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08-17-2009, 11:43 PM
what do ya'll think about vick signing with the eagles?

i personally think that he has gotten what he deserves by losing all that money and having to spend time in jail. i think that it's great that he's getting a second chance.

08-17-2009, 11:52 PM
I have mixed feelings about it. He did his time and everything and
hes a good player but he is still stupid hahha.

08-18-2009, 02:07 AM
me being a pit bull owner and a dog lover i don't think it was enough. Personally i hope theres someone on each team he plays that puts it to him every time he snaps the ball jmo though

08-18-2009, 03:07 AM
I'm sure people will get sooo pissed when i say this but i think he has been punished more than enough. I don't think people relize the amount of money that Vick has lost in this whole ordeal, not to mention 2 years of his life. I understand what he did was brutle, terrible, disgusting, or any other word you want to use for it, because there probably isn't one strong enough to truly describe it. But I can't understand why Vick is where people want to make their stand. I mean look at Donte Stallworth, he went out, got drunk, and killed a person and no one seems to care about that. He has a one year suspension from the NFL and he'll be back next year. Vick will be out for 2 1/2 years and people still don't want to let him back in. Not to mention in the past where people have died and have received an even less suspension.

I'd just like to know where out society is heading when the live of a dog is more important, or more of a cause to stand up and hate someone for, then the life of another human being

08-18-2009, 04:07 AM
im i die hard eagles fan and i was pissed at first, i personally hated his attitude and just the way he plays the game. idk now i kinda have mixed feelings i wanna see what he does but i know hes gonna suck, he hasn't touched a football since what? '06?

Which 450?
08-18-2009, 04:31 AM
i heard he celebrated by buying a puppy

08-18-2009, 05:30 AM
I know a lot of people don't agree with me but I think he was punished enough. Remember he went to jail for running a gambeling ring not animal abuse. Now I think what he did was wrong but it's now worse than Rodeo or any other sport that envolves animals. (what to you think they do with the stears when they get to big for the cowboys to handle?) They don't just turn them out to paster. Or better yet, What do you think they do with race horses when they are no longer useful. They send them to Mexico and Canda were they are sluaghtered (I can post a video if anybody wants to see it first hand) My duaghters horse was a fromer harnes racer and we rescued him before he made it to canada.

Like I said, I don't suport what Vick did but I'm just saying it's no different than any other sport that envolves animals.

08-18-2009, 06:50 AM
and for the dude who talked about donte stallworth. yes he was drinking and killed someone. but, if you read deep into that story, there is video of the whole ordeal. dude ran out in a open highway without even looking to see if cars were coming. never looked once. dante was seen in video flashing lights/ honking horn at dude as he started running in the street. judge, jury, and experts all stated that it was both there fault. and even if danter had not been drinking, this accident couldn't of been avoided. thats why he only got 30 days. plus, 8yrs probabtion(even mistermeaner charge sends him to jail for 15-20yrs) no liscence in state of FL ever, 1000yrs community service, and dude that was killed family took an undisclosed amount of $$$ to drop charges. est @ $5-$10 mill. and never aloud to have a drink of alcohol again. ever..

not saying this makes drinking and driving and killing a man ok. just stating for everyone that he just didn't get 30 days and walks awat scotch free.

and as for vick. he paid for his crime. your a product of your suroundings. he came from a getto were dog fighting was the norm. in certain places it still is. it doesn't make it right. just helps put in perspective for ya. besides, i no sport fan but you guys know philly gonna boo him at first. then the gonna love him abd except him as there 1st born the monemt he wins them the superbowl :devil:

08-18-2009, 06:53 AM
Originally posted by smr
I know a lot of people don't agree with me but I think he was punished enough. Remember he went to jail for running a gambeling ring not animal abuse. Now I think what he did was wrong but it's now worse than Rodeo or any other sport that envolves animals. (what to you think they do with the stears when they get to big for the cowboys to handle?) They don't just turn them out to paster. Or better yet, What do you think they do with race horses when they are no longer useful. They send them to Mexico and Canda were they are sluaghtered (I can post a video if anybody wants to see it first hand) My duaghters horse was a fromer harnes racer and we rescued him before he made it to canada.

