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View Full Version : Need some advice asap..

08-25-2009, 06:03 PM
Alright, so here's the situation.

I have a friend, Leah, who just got out of a relationship with a really douche-worthy guy.

He cheated on her, and she sent him packing, but he wont leave her alone. When she refused to accept his (unsincere) appology, he called her an ungrateful bi**h and said she needed to cover herself in gas and burn to death.

This is what really pissed me off^^.

Her grandfather burned to death in a house fire. Leah was really close to her grandad, and every since he said that, she's been crying almost nonstop and I cant even get a little bit of a smile out of her.

This kid keeps running his mouth saying how he's going to beat anyones arse who says anything to him and that he's never going to leave Leah alone because "he loves her".

I know for a fact I can beat this peice of chit into the ground, but the thing is.. I turned 17 July 1st and he turned 15 on June 25th.

What form of legal reprocutions am I looking at if I shut him down? Im prepared to take some CC and anger management (wouldnt be the 1st time) and maybe even some probation.

I cant do it at school because I'll get expelled (to many fights on campus this year), but most of us go to the creek to fight anyways.

I guess what im asking, is.. am I justified to beating his ***, or am I overstepping my bounds? I think its justified. He's called her all kinds of names, pulled all kinds of low shots, and has almost slapped her.

WHat would you guys do?

08-25-2009, 06:07 PM
If she has a dad, then its his deal...even a brother.

To many folks end up dead these days over this crap...better think long and hard about it.

08-25-2009, 06:21 PM
Originally posted by Pappy
If she has a dad, then its his deal...even a brother.

To many folks end up dead these days over this crap...better think long and hard about it.

agreed, if there is someone else who can handle it let them. but if there isn't i myself would handle it but do it on the d-low, catch him walkin somewhere or something and don't tell anyone(this includes the girl) that you did. people usually retaliate because they feel they've been direspected and embarassed in front of their friends so keep it quiet but make sure he knows why you did it and that its only gonna get worse if he doesn't stop.

08-25-2009, 06:23 PM
Like pappy said, get a sibling or family member to do it. You might feel like your doing a good thing, trying to be a hero, but in the long run, it might not be good for you.

Just tell him if he really "loves her", to leave her alone. And if he doesnt stop, beat him.

08-25-2009, 06:31 PM
step back. the fact that you say you have been in too many fights on campus already should raise a red flag to yourself. honestly, it sounds cold but she'll get over it. life will go on.

08-25-2009, 06:35 PM
Originally posted by Pipeless416
step back. the fact that you say you have been in too many fights on campus already should raise a red flag to yourself. honestly, it sounds cold but she'll get over it. life will go on.

I haven't been in any ON campus this year.

In general, there have been to many fights on campus, so they've instated a new "zero-tolerance" policy. Fight and go bye bye.

I wouldn't do it on campus or in front of a big crowd. I dont care about recognition or people thinking im a badass, I just want my friend to be happy.

Leah and I have grown up together, been through thick and thin together, and honestly, she's like the sister I dont have.

She has a father, but not a dad.. if you catch what im saying. He's only as good as the 12 dollar bottle of vodka he has at the time. She also has no siblings.. just me really.:chinese:

This girl has been through hell all her life, and she doesn't need this little punk doing this to her.

08-25-2009, 07:21 PM
Originally posted by 416exfreak
I haven't been in any ON campus this year.

In general, there have been to many fights on campus, so they've instated a new "zero-tolerance" policy. Fight and go bye bye.

I wouldn't do it on campus or in front of a big crowd. I dont care about recognition or people thinking im a badass, I just want my friend to be happy.

Leah and I have grown up together, been through thick and thin together, and honestly, she's like the sister I dont have.

She has a father, but not a dad.. if you catch what im saying. He's only as good as the 12 dollar bottle of vodka he has at the time. She also has no siblings.. just me really.:chinese:

This girl has been through hell all her life, and she doesn't need this little punk doing this to her.

Go for it dude.

08-25-2009, 07:30 PM
I would verbally confront him first (in private). You say you can physically shut him down, so if you are serious enough, he'll quit. Tell him that if he doesn't shut up, you're going to. Simple as that. If he runs his mouth to you, shut him up. If he runs his mouth about you and you find out about it, (which you will if he does say anything), Shut him up. Otherwise, problem solved with no fists thrown.

just my .02

08-25-2009, 07:35 PM
Originally posted by fastredrider44
I would verbally confront him first (in private). You say you can physically shut him down, so if you are serious enough, he'll quit. Tell him that if he doesn't shut up, you're going to. Simple as that. If he runs his mouth to you, shut him up. If he runs his mouth about you and you find out about it, (which you will if he does say anything), Shut him up. Otherwise, problem solved with no fists thrown.

just my .02

eh i find that verbal confrontations like that don't work unless you and the person your confronting know a badge can get involved without either one of you hitting the other (i.e. previous action by person you are confronting is a violation that he can be arrested for) because most dbags like that think they can take on the whole world with one hand tied behind their back. i say when you find him tell to him to shut his mouth and leave her alone and if is response is any less positive then ok show him what happens to guys who mistreat women.

