th grade reading class, sitting 2nd row far right.

Teacher was Mrs. Gibbs, and her son worked in the trade centers.:(

09-11-2009, 08:36 AM
I was in 6th grade and we watched it on TV all day. 9-11 was an attack on ourself, Osama wasn't responsible, our own government was. I'm a firm believer that it was a staged attack by our government.

09-11-2009, 08:39 AM
6th grade history class... i just remember my teacher saying "you'll never forget this day" she was right...i remember it very vividly.

09-11-2009, 08:39 AM
Originally posted by Nova
I was in 6th grade and we watched it on TV all day. 9-11 was an attack on ourself, Osama wasn't responsible, our own government was. I'm a firm believer that it was a staged attack by our government.

Oh no..... :eek:

09-11-2009, 08:40 AM
Originally posted by JLanphear
Oh no..... :eek:

Oh yeah. :ermm: How can you explain two towers falling straight to the ground like a perfectly planned demo...? How is it the twin towers have survived a fire that burned three times longer than on 9-11 but not this fire? I could go on for days.

09-11-2009, 08:47 AM
Originally posted by Nova
Oh yeah. :ermm: How can you explain two towers falling straight to the ground like a perfectly planned demo...? How is it the twin towers have survived a fire that burned three times longer than on 9-11 but not this fire? I could go on for days.

I think that has been discussed here over and over and over and over again. You probably could go on for days, but all you would ever accomplish is annoy the hell out of people, so give it a rest.

Your not going to be able to convince people who think otherwise, so stop trying to ram it down everyones throat.

09-11-2009, 08:47 AM
Originally posted by Nova
Oh yeah. :ermm: How can you explain two towers falling straight to the ground like a perfectly planned demo...? How is it the twin towers have survived a fire that burned three times longer than on 9-11 but not this fire? I could go on for days.

No way am I getting involved with this one. I said "Oh no" because this thread is going to get interesting now.

09-11-2009, 08:49 AM
Yeah, I don't believe that the towers falling was an inside job...

But I was in 8th grade and we were doing our regular fall testing. Cats or Kiris testing. We were suppossed to test all day, but as soon as we heard, we watched TV all day and quit testing. I was in Social Studies and our teacher made sure we knew how this was going to be with us forever.

09-11-2009, 09:03 AM
I was driving to school with me neighbor my senior year in HS. Heard it on the radio. Then I started to get really worried because about a month before this I just moved back from living on Long Island. My neighbor down the street worked on th 90th floor of the second tower. She left behind a husband and 2 kids.

09-11-2009, 09:12 AM
i was walking to my biology class in the 8th grade when my gf told me that a plane hit a building in NYC. i thought it would have been a cool thing to see at the time but then i got to class and had my teacher explain the gravity of the situation and i still didn't understand fully, but knew that inoccent people had died and that it wasn't a cool thing to see as i had previously thought.

THANK YOU to all the brave service men and women who went into harms way to protect this great country we live in!!!

Never Forget 9-11 and God Bless the United States Armed Forces!!!!

09-11-2009, 09:24 AM
Originally posted by godzilla
I think that has been discussed here over and over and over and over again. You probably could go on for days, but all you would ever accomplish is annoy the hell out of people, so give it a rest.

Your not going to be able to convince people who think otherwise, so stop trying to ram it down everyones throat.

I'm not rammin anything down anyone's throat...? Just stating my opinion there sweet heart. I mis-understood why he was saying oh-no... so stick it.

09-11-2009, 09:28 AM
Originally posted by Nova
I'm not rammin anything down anyone's throat...? Just stating my opinion there sweet heart. I mis-understood why he was saying oh-no... so stick it.

maybe you can go here and discuss your opinion instread "sweet-heart":


09-11-2009, 09:36 AM
Originally posted by godzilla
maybe you can go here and discuss your opinion instread "sweet-heart":


and maybe one day you can stop being a d***. it was a misunderstanding so stfu and move on.