Like I said, I don't suport what Vick did but I'm just saying it's no different than any other sport that envolves animals.

totally agree with you smr. no dif from rodeo or hunters killing animals for fun. we just as people have made dogs a part of our familys. but its no dif him killing his dogs then a man killing a deer, rabbit, bird, ect for sport/ fun. all you sportsman/hunters are probably gonna rant about that comment but if you really think of it, its just as bad as what vick did.. in my eyes.

08-18-2009, 08:07 AM
Vic did the crime and did his time.Let him get on with his life.

Dehner47,I eat what I shoot so it isn't the same comparison.However,I do know of people that just shoot deer for the hell of it and I don't agree with that.

08-18-2009, 08:29 AM
Originally posted by dehner47
totally agree with you smr. no dif from rodeo or hunters killing animals for fun. we just as people have made dogs a part of our familys. but its no dif him killing his dogs then a man killing a deer, rabbit, bird, ect for sport/ fun. all you sportsman/hunters are probably gonna rant about that comment but if you really think of it, its just as bad as what vick did.. in my eyes.

apples vs oranges - not a good comparison at all.

08-18-2009, 08:34 AM
Originally posted by dehner47
totally agree with you smr. no dif from rodeo or hunters killing animals for fun. we just as people have made dogs a part of our familys. but its no dif him killing his dogs then a man killing a deer, rabbit, bird, ect for sport/ fun. all you sportsman/hunters are probably gonna rant about that comment but if you really think of it, its just as bad as what vick did.. in my eyes.

Are you really that dumb? They were fighting dogs (dogs who in a matter of seconds rip and tear muscle and flesh) , then taking the loser and Hanging it or Electrocuting it! HOW IS THAT ANYTHING LIKE A RODEO OR HUNTING! You dont have any idea what your talking about, you just wanna be heard. sad

Vick did the crime and did his time.

08-18-2009, 08:42 AM
Originally posted by reptikes
Are you really that dumb? They were fighting dogs (dogs who in a matter of seconds rip and tear muscle and flesh) , then taking the loser and Hanging it or Electrocuting it! HOW IS THAT ANYTHING LIKE A RODEO OR HUNTING! You dont have any idea what your talking about, you just wanna be heard. sad

Vick did the crime and did his time.

So you are the almighty dog fighting guru?


Vick did his time, payed his dues, and now he's being allowed to resume a normal life. So he made a mistake, it was an effed up circumstance, but I can promise you he wont do it again.

Im not advocating dog fighting, im just saying that Michael Vick doesn't deserve to spend his life in prison for making a mistake. The media and all the publicity has already ruined his name in most American homes. He's been stripped of his dignity, dont take his life.:ermm:

08-18-2009, 09:11 AM
[QUOTE]Originally posted by dehner47
[B]and for the dude who talked about donte stallworth. yes he was drinking and killed someone. but, if you read deep into that story, there is video of the whole ordeal. dude ran out in a open highway without even looking to see if cars were coming. never looked once. dante was seen in video flashing lights/ honking horn at dude as he started running in the street. judge, jury, and experts all stated that it was both there fault. and even if danter had not been drinking, this accident couldn't of been avoided. thats why he only got 30 days. plus, 8yrs probabtion(even mistermeaner charge sends him to jail for 15-20yrs) no liscence in state of FL ever, 1000yrs community service, and dude that was killed family took an undisclosed amount of $$$ to drop charges. est @ $5-$10 mill. and never aloud to have a drink of alcohol again. ever..

not saying this makes drinking and driving and killing a man ok. just stating for everyone that he just didn't get 30 days and walks awat scotch free.

Well yes on some of those facts you are right, and I did read into what happened. And maybe all their findings did show that if hje wasnt drunk it still wouldof happened. But he was still drunk and breaking the law, he should be punished. If he wasnt drunk then he wouldn't of been in his car at that time so technically no it wouldn't of happened. And yes he did get some pretty stern penalties, ie the no license and probation etc. but the thing that really bothered me was the fact the family dropped the charges cuz he paid them off. That is what truly makes me so mad about the situation. Just another great example of someone getting off light because they had alot of money, pretty sad if you ask me. I guess now we know exactly how much the life of that family's husband, father or brother is really worth to them.

08-18-2009, 09:17 AM
Originally posted by 416exfreak
So you are the almighty dog fighting guru?


