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View Full Version : Back bothers me when i ride help please

08-16-2009, 08:07 AM
everytime i ride if i ride hard real rough trails or tracks my back starts to hurt i was gonna buy a kidney belt but i dont think its that its the middle part of my back a little high and i think its my position when im standing and riding i have a 08 ltr 450 stock steering stem bars its all stock for a few things nothing dealing with bar height or anything does this sound like a possible answer that i need a longer steering stem to keep me from being slouched over? or would it be that i need a kidney belt thanks for any help

08-16-2009, 10:17 AM
Definitely get those bars higher up. I'm not that tall at 5'7" but I like my bars high. I hate being hunched over the bars standing up, I find that it prematurely fatigues me...plus I hate being in a cramped up riding position on the quad.

A steering stem will be the most expensive route, I would get a +1 or +2 depending on the bars you use.

A simple handlebar upgrade will be the easiest and cheapest method. Something like a CR Double High bend or a Mini High bend will be what you are looking for in terms of height. "ATV bend" bars have similar height but have too much back sweep if you are riding aggressively.

You can also get a set of bar risers like Rox Risers. They have a selection of +1, +2, +3, etc. pivoting risers that can be used with stock or aftermarket bars.

08-16-2009, 10:30 PM
bump come on guys let me know if yall had the problem and what ya did to fix it yeah man i think thats what imma have to do imma see what everyone else says first and try to figure it all out

08-16-2009, 10:34 PM
I would say its due to hunching over. Buy a longer stem and upgrade your bars. Kidney belt can also help, also iys just good to have...

08-17-2009, 09:17 AM
sounds good i dont wanna dump a whole lot into a stem so how much am i looking at in price and whats somegood ones

08-17-2009, 09:44 AM
yes stems and higher bars will/may help. but the thing you wanna do while riding whether its large stem or stock set up that you have now is correct your body positioning and how you sit on the bike. you wanna ride in the attack position at all times. this consists of elbows up, centered on the bike back straight, nice firm grip on bike with your knees and hand on the grips. head forward ready to "attack" the track.. its all a mental game. take a whole practice and go slow but make sure you are staying in that attack position. soon you will be in that position naturally with out even thinking of it. this will one, help your back issues after riding and two, help with your riding abilities period. as you get use to riding in the attack position you will notice big dif in your stamina and speed also.

you also wanna make your using your arms and legs as seperate shock absorbers. this will take the stress your putting on your back and take out some of the shock thats running threw your body on every bump and landing.

plus, from the attack position, its much easier moving around the bike when needed. you'll have much better hand and leg grip from this position as well. try some of these things out before you go and buy all new parts that might or might not help with the back issues. hope this helps a bit. let us know on your progress and how your doing.

oh, and for the record, quads kill your back. my back is so jacked from years of racing quads, its hard to stand or walk for days after i have a good ride. hurts everyday of my life just getting up outta my work seat, couch, car ect. and after a long day of motoing, its horrible. but ya deal with it if you love the sport the way i and most of us on this forum do:D

08-17-2009, 10:00 AM
man u guys need to go to a GOOD chiropractor , i just started and man its great ive had lower back pain for the last 2 years and dealt with it finially i said enough and went to a chiropractor and found i have a curvature in my spin and prob with my neck , i found out a part of my lower back was degraded to 65% and every visit my back feels better and all they do is crack it which takes pressure of the nerves

08-17-2009, 10:03 AM
i def need to try a chiropractor. i been wanting to for a while now. and now that i finally have health ins. i should go try it out and see what happens.

08-17-2009, 11:02 AM
Originally posted by shane071489
everytime i ride if i ride hard real rough trails or tracks my back starts to hurt i was gonna buy a kidney belt but i dont think its that its the middle part of my back a little high and i think its my position when im standing and riding i have a 08 ltr 450 stock steering stem bars its all stock for a few things nothing dealing with bar height or anything does this sound like a possible answer that i need a longer steering stem to keep me from being slouched over? or would it be that i need a kidney belt thanks for any help ur gettin old!

08-17-2009, 11:11 AM
ohhhhh and the young buck comes from left field with a zinger :D :devil: :blah:

08-17-2009, 02:45 PM
ha just hit the big 20 i must be starting to feel it haha yeah well its not all track riding i ride trails a lot to im gonna have to try some different stuff im really thinking the stem cause when i stand up im slouched cause of the height of the bars i just think its the problem my buddies got some +2s im gonna have to see how they feel

08-17-2009, 02:55 PM
I broke my back in may of 08. The biggest thing that helps me with riding is stretching before I ride. I have a bunch of stretches that I do pre-ride. (if you're intested pm me). Other than that, stand up. Accelerating bumps down right kill my back if I sit down.

08-17-2009, 06:02 PM
you know what you said actually made sense when i get tired i sit down through some rough stuff and what i ride is really ALL rough you know i think its the terrain rather than me being slunched over some probally both come into play does a kidney belt help with the rough stuff no matter what?