09-11-2009, 09:37 AM
Originally posted by mxpimp2000
i was in 8th grade. after the first tower got hit we watched it on t.v the rest of the day. wasnt very old at the time so i didnt have much understandin on wat was going on really (usual kid) now im 21 bout to be 22 and have a better understanding and realize how many ppl lost their lives this day 8yrs ago:ermm:

our stories are exactly the same.

09-11-2009, 09:43 AM
Sittin in 10th grade homeroom taking I-steps. They turned the tvs on and we took our tests the rest of the day while watching the news. Was a very bad day and very hard to concentrate.

Not even gonna dignify nova with a response.

09-11-2009, 10:03 AM
i was traveling across county (somewhere near missouri/kansas area) with a couple pro/ pro-am riders going to CA for photoshoot/race/testing. someone heard it on the radio and woke up everyone in the motorhome. was a sad day for sure. def put a somber mood in the rig and on the days head of us as we all were from the jersey, NY, pa area and were away from all our family and friends. :(

def a funky few days for sure. i was having the time of my life with good friends and our quads. but still was one of the worst times of our countries life. def a week full of mixed emotions.

09-11-2009, 10:07 AM
I was on my way to work, active duty air force. Missed the first plane hitting but watched the second on t.v when I got there. Wife was 6 months pregnant with my son.

09-11-2009, 10:49 AM
I was in my first period Math class in 7th grade. Like everybody else has been saying, I didn't realize how big of a deal it was. Went through the whole day watching the news if every single class.

09-11-2009, 10:58 AM
Nova, get your head out of your a**. Don't bring complete B.S like that into a thread dedicated to remembering the tragic day of 9/11.

09-11-2009, 11:05 AM
I was in 6th grade. It was a normal day, but after recess a bunch of parents came and picked there kids up. The weirdest part of the day was when I was in lunch and I was thinking back to when I went to the twin towers when I was a little kid (this was before I found out what happened). Then my mom was at the bus stop and all I remember was her asking the bus driver "Did you know anyone?" We live pretty close to the city and most of the people around here commute to the city. Then once I get home the news was on and thats when I found out what happened. I was in shock the rest of the day.

But my friend that I've known my entire life had quite a different experience. He lives in the same town as me, and there are a bunch of places in my town where you can see the city. Well one of those places was a on top of a mountain behind his house. He was on the "mountain" and saw the towers fall. He joined the Marines later that day and is now over in the sand box.

09-11-2009, 11:11 AM
In the E.R with a broken ankle from a riding crash the night before.

elite ATV1
09-11-2009, 11:12 AM
I was sitting at home getting ready to leave for a trip out to NY that morning....but for some reason the truck didnt want to start....

XXX -rider
09-11-2009, 11:25 AM
I was in bed watchin TV ,& all doped up on painkillers..from a broken collar bone & 3 broke ribs ..& on the phone w/ a freind ..
suddenly he said look on the TV ..WTF ? so basically I saw all the news as it broke out on CNN,MSNBC etc..
certainly was a day to remember :grr:

09-11-2009, 12:01 PM
I was getting ready for work when I saw it on the news. I am also active duty air force and when I saw the second plane hit I knew it was going to be a long day. I think i was at work for like 26 hours. We got all of our birds ready to go to war. Then we sat and waited to hear the word. We were all ready to leave that night. That word never came and we went back to work as usual.

I have been on a few deployments to Afghanistan since then and I just want to say thanks to the men and women that are fighting and giving their lives for this country. Regardless of what your views are on this whole situation, always remember that while you are sleeping in your warm and comfy beds there men and women that are sleeping on a cot or in a sleeping bag somewhere in BFE Afghanistan. Most of those men and women are there because they want to be, not because they have to be. The war over there is a difficult one but our marines, soldiers, and airmen keep there heads down and continue to put warheads on foreheads.

My thoughts and prayers go out to all families, friends, and loved ones who's lived were directly affected by 9\11. We will never forget.

09-11-2009, 12:03 PM
I was in 8th grade history class where my teachers fiance was a NYPD officer who had to go into the buildings. He got out fine. My uncle had an office for his company on the 22nd floor of the towers. After getting all the people out he got out about 15 minutes before it fell. My friend's father was a FDNY member. He is one of the few that was in the buildings when they came down and lived to tell about it. He was pulled out with many injuries but man if you ever want a spine chilling story... talk to him about what he experienced. Remembers every second of if.