08-25-2009, 07:35 PM
Yeah man in this day and age of law suits and kids with weapons its smart to try and not get into a physical confrontations at all costs. But if it comes down to it and then it get to you have to do what you have to do.

08-25-2009, 07:35 PM
you said the anger management "wouldn't be the first time". so, do you have a "prior"? if you've been through anger management then there is pattern established and you'll fry in front of a judge or worse...during a civil suit.

I would say a stern "shut the kcuf up or else" is order. Then, you have to decide if you are willing to screw up your life over this. Remember, an assault/battery conviction can REALLY haunt you later in life.

08-25-2009, 07:35 PM
I say make it a point to be seen with her and let him start it. I'm not one to really go looking for a fight, but I don't hide out from anybody either. First time he says anything about you being with her, go for it. From my experience though, the ones that talk the most ****, usually do the very least. They pop off around their friends and hide behind them when it comes down to it.

08-25-2009, 08:02 PM
Originally posted by jcv400ex
Go for it dude.


Dude you know I'm always taking your side with this stuff lol. I think its justified you're the closest thing to her and that punk now has it coming.

08-25-2009, 08:26 PM
like pappy said get a brother...ur like a brother to her,go for it man

08-25-2009, 08:26 PM
How old is she? 15 is young for a kid to be saying that ****. Put his *** in place.

Tommy Warren
08-25-2009, 08:33 PM
meet this douche face to face not over the phone cuz he'll be all brave and mouthy thus pissing you off and causing you to do something stupid. walk up to him with leah at your side(witness) and tell him if he looks at her or talk about/to her that he'll be picking up his teeth with broken fingers. If he thinks he's tough he'll take a swing at you right there thats why you need the witness because now its self defence! thats when you curb stomp him like on "American history X"!:devil:

08-25-2009, 08:39 PM
Originally posted by Tommy Warren
meet this douche face to face not over the phone cuz he'll be all brave and mouthy thus pissing you off and causing you to do something stupid. walk up to him with leah at your side(witness) and tell him if he looks at her or talk about/to her that he'll be picking up his teeth with broken fingers. If he thinks he's tough he'll take a swing at you right there thats why you need the witness because now its self defence! thats when you curb stomp him like on "American history X"!:devil:

provoke it like that and your both getting arrested. no matter what if you take this into your own hands in any way and the police get involved there is something they can charge you with. that is why you want 0 witnesses your word against his so do your best to keep the bruising down on your knuckles cuz if they come knockin they will check. i have been involved in a lot of situations like this (i will never stand for a man mistreating a woman after what i grew up watching) if your gonna do it stop asking about if you should and start thinking about where and when. do it smart or don't do it at all. i would rather see you not do it at all and just let this kid keep makin himself look like a douche but i know exactly how your feelin right now.

08-25-2009, 08:48 PM
dude you have one more year to ef him up even if you get caught a slap on the wrist is what you will get. after you turn 18 he can run his mouth all he wants b/c legally you cant touch him.

nip it in the bud

08-25-2009, 09:31 PM
Originally posted by manhunter
dude you have one more year to ef him up even if you get caught a slap on the wrist is what you will get. after you turn 18 he can run his mouth all he wants b/c legally you cant touch him.

nip it in the bud


You might as well forget the verbal warning, he's going to pop off at the mouth and it's just going to piss you off even more. If you're really wanting to do something about it, if you do say something, you better be ready to fight.. He's 15, im sure he thinks he can whoop super man :rolleyes:

I've been through something kind of like this before, except, with about 20 16 year old kids.. I got in a fight with one when I was 17, after that everything died down.. I kid you not, the very day I turned 18, they called me up talking smack. There wasn't anything I could do about it.

If you're going to do something, do it now(im not saying you need to, thats up to you), or you'll get in deep crap if you wait til you're 18.

08-26-2009, 05:59 AM
Can you go to the law and get a restraining order at 15? If not, beat his nose into his brain.

08-26-2009, 07:52 AM
Originally posted by Pappy
If she has a dad, then its his deal...even a brother.

To many folks end up dead these days over this crap...better think long and hard about it.

