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View Full Version : oil in airbox drain

08-13-2009, 10:41 PM
My bike is brand spanking new. hasn't even had it's first oil change. i was poking my nose around just to see what's what, when i noticed this little cup under the airbox. ok, drain i bet. cup is to keep water from getting in. please correct me if these are false assumptions. the part that has me wondering whats going on, is that there is some sort of red fluid in that cup. is this some sort of oil for the air filter that somebody went overboard with? or do i have a problem? i intend to take off the cover and investigate further and take pictures tomorrow, but thought maybe you guys can give me a heads up what to look for. as a side note, i have been reading a lot on these forums building up to buying the bike, and my A.A.D.S. gets to start presenting itself tomorrow when my first accessories begin to arrive!

08-14-2009, 04:43 PM
anybody? the owners manual mentions cleaning it during inspections, but i think that was just if some water happened to get in. I cant think why this red fluid would be there. I didn't get time to tear it apart today, is this some sort of stock oil for the filter like you put on a K&N?

08-14-2009, 06:42 PM
Thats exactly what you assumed. Its just excess oil that dripped off the filter. Perfectly normal.

08-14-2009, 08:08 PM
also it is important to clean and oil your filter regularly, you dont want any dust and dirt getting in the intake. And yes the plug on the bottom is a drain/resivoir, to keep water out as well.