09-11-2009, 12:18 PM
4th grade, doing a math test. we stopped the test to watch the 2nd plane hit. i remeber coming home from school and my mom giving me a long talk about what happened.

09-11-2009, 12:42 PM
Freshman year of college, I had just woke up in my dorm to the phone ringing. Picked it up to hear my buddy yell "Dude the F'ing Japs are attacking us again...they are going to die!!!" I figured he was on drugs at this point and turned on the TV. At this point the first tower had just been hit and was smoking. I had no idea what was going on. I woke up my room mate and had him watch. We watched the entire event unfold on TV and were in shock when we saw the second plane hit. I remember the coverage going back and forth from the WTC, to the Pentagon and then the field in PA. They cancelled class for the rest of the day and I remember going fishing to get my mind off what had happened. I also remember the weather was almost identical to what it is outside today. I remember going home that weekend and seeing tons of semi's and cars flying American flags. My parents generation always talked about where they were when Kennedy was shot, ours will always talk about where they were on 9/11. God bless those who gave their lives and service to protect ours and to make sure we live on the greatest country on earth. Also prayers go out to those who were lost and to the families who lost loved ones on that day.

09-11-2009, 12:43 PM
I was sitting in the hospital waiting for my wife to get out of surgery.

09-11-2009, 12:55 PM
Got let go from my job in May that year with 450 other people. Took the summer off and collected unemployment...just went riding every day after 12 years of working hard. Was just ready to start looking for a job when this happened. It was tough finding work...luckily a friend bailed me out in January. I had been doing remodeling work. This day will always have a big impact on me and remind me that times can always go south at any moment. I really feel bad for the families today from all 4 flights, the towers, and the Pentagon.

09-11-2009, 01:10 PM
i was in my 5th grade science classs. its hard to beleive it was that long ago. thanks to all those who have served or died serving our country so i can do what i do.

09-11-2009, 01:11 PM
was in 10th grade sitting in spanish class. another teacher walked in, whispered something in my teachers ear, then left. Our teacher then told us what happened (this was before the second plane hit i believe) and you could tell she didn't know how to break it to us. we were the first class in my school to find out i think. kids kept getting called down throughout the day to go home, call parents, etc... Unlike alot of you, we didn't watch any of it on tv at school so we had no idea what was happening.

Also, from what I've read and heard throughout the years, a lot of people working in or around the WTC's for some reason didn't go into work that day or had some trouble getting to work and stayed home instead.

09-11-2009, 01:49 PM
I was in 2nd grade and I can't remember any of it and I really feel that I should but I'm thinking that they may not of told us or shown any footage. I got home and I know I found out then if I didn't already know but I just cannot remember and I just feel stupid that I can't.

Thanks to everyone thrying to stop something like this from happening again.

09-11-2009, 01:51 PM
Originally posted by Ryan'07400ex
I was in 2nd grade and I can't remember any of it and I really feel that I should but I'm thinking that they may not of told us or shown any footage. I got home and I know I found out then if I didn't already know but I just cannot remember and I just feel stupid that I can't.

Thanks to everyone thrying to stop something like this from happening again.

2nd grade? Wow, you're young

09-11-2009, 02:00 PM
Originally posted by ridered11
Nova, get your head out of your a**. Don't bring complete B.S like that into a thread dedicated to remembering the tragic day of 9/11.

Ridered, get off my di**. I was stating an opinion so lick my chode tool.

09-11-2009, 02:06 PM
Originally posted by Nova
Ridered, get off my di**. I was stating an opinion so lick my chode tool.

GTFO plz

Tommy Warren
09-11-2009, 02:16 PM
wow this thread is slowly getting distroyed! anyways I was skipping school grade 10 and I walked into an electronics store with my friend to see the second plane hit on one of the huge plasma screens. It was wild I though " this can't be real it has to be a trailer for a movie or something" but unfortunatly I was wrong.