I agree.

Mind your own business.
Don't ruin your life for something you can't really control.

You'll understand when you are older.

Everything you do now will affect your future. Getting an arrest record over this is not a good idea.

Your heart is in the right place, and pounding this clown seems like a good idea.

Give it some time. Don't make her problems your own. :)

08-26-2009, 08:45 AM
Well, an update:

Caught the kid outside between buildings about ten minutes ago and told him that it would be a wise choice for his personal health to just leave Leah alone.

He looked at me a little funny and asked what I meant, so i told him.. Exactly what I meant. :p

He assured me that he would leave her alone and that I wouldnt have to speak with him any further on the issue. I told him thats a good thing, because next time there wont be a discussion.

I half expect him to try and pop off when his friends are around, but as long as he leaves her alone, I could honestly care less what he says to me. He's to poon to hit me, and he wont meet anywhere outside of school to fight.

The entire school knows about him now, so unless he keeps messing with Leah, I think he'll suffer enough. Especially since we found out he cheated on her with his 2nd cousin..:chinese:

08-26-2009, 08:49 AM
Originally posted by Tommy Warren
meet this douche face to face not over the phone cuz he'll be all brave and mouthy thus pissing you off and causing you to do something stupid. walk up to him with leah at your side(witness) and tell him if he looks at her or talk about/to her that he'll be picking up his teeth with broken fingers. If he thinks he's tough he'll take a swing at you right there thats why you need the witness because now its self defence! thats when you curb stomp him like on "American history X"!:devil:

There wouldn't be any need for that kind of brutallity.

Im not out to injure this kid for life, just enough to make him realize where he sits on the food chain.

I have 3 years of Aikido and 6 years of Tae Kwon Do, along with varsity wresting for 4 years here at school. Unfair advantage, but I am really hoping it doesnt have to come down to physical violence. Im glad I was able to (hopefully) resolve it with a simple threat.

08-26-2009, 09:28 AM
well glad u took care of it without physical violence:D :D

08-26-2009, 09:32 AM
your in a tough spot bro. i totally agree with what pappy said. but god for bit, you back down and something does happen to this chick. i wouldnt be able to live with myself if it was my friends. but, yes theres always a but. if you and the locals go to the "river" to throw down, be a man and call him out to the "river" especially if he thinks he a tough guy he will most likely except your challenge. if he dont, hes all talk.

besides, dudes only 15. your 17. your still a minor. if your 18, dif story. but you got a whole year to know his head off. cause trust me, if someone ever threatened my family or friend like that, its gonna be off n poppin at the "river"

08-26-2009, 09:35 AM
Good job.

08-26-2009, 09:42 AM
Originally posted by 416exfreak
There wouldn't be any need for that kind of brutallity.

Im not out to injure this kid for life, just enough to make him realize where he sits on the food chain.

I have 3 years of Aikido and 6 years of Tae Kwon Do, along with varsity wresting for 4 years here at school. Unfair advantage, but I am really hoping it doesnt have to come down to physical violence. Im glad I was able to (hopefully) resolve it with a simple threat.

i just read you have a background in martial arts. now, i'll take back some of what i said. use what we have always been tough in martial arts class. disipline. if you go and use your skillz on dude, you are def gonna be in trouble. no matter what age both of you are.

now, if dude swings on ya, use what you learned in class. self defense. take him down, and put him to sleep. in court of law, tapping someone out or putting them to sleep is under the law of self defense. you just cant hurt him or put him in hospital. make sure he swings first, then its all on you after that. good luck with though dude.

08-26-2009, 10:26 AM
Originally posted by 416exfreak
Especially since we found out he cheated on her with his 2nd cousin..:chinese:


08-26-2009, 10:40 AM
Originally posted by 416exfreak

The entire school knows about him now, so unless he keeps messing with Leah, I think he'll suffer enough. Especially since we found out he cheated on her with his 2nd cousin..:chinese:

Damn that's wrong.

Was he from Kentucky?

08-26-2009, 01:05 PM
Originally posted by derekhonda
Damn that's wrong.

Was he from Kentucky?

Glad someone used a different state instead of Alabama for a change. :p

08-26-2009, 02:06 PM
tell him that if he doesnt stop, you'll break his nintendo DS. :rolleyes:

08-26-2009, 02:26 PM
Originally posted by derekhonda
Damn that's wrong.

Was he from Kentucky?

