View Full Version : Starting problem

08-15-2009, 02:30 PM
i recently bought a new 08 450 mxr outlaw that was left over last sunday we road for about 30min sunday and 30min monday. then i didnt have time to take it out untill this morning when i tried to start it i choked it and it didnt start then took the choke off and tried it back fired and then started then it just died. now the engine dosnt want to turn over, i took the spark plug out and saw if it was even sparking no it wasnt. i took the plug out of my honda and tested that wasnt either so i put it back in my honda and i i got a spark off both my outlaw and honda spark plugs. we were just going to take it back to the dealership we got it from tomorow and see what the problem is. if you have any idea what the problem is it would be much appretiated and save me the time of putting it on the trailer, thanks.

on monday the oil bulb was what it should be a little lower then the middle of the bulb. then i took a look today aug 16th and the bulb was filled to the top and when i drained it back to what it should be at it also smelled a lot more like plain gasoline but i dont see how that would cause it not to spark :confused: .

08-23-2009, 11:12 AM
Originally posted by 450mxr
i recently bought a new 08 450 mxr outlaw that was left over last sunday we road for about 30min sunday and 30min monday. then i didnt have time to take it out untill this morning when i tried to start it i choked it and it didnt start then took the choke off and tried it back fired and then started then it just died. now the engine dosnt want to turn over, i took the spark plug out and saw if it was even sparking no it wasnt. i took the plug out of my honda and tested that wasnt either so i put it back in my honda and i i got a spark off both my outlaw and honda spark plugs. we were just going to take it back to the dealership we got it from tomorow and see what the problem is. if you have any idea what the problem is it would be much appretiated and save me the time of putting it on the trailer, thanks.

on monday the oil bulb was what it should be a little lower then the middle of the bulb. then i took a look today aug 16th and the bulb was filled to the top and when i drained it back to what it should be at it also smelled a lot more like plain gasoline but i dont see how that would cause it not to spark :confused: .

check all the wires around the battery, we had a few vibrate off the race bikes this season.

08-23-2009, 11:49 AM
Yes, what was just said, Check your positive battery screw, they came loose on some of us.

Also dont worry about the oil, just be sure its not over the mid point when hot.

If it still dont run, take it back, this should not be your problem, YET

08-24-2009, 06:12 PM
we checked nothing was loose or any thing, then we tryed charging the battery i just thought they might not have ever charged it and its been sitting for nearly 2 years on the show room. but it still didnt spark so we took it in and i guess the throttle cable was a little loose so he tightend the cable and it started up fine. i didnt know it would kill the engine if the cables to tight or to loose at least i know if it happens agin, i broke it in now so i can actually ride it now :macho.

thank you for your guys input. :)

09-03-2009, 12:57 PM
I had the same problem on my Outlaw 500 and my SPortsman 700. The throttle has a safety feature in there so if the throttle sticks when the thumb lever isn't depressed, it kills the engine. Sometimes during regular wear and tear, you have to adjust it just for that reason. No fun when your NEW machine will not start.