And guys stop *****ing! Noone will ever know what really went down so stop saying you do! if you get off on conspiracy theories watch the movie "loose change" and fondle yourself.

09-11-2009, 03:00 PM
Originally posted by Nova
Ridered, get off my di**. I was stating an opinion so lick my chode tool.

Dude that is seriously wrong to say that kinda crap any time, especially when this thread is talking about something as tragic as the attacks

Also if u say nothing back like " get off my back" then no one will keep dogging you. So just don't say nothing to this just read it and find a different site to say stuff like that

2nd grade? You're young

yea I am 15 now in the 10th grade I had never even sat on a atv then haha it wasn't til 2003 i got on a foreman.

09-11-2009, 03:01 PM
i was working 7 pm to 7 am...so i was on bed when the wife woke me up telling me that some one had flown a jet into the first tower...and into the pentagon...i was in front of the tv and following the news on the internet all day

09-11-2009, 03:10 PM
Originally posted by Nova
Ridered, get off my di**. I was stating an opinion so lick my chode tool. you sir, are a fool.
there will be no need for you to reply back to this post.
I won't see it, due to you have just been promoted to my Ignore list.

09-11-2009, 03:25 PM
hard to believe it was that long ago. I was in NY in the 5th grade at the time. School was let out early but they didnt say why. My mom picked my brother and I up from school and went right to the grocery store. It was kind of an odd presence something didnt seem right... Canned goods and bottled water... what is going on? The house is right down the road and as I walk inside the TV is on. It looks like a movie a plane just hit a building... as we continue to watch this chaos just before 10am the building starts to collapse. It was just a feeling of complete shock, hardly any words were spoken as we watched the 1st building fall. Later the 2nd building, i'm not sure there was much to say. I remember the news station just went silent and I remember my mom crying. For many days after I remember waking up to the news and seeing manhattan still covered in dust. It's crazy how somethings are like a video in your mind able to play over.

Old Head
09-11-2009, 03:35 PM
I was doing the same thing I did today. Installing a heater and a/c. I still remember the house I was at and the homeowner sitting glued to the tv. At first I thought a small single engine plane hit until I glanced at the tv for a few.

09-11-2009, 04:38 PM
Nova honestly not the time or place, grow up. The purpose of the thread was in respect, not for you to disrespect this day that happened 8 years ago.

09-11-2009, 05:04 PM
i live right next to Captain John Ogonowski, and its so sad knowing how he died, thank all of the people that fight for our country!!!

09-11-2009, 05:14 PM
I was 6 years old and i remember waking up and looking at the tv and my mom sitting next to me and calmly telling me what happened. ill Never forget it..

09-11-2009, 07:51 PM
Was getting ready for work, had cnn turned on but never really noticed it till i was getting ready to turn the TV off.

sat back down turned it up and watched as the 2nd plane hit, that's when i called in to work for a no-show just to try and fathom what the hell happened.

09-11-2009, 07:55 PM
Sophmore year of High School sitting in American History. Weird huh. History was happening. Principal made the announcement between classes and all classes had the tv on and about 15 minutes into class the 2nd plane hit.

Ruby Soho
09-11-2009, 08:40 PM
4th grade, dont remember exactly what we were doing but the principal came to each room and told us what happened, and we got sent home.

09-11-2009, 09:14 PM
Originally posted by yellowzo3
was in 10th grade sitting in spanish class. another teacher walked in, whispered something in my teachers ear, then left. Our teacher then told us what happened (this was before the second plane hit i believe) and you could tell she didn't know how to break it to us. we were the first class in my school to find out i think. kids kept getting called down throughout the day to go home, call parents, etc... Unlike alot of you, we didn't watch any of it on tv at school so we had no idea what was happening.

Also, from what I've read and heard throughout the years, a lot of people working in or around the WTC's for some reason didn't go into work that day or had some trouble getting to work and stayed home instead.

my 9th grade history teachers daugher was supposed to have a meeting in the first building that fell but it got cancled the day before.

