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View Full Version : Hot Cams Stage 1 and 2

01-09-2003, 11:12 PM
How much difference between (Hot Cams stage 1 or 2), would their be, If I were to do a 416 kit with 10.8.1 compression piston. If possible list the benifits of the stage 1 cam and the benifits of stage 2 cam. Thanks to those who can answer this question for me Iam planning on doing this upgrade soon and am not sure which stage of the hot cams to use.

01-10-2003, 04:03 AM
my buddy has a white bros all-around cam and it pulls smooth throughout on a high comp stock bore.

mine pulls smooth down low through mid then has a nice hit in the mid and pulls harder up top.

if you tend to ride in the lower r's get a stage 1, if you like to rev get a 2. i did not lose any low, but i gained power everywhere and especilly up top. they will both rv more with the stage 2 pullin even harder more like a 2 stroke up top.

i grew up on 2 strokes so i like to rev em. i really like my set up

01-10-2003, 04:25 AM
If a guy could ride a bike with the one cam and then jump on a bike that is the same but has the other cam - most guys would choose the stage I. It pulls harder in the RPM where you ride the most. But as mentioned, if you came off a 2 stroke you might like the loss of bottom end in favor of over rev.

01-10-2003, 08:51 AM
Hotcams 1 with a416 and 10.8 piston would be a LOT of bottom end trq. hotcams 2 will still a good amount of bottom end but it will fly up top!!!!

01-10-2003, 09:26 AM
Originally posted by Predator36
If a guy could ride a bike with the one cam and then jump on a bike that is the same but has the other cam - most guys would choose the stage I. It pulls harder in the RPM where you ride the most. But as mentioned, if you came off a 2 stroke you might like the loss of bottom end in favor of over rev.

Loss of bottom end?? That would not be acceptable. If it didn't increase much, I could deal just for the chance to get some top end, but there's no way I could sacrafice the little bottom end I got now.:(

Ok, so how about someone how's into the mids??? :confused: I don't ride at low RPM that often, but in the same respect I don't wrap it out either.

01-10-2003, 10:37 AM
i did not lose any bottom going from a stock motor to my 416 with a stage 2, i gained

it flat out kicks but over the stock set up.

it will pull through a bog where as before it would just bog i the low if fully stressed.

if i hit a turn and i get on it before it would hold it then accellerate after the turn, now it will accellerate through the turn and then break the tires loose in the mid and wheelie into the top end of the r's, especially awesome for hills

my bud has a stock bore 11:1 wb all around cam and mine basically just pulls more up top and is even everywhere else. at least to me

01-10-2003, 11:52 AM
so If I trail ride and want more torque should I then go with the stage 1 Hot cam will this still be better than stock!! keep in mind I will be going with the 416 kit or should I just get a high comp stock piston what will be better( stock bore hight comp piston or 416 bore. Sorry for so many questions!!!

01-10-2003, 12:38 PM
if you want more overall power get a stage one, if you want more overall poer with a mid to top hit get the stage 2. i trails ride also but i also mx and do hills. i like the rv of the 2