Vick did his time, payed his dues, and now he's being allowed to resume a normal life. So he made a mistake, it was an effed up circumstance, but I can promise you he wont do it again.

Im not advocating dog fighting, im just saying that Michael Vick doesn't deserve to spend his life in prison for making a mistake. The media and all the publicity has already ruined his name in most American homes. He's been stripped of his dignity, dont take his life.:ermm:

What are you talking about? Dog Fighting Guru ? That made all kinds of sense. Grown folks here, move over to the kids section.

08-18-2009, 09:22 AM
i hope he burns in hell for what he did. to torture something else thats alive and can feel pain.

08-18-2009, 09:36 AM
Originally posted by wvspeedfreak
Vic did the crime and did his time.Let him get on with his life.

Dehner47,I eat what I shoot so it isn't the same comparison.However,I do know of people that just shoot deer for the hell of it and I don't agree with that.

your right. i should of stated better. i dont mind hunting if youyr gonna eat what your killing. i take back some of what i said. i was more speaking about the people who kill animals for fun not for food. sorry to those who are responsible and eat what they kill.

08-18-2009, 09:41 AM
Originally posted by reptikes
Are you really that dumb? They were fighting dogs (dogs who in a matter of seconds rip and tear muscle and flesh) , then taking the loser and Hanging it or Electrocuting it! HOW IS THAT ANYTHING LIKE A RODEO OR HUNTING! You dont have any idea what your talking about, you just wanna be heard. sad

Vick did the crime and did his time.

how do i just like hearing my self speak. just cause you have dif opinion then me that makes me sad. no sir, the sad part is you degrading someone for having dif opinions then you.

08-18-2009, 09:43 AM
Originally posted by reptikes

Vick did the crime and did his time.

thats about the only thing this sad dumb guy will agree with you on. he did his time for the crime he commited. time for him to move on in life.

08-18-2009, 09:44 AM
Originally posted by JR3
i hope he burns in hell for what he did. to torture something else thats alive and can feel pain.

oh stop it. he just mad cause he went to philly and not the jets. haha

08-18-2009, 10:30 AM
those dogs would of have been put to sleep anyway, not saying it was right but any dog that you can put in a ring and it will tear the other apart has no place out on the streets, vick and others involved trained the dogs for this i guess which is there biggest crime, football players gotta be violent, to us this would be so horriffic but violence and what not is so dissensitized to some of these guys its nothing, you can take the guy out of the hood but you cant take the hood out of the guy

id like to see vick get back on top of his game make his money back, im an animal lover, but if america didnt love dogs so much dog fighting might be as socially acceptable as bull fighting is in spain

08-18-2009, 12:59 PM
The funny part about the whole deal is the FACT that he didn't get the 2 years in jail for dog fighting bs, he got that for Lying under oath about it when he first got introuble for it. I don't have mixed feelings. I don't hold anything against him. I love dogs, but I've killed cats and dogs both growing up. I mean not on purpose, but when a scary***** mad dog runs in a yard full of children trying to attack them what else do you do? And i just think cats are worthless and climb on my vehicles, boats and other stuff way too much..( sorry cat lovers) but thats the difference between people for and against Vicks actions. I mean its a different situation than a murder case. Animal abuse is serious but if those dogs are trained to fight and kill then they arent domesticated enough to be a house pet. If they let them loose then there would be other problems. Only thing I didnt agree way the is the way he killed them. Just put them down with a gun and get it over with, not electricuting, drowning, or hanging. Thats what looked bad.

08-18-2009, 01:08 PM
Originally posted by dehner47
totally agree with you smr. no dif from rodeo or hunters killing animals for fun. we just as people have made dogs a part of our familys. but its no dif him killing his dogs then a man killing a deer, rabbit, bird, ect for sport/ fun. all you sportsman/hunters are probably gonna rant about that comment but if you really think of it, its just as bad as what vick did.. in my eyes.

Knowing what I TRULY want to say to you would get me banned fo rlife, so I will keep my mouth shut. Rodeo is NOTHING like dog fighting!!! YOU, MY FRIEND, ARE A TOTAL WASTE OF WHAT RAN DOWN YOUR FATHERS LEG!!! The doctor should have slapped your mother for you being so ignorant!!!