09-11-2009, 09:20 PM
i was in 3rd grade wondering what the hell was going on until i got home and i saw "war in america" on CNN

09-11-2009, 10:00 PM
i was on an elk hunting trip in the mountains outside aspen colorado...we had no cellphone serive where we were camping, cause it was way up in the mountains...about 11000 feet, we had just gone out in the morning on a quick scouting trip to find soem cows or some wallowing areas. we got back probalby aroudn 10 am colorado time, and one of the guys were wer with in camps said someone had crashed a plane into one of the world trade center towers, and that his wife had callled to tell him. she was at work and it had jsut happened, first plane, adn didnt have much details....we were kinda clueless being up in the mountians, so we figured it was jsut some random accident with like and ultralight personal air cratft or something...so we went back out again, when we came back, a couple of the guys in our group had stayed back to listen to the radio and had found out about the towers falling.

we went down to aspen that ngiht to go and find out with had happend....we stopped at this small sporst bar to eat adn they jsut kept replaying it over and over and over again, ti was reallly scary, the whole group of us being thousands of miles from our families.

i also remeber how weird adn almsot scary it was to look up into the sky for several days adn not see ay planes or jet streams from planes. i can still picture in my head the first plane tha we saw flying over from denver international. all along in the sky..

we should all be thankfull for the brave soles who gave up there lives not only on taht day, but since then to not onlhy defend our freedoms, but to make this whole world a safier place

09-11-2009, 11:18 PM
I also remember my teacher having a video of even the 1st plane hit. He was waiting for a ferry to go to across the river to visit his son whom worked in the trade center. He was going to visit him at work. He was taking a video of NYC and then he pans over and you hear "wow that plane is really low it better get up" and then it hit. Its just unreal.

09-12-2009, 11:02 AM
I was there in New York City.

09-12-2009, 07:30 PM
Originally posted by TRXman86
I was getting out of bed only to see one of the WTC's falling. I called my wife, told her to leave work, and I was going to war! Some how, my Gaurd Unit (before I went active duty) was not called... My cousins was. That is the some of it really. We made a 3 hour trip back home, and watched as it all un-folded. I was pizzed at it all. Ready to whoop some "hodgie arse!"

So what were you doing when you found out?


i was asleep in business law class, woke up to another teacher coming in and breaking the news....i was like wtf are the twin towers....i didnt think they were in this country, went home saw it on the news, nice weather, went riding that night on my 400ex....i got a hell of a memory:blah:

MX MaNiAc 06
09-13-2009, 06:08 PM
It was awkward how I found out actually. 6th grade biology class. 1st period. I was being obnoxious and got moved to the front, left seat. The airhead teacher goes "so this morning a plane hit the world trade center or something, it's all over the news." We were 12 years old all kinda like wtf? Never heard another word about it all day at school. Went home and went out messing around on our bicycles all day hitting jumps and stuff. Later that night I kept seeing it all over the news, on so many channels. Didn't bother to watch, didn't realize what i was watching. I was a kid that hated the news. So I go to get something to eat and my parents asked me if I knew how serious it was. I had no idea what they were talking about. They explained to me and were amazed that I didn't hear about it in school.

09-13-2009, 07:02 PM
On my side of the world it was 10:30 at night. I watched in horror and amazement as the whole thing unfolded live on TV.

I tuned in just after the first plane hit. Next thing I knew was I was standing on the coffee table shouting at the TV.........

"there's another one !!!!!! theres another plane !!!!!"

I realised what I was doing when I froze there thinking thats it, the USA has been invaded and we are all at war.

I stayed up all night switching between all of the cable news channels...........I'll never forget it.


09-13-2009, 09:25 PM
I was in 4th grade, but forget which class it really was but remember where I was sitting, some random teacher came in and told us what happened.

My cousins..girlfriends dad was in NY at the time, I was told he watched people fall from the building... :ermm:

09-15-2009, 03:52 PM
It's amazing how much this ticks people off. I got word yesterday that my cousin, in Iraq now, is re-enlisting for another term... just to say he has gone to Afghanistan... He was fresh out of basic by about 3 months. He never imagined that he would be going, but as an MP, he would be the first...