View Full Version : Lacey Township Nj

01-09-2003, 03:40 PM
Bucks county here....any people looking for a good place to ride....Lacey township is really nice place....For those of you who were lucky enough to enjoy millville before that was ruined by the cops this is pretty close to that. Same thing...a mine with a 4 miles fire trail and pits all over the place.... If anyone is intresed or wants to go one weekend let me know...And has anyone been to millville lately? I know they started crackin down on us riding there so i havent been there in over a year....Any info would be appreciated thanks...

01-10-2003, 01:05 PM
yes me and 5 or 6 of my buddies would love to go .we ride at sarco but looking for new spot.get back to me were to meet.tks

01-10-2003, 03:32 PM
sounds good. We are not going this weekend because we are all going to maryland..But the following weekend should be good...I am not familair with sarco and where that is but im sure we can come up with a place to meet. And are you taking trucks? Because your most likely gonna need 4 wheel drive. Nothing serious just some soft sand..I will find out all the info and let you know

01-10-2003, 06:06 PM
how far is lacey twp from like say atlantic county near vineland? u guys know? i would love to go riding someplace good

01-11-2003, 08:31 PM
You don't need 4wheel drive - just momentum :devil

01-11-2003, 08:39 PM
i live in vineland. right next to millville. i go ridin all the time around here. no1 bothers us. althought they ahve to catch me first. :devil but i dont have problems

01-13-2003, 06:34 PM
Lacey Township is about id say...maybe an hour to an hour and a half from Millville/Vineland area...The next time we are all going i will let everyone on here know so we can call get together and go...Its very similar to millville..

Although there will never be another "millville" Just because that place had its on personality.. Everyone was there to ride and have a good time. I have ridden alot of places and never ridden anywhere that comes close to millville. The best part was the roach coach (lunch truck). It would be great if everyone would start going back there again. I remember on a saturday or sunday there would be like 500 people there. Sucks that cops are such a pain in the *****.

And the good thing about lacey township is my buddy owns property so even if the DCNR does come back we can all just stand there and wave at them from his property. He owns maybe 20 acers of the pines. Its not where we really ride the trails arent good on his property but its where we all park and hang out. And on the rare occasion the DCNR comes there thats where you run to when they chase you. Email me or let me know if anyone wants to seriously get together and go. SIXSPDCELICAGTS@aol.com

01-19-2003, 11:16 AM
I would say be careful down there as i got busted last April by the D.E.P.A. They got us on the main powerline road, they had black pickups, we pulled off a side trail onto the main trail and they were right in front of us and they blocked the trail off and there was another truck behind us so we were blocked off. All the good riding down there is on the state land and not on Georges property. I am not sure how often they have been back there busting people since, but watch you back down there.

01-19-2003, 03:08 PM
danyeo what was the fine? Did you get impounded?

01-19-2003, 04:44 PM
we got tickets there last memorial day.. They gave us tickets that day also. They were 93 bucks.. And they didnt impound our quads.. They did take our alchohol though. I go there almost every weekend and i have only seen the DCNR there like 2 times. And there really easy to run from..They just drive around in black jeep cheerokees.

01-20-2003, 08:09 AM
im ready 2 go just lemme know

01-21-2003, 06:37 PM
when u gonna plan a trip back there?:confused:
cant wait and they cant have my alcohol

01-21-2003, 10:58 PM
We usually try to go at least every other weekend...But its been so cold the last 2 weekends....Hopefully we will go this weekend...the 26th is it? I will put a messege up here if we are going

01-21-2003, 11:10 PM
we got tickets there last memorial day.. They gave us tickets that day also. They were 93 bucks.. I hear they wrote out well over a hundred that weekend. And it should have been 71.00 if it was the DEPE.

Allways be on the look out in that area, and they love to just cruise the old railroad and along the edges of Georges property.

Keep an eye out for a blue ford pu with a real ugly cap also, this one is the worst but I have heard a rumor that the state pulled this guy from that area again due to complaints.

What I do and tell anyone who is going to be riding around there is to allways have several ways to get out of anyplace you stop and avoid any vehicles, cause you dont know what these guys are going to be driving next. They do use the cherokee sports mostly though.

01-22-2003, 04:02 PM
Yeah...We ALWAYS have a way out of where ever we are...We know a kid though name britan..He has property where we park our trucks and dont have to worry about that...

But not only are the cops driving around in unmarked vehicles. Now the have 4 x 4 quads. They are not allowed to chase you becaue of the risk factor.. But what they do is sit on the side of Mountian Road (the main road with the telephone poles) and pretend to be broken down...and when you stop to help they get ya..

So my advice is if you are down there and see a 4 x 4 or any quad dont stop for them chances are they are a cop.