08-18-2009, 01:10 PM
Originally posted by TRXman86
Knowing what I TRULY want to say to you would get me banned fo rlife, so I will keep my mouth shut. Rodeo is NOTHING like dog fighting!!! YOU, MY FRIEND, ARE A TOTAL WASTE OF WHAT RAN DOWN YOUR FATHERS LEG!!! The doctor should have slapped your mother for you being so ignorant!!!

rodeo is quite a bit like dog fighting....just because they aren't set loose on each other doesn't mean they aren't treated like chit...how about when you retire from your job i take you out back and shoot you? nobody says what he did is right but there comes a point where you guys need to man up and shut the h*** up because there are probably plenty of things you've done in your life that i don't like but i'm not sitting here ready to take everything you've ever worked for because of it.

08-18-2009, 01:13 PM
hey trxman86 its funny how i havent talk s**t, degraded, or attacked anyone directly or personally. and your gonna come on here and say things about me and my family like that. come on. talk about uncalled for. guess chalk one up for grandpa goon ;)

08-18-2009, 01:37 PM
1st of all im an eagles fan and i am very glad to see him there.
2nd yes he killed dogs and hosted dog fighting and thts awfull, but my god how much time do people want him to serve, there jus dogs not people, and he has began helping animal abuse organizations. People make mistakes and they deserve a second chance.
and as far as the rodeo arguin goes come on guys it is nuthin like dog fighting it is really no diffrent than horse racin dog racin and whatever animal sport there is for that matter. and as far as hunting goes that keeps overpopulation of animals from happening. U might want to do your research before u start tryin to compare stuff. If u think hunting is cruel then we could always stop hunting (NOT) and let the animals get overpopulated, starve to death, die of disease, increase motor vehicle accidents involving animals. Yea that sounds a whole lot better than going out shooting them and using there meat for food.

08-18-2009, 01:47 PM
Originally posted by eastcoastpro20
Yea that sounds a whole lot better than going out shooting them and using there meat for food.
read everything and make sure you understand what you read before you post or stfu because the point made was that its fine to go out and hunt if you use your kill for food but shooting for sport is no different than dogfighting, neither is any of the sports you mentioned. not because of what the animals actually do though but because of the conditions they are forced to deal with. as far as the animals dieing from disease and what not i hate to tell you but thats the way nature intended it to happen. if hunting them for food doesn't control their population then nature will find a way to cut the numbers down itself or the animals will destroy their food source due to their numbers and in effect cut down the population on their own..

08-18-2009, 01:54 PM
i do understand all that. totally. thats why i went back and stated that i take back what i said and corrected it. the post stated that people who hunt for fun. meaning the ones that kill animals and leave them in woods and not use for food ect ect ect. thats what i was compairing them too. and about the rodeo, i was just agreeing with a fellow member. didnt mean to sound like the rodeo is a horrible thing. ive tried to take back what i said and tried to explain more what i really ment.

dude, watch out about the comment of "there animals not people" cause i totally understand and agree with what you mean. but people on here will take it over board and come at you like your the dog killer. just watch what you say and explain a bit more when you say things. please, i'm on your side. not trying to argue with you at all. i'm agreeing with you and trying to not make anymore ememies on here then i already have today.

08-18-2009, 02:04 PM
and just for the record, i am a dog lover. i own pitbulls myself. totally against this "new age dog fighting" things were so dif back in the day before the gettos started to turn a sport into a blood bath and killing animals cause they didn't win or fight.

and on top of all that, i voulenteer(sp) at a pitbull rescue once or twice a month here in s. jersey. yes i've been to live dog fights. no i've never and would never put my dogs in one. those who know me know my dogs are like my children. so i could never put my "children" in a true dog fight. so remember, i see and come from both sides of the spectrum. i totally see were all you dog lovers anger about this comes from. cause i feel the sameway. but also, i see were members are saying there dogs not humans.

and for info reasons, if anyone wants a run down on the dif between old school dog fighting and new getto fighting please ask. not in an argueing way. i am educated on this subject, have read and own plenty of books on pitbull breeding, fighting, and behavior and would love to help or listen to some elses experiences or opinions. cause we all have a right to what we feel and think and i'm not one to degrade, down talk or talk s**t on someone for having an opinion.

08-18-2009, 02:08 PM
Ok, there are a couple people from within this thread that are on my "watch list".

Personal attacks will not be tolerated on this board.