No.. Alabama.:scary:

08-26-2009, 03:43 PM
Originally posted by 416exfreak
No.. Alabama.:scary:

Oh c'mon now! haha :mad:

stuntin andy
08-27-2009, 04:58 AM
i went threw the same thing like 3 months ago...except i broke up with my ex and she was tryin 2 get ppl 2 fight me.... any ways...... just don't fight its not worth thee time in a juvenile detention center.... believe me dude just tell her not to talk 2 him that will make him mad...like when he texts her don't even open them just delete them.

08-27-2009, 10:35 AM
my juvy has a pool:D :D :D :D

08-27-2009, 10:42 AM
^^^^ ??????

damn, i'm so glad i'm not in high school no more. hell, the same crap was going on there when i went to school. guess things havent changed. oh wait. yes they have. the girls are more slutty now and all look like they 21 when they really 15:devil: :eek2: :confused:

08-27-2009, 11:26 AM
Originally posted by billet250ex
my juvy has a pool:D :D :D :D

Yeah! Awesome! Boys day at the pool! Marco....

08-27-2009, 11:43 AM
Originally posted by dehner47
yes they have. the girls are more slutty now and all look like they 21 when they really 15:devil: :eek2: :confused:

EXACTLY. I met this girl not too long ago and WAS gonna talk to her. Found out the next day she was 15! :grr:

08-27-2009, 11:45 AM
haha u know why there boobs get so big???cuz they eat a whole lot of chicken!!there is a steroid in the chicken that makes there boobs big!!TRUE!

08-27-2009, 11:48 AM
Originally posted by billet250ex
haha u know why there boobs get so big???cuz they eat a whole lot of chicken!!there is a steroid in the chicken that makes there boobs big!!TRUE!

ok ive been trying to hold back as much as possible, but didn't you say you'd be posting less and reading more? every thread you stop into gets steered off track. im sure nobody will argue me when i say to just back off a little. anyway, back on topic.

08-27-2009, 12:29 PM
Originally posted by billet250ex
haha u know why there boobs get so big???cuz they eat a whole lot of chicken!!there is a steroid in the chicken that makes there boobs big!!TRUE!

You need SERIOUS help kid!!! get off mommies computer and GET TO SCHOOL!!!

As far as "giving him the business", you REALLY need to think long about this (like has been stated). Give him a piece of your mind. Let him know that your not even close to messing around. If that don't work, do the Rodney Carrington skit where he is talking about ripping his clothes off to fight some big guy... cause nobody wants to fight the naked guy LMFAO OR, if he keeps his chit up, just go to the school principal of where he is with her. Have her tell them what is going on. The schools take this EXTREMELY serious and consider it a for of stalking/harassment. Johnny Law will be called in to have a chat with the kid, and no more will be said...

***If this was said in any of the other pages, sorry... It was more then I wanted to read :D***

08-27-2009, 12:32 PM
Originally posted by billet250ex
haha u know why there boobs get so big???cuz they eat a whole lot of chicken!!there is a steroid in the chicken that makes there boobs big!!TRUE!

Never thought it was possible to be a moron AND 11 years old.

08-27-2009, 12:33 PM
Originally posted by billet250ex
haha u know why there boobs get so big???cuz they eat a whole lot of chicken!!there is a steroid in the chicken that makes there boobs big!!TRUE!

Expect a ban soon.

08-27-2009, 12:42 PM
Originally posted by fandl450r
Expect a ban soon.

Check out the NEW poll LMFAO Let's see how many people can't stand him first :P

08-27-2009, 01:11 PM
you may think the kids such an idiot but the funny part is, he's kinda right. not really chicken, but all meats themselves.

there was a study done about 2-3yrs ago by the university of s. florida where they have found that meat companies that put steroids in there animals to make them more "meaty" does have an effect on kids and the rate they grow. boys and girls. not meaning helps girls grow big boobs or bys more muscular. but meaning, help "kids" and adults grow more then they did 25 yrs ago.

its not exctly the steroids themselves that make "kids" grow at a rapid rate. its more or less the animals that were given the "juice" have a higher protein count with less fat fibers then the ones that were range grown with no types of steroids given.

this was a big stink in the body building world ( muscular development is were i read this) that the boby building association was having issues cause guys/girls were eating meats that were saturated with steroids. which in term, has more protein count and hence makes the human body grow at a faster rate. there arguement was that the contestents could "juice up" there own meats and get the "juice" that way. and by doing it threw the meat, they get the 'effects" of what the "juice" is doing to the animal. but not necessarally(sp) getting it by injecting themselves. sounds crazy. but true story.

so, before you all bash him and me for that fact, and call us stupid and slow and whatever you call lil homie, you all should do some research yourselves.

08-27-2009, 01:22 PM
told u guys....:D ;) but sorry bout bein off topic