But for anyone that is intrested. I plan on going down there again not this weekend but next....So the first sunday of FEB anyone that wants to meet let me know

01-22-2003, 05:03 PM
SOUNDS LIKE THE BULL $HIT THE COPS PULL HERE ON LONG ISLAND. one time the d.e.c jumped out in front of me while i was at full throttle riding down the power lines.i did not have time to react .i almost accidently ran him down.of course i dident stick around. my point is not only did he put his life in danger he also put my life in danger ,and for what to catch a guy riding his regisiterd and insured atv.and thats a joke.even if you have a regi and insured they still impound your atv.so why stop.rumor has it that the cops are taking classes to learn how to chase us on there quads.just wait untill someone gets hurt or killed because these cops start chasing people in the woods for the pety offence or riding .WOW WHAT A LAWSUIT!!!welcome to long island n.y atv owners nightmare state::mad: :mad: :mad:

01-23-2003, 01:38 AM
yeah same thing happend to me at exit 52 heartland,,,real close to getting bagged,the only place left is 56
and the jfk spot and where i ride in brooklyn,

01-24-2003, 12:08 AM
Our fines were around 70-80 bucks, they did not impound our quads but they said if we ran and they found where we parked they would impound. It's a great place but it sucks to have to worry about so much crap while your riding.

01-24-2003, 07:41 AM
i ride in a place called collins lakes. it is down 322 twards atlantic city. or i also ride in winslow,quad beach. i like collings lakes better,there are more things there to do. cops do suck. we have never had a problem yet,knock on wood.

01-24-2003, 09:18 AM

Sounds like you have found some nice land down there? Do you know if whoever owns the land might consider having a D-2 Harescramble race? We raced down there a couple of years ago & it was alot of fun. Always nice to have a race in our homestate!


01-24-2003, 03:51 PM
i was at collings lakes 3 weeks ago and cops were impounding quads

01-24-2003, 07:59 PM
can they still impound atvs if there regisitered and insured in n.j

01-25-2003, 12:29 AM
i dont kn0ow but i wasnt waitin 2 see. im registered and insured but the fine 4 ridin was $550 whether u were registered and insured or not. its not worth goin there now unless u live there or at least 4 a while

01-25-2003, 12:59 AM
Sounds like you have found some nice land down there? Do you know if whoever owns the land might consider having a D-2 Harescramble race? We raced down there a couple of years ago & it was alot of fun. Always nice to have a race in our homestate!

Your prob thinking of Manahawkin, there was one there this past fall. The place they were talking about is just a few miles north of there.

I dont remember seeing your gang there for that one.

This other area that is between Lacey and Waretown would also be good but with so many diff owners and the state forest also I would be suprised if anyone could pull it off.

BTW I had replied to you in a previous thread and had thought you were Nick so sorry if it didnt make much sense.

01-25-2003, 02:07 PM
Yeah, I remember Manahawkin... right by my parents LBI shorehouse. They had a great GNCC there, but was too dusty & alot of riders didn't like the whoops, so I guess that's why they never came back! Here's to wishing we get another GNCC close to home!

I think the fall race conflicted with a D-6 race so that's probably why we didn't show up... Mike was competing for 1st place points & couldn't miss the race.


01-25-2003, 06:51 PM
Pretty sure there wasnt any conflict but you never know. I do remember seeing Chris Borich there.

Oh well allways next year, ooops this year :)

01-26-2003, 08:39 AM
ru still gonna plan a ride in lacey township or what?

01-26-2003, 01:00 PM
Yeah...I told you i would plan a ride. Probobly next weekend as long as its still not freezing. If it is warmer then plan on it probobly being next sunday

01-26-2003, 03:56 PM
cool thanxx :D

01-29-2003, 02:06 PM
Originally posted by propartsracing
Yeah, I remember Manahawkin... right by my parents LBI shorehouse. They had a great GNCC there, but was too dusty & alot of riders didn't like the whoops, so I guess that's why they never came back! Here's to wishing we get another GNCC close to home!

I think the fall race conflicted with a D-6 race so that's probably why we didn't show up... Mike was competing for 1st place points & couldn't miss the race.


hey trish do you and mike go out to the bars in LBI?

Every summer I go down to my shore house in manahawkin on the weekends.
where is your house on lbi?

I probably know you, or someone I know knows u.

01-29-2003, 02:15 PM
Originally posted by propartsracing
Yeah, I remember Manahawkin... right by my parents LBI shorehouse. They had a great GNCC there, but was too dusty & alot of riders didn't like the whoops, so I guess that's why they never came back! Here's to wishing we get another GNCC close to home!

I think the fall race conflicted with a D-6 race so that's probably why we didn't show up... Mike was competing for 1st place points & couldn't miss the race.


hey, i just saw u guys are from hillsborough, im from north jersey but have family down buy u,lol small world.:D
i was at the manahawkin race in the fall, track is really nice.im sure ill be there this year too.

trish do u have any pics of your truck and trailer?

01-30-2003, 12:04 PM
Beerock- Where is your shore house on LBI? My grandparents have a house in loveladies. Well i wish, they got a house in beach haven. When i am down their this summer you should take me out in your boat.


01-30-2003, 07:51 PM
Hey i noticed u mentioned riding in lacey twp. Is this georges property. right down the street from the boy scout camp. I go riding there almost every weekend. I am going there this weekend. There is about 6 of us goin this weekend. You should see how crazy it gest on the holidays like, 4 of july, memorial, labor day. There r thousands of people and im not kidding. There arent any cops out there on georges property or on the state land, like the rail road tracks, or the powerline trail to the pit. If anyone wants to know how to get there e-mail me or just reply.

01-30-2003, 11:49 PM
There r thousands of people and im not kidding. There arent any cops out there on georges property or on the state land, like the rail road tracks, or the powerline trail to the pit. If anyone wants to know how to get there e-mail me or just reply.

Your not kidding that place gets pretty damn crazy on the holidays, and thats why I never did bother after the first taste of too many people in one area.

Now if the cops and rangers dont go to the places you say ( they really dont go on the private property) where were they handing out all those tickets last memorial day? I think your mistaken there man. If I remember right they were patrolling the rail road and were waiting at the one exit to the main rd handing out tickets.

Rumor has it they were actually "smoking" people out like you would when hunting turkey.

B carefull there

01-31-2003, 09:10 AM
SO i guess the DEPA only goes down there once in a blue moon and i just got unlucky? This was last April that we got busted and the place was empty so i figured lots of peope got busted there and never went back, like me. And didn't George block off his property so all the idiots couldn't get back there?

HEy who hangs out in the LBI bars? I am in a band and we play down there lots, mostly at the Quarterdeck and the Seashell, we have a dumb memorable name so if anyone remembers come and check us out.

01-31-2003, 09:13 AM
they really werent patrolling the railroad. cause most of it, until u get to the pit is georges prperty. If anyone got busted it was becauase they went to the black hole. So they went off georges property. Someone i know did get run off by rangers. He got away though he ended up on lacey rd without any gas lol. As long as ur on georges property they cant impound ur bike. I have seen someone get a ticket for no helmet:confused:. i dont know how they did that on private property. I know george got a ticket for riding without a helmet but he ripped it up lol. But it is a really fun place to ride, there r soo many trails and straightaways.

01-31-2003, 09:15 AM
no george didnt block off his property. He did close the gate at his house cause the cops were watching him let people in. U have to go further down his road to get in.

01-31-2003, 09:26 AM
You mean the red gate, i used to go in that way then he did put a big pile of dirt beyond that.

01-31-2003, 04:39 PM
Alright i planned on getting a bunch of people to go their this sunday but... I have my side cases apart for polishing. Which is done but my gaskets had to be ordered and they are not in yet so looks like im not going anywhere.

01-31-2003, 05:32 PM
For anyone who knows of or rides at this place, don't be giving directions to just anybody. Remember it is private property,your lucky that you can ride there. It takes just one person to ruin it for everybody, once George blocks off the entrances your out of a place to ride. If you ride here remember to pick up your trash and ride safely. And it would'nt hurt to put some $$ in his donation box either.

01-31-2003, 11:21 PM
If you ride here remember to pick up your trash and ride safely. And it would'nt hurt to put some $$ in his donation box either.

Good idea and dont be afraid to pick up someone elses trash too as this is a big problem and really pisses this guy off.

BTW he has closed and locked the entrance, you just couldnt see it cause there was a large pile of all the crap the ***** for brains left there. I just cant understand why you would thank a guy for being cool to you by trashing his property.

02-01-2003, 01:37 AM
Originally posted by danyeo
SO i guess the DEPA only goes down there once in a blue moon and i just got unlucky? This was last April that we got busted and the place was empty so i figured lots of peope got busted there and never went back, like me. And didn't George block off his property so all the idiots couldn't get back there?

HEy who hangs out in the LBI bars? I am in a band and we play down there lots, mostly at the Quarterdeck and the Seashell, we have a dumb memorable name so if anyone remembers come and check us out.

ive heard of u guys.

I work with someone who knows bobby deibold (or whatever it is)

I hang out at the ketch and the marlin in beach haven. (only places i go)

I go to the shell on occasion for the daytime drinkin:D

02-01-2003, 02:53 AM
Originally posted by 440EX4me
Good idea and dont be afraid to pick up someone elses trash too as this is a big problem and really pisses this guy off.

BTW he has closed and locked the entrance, you just couldnt see it cause there was a large pile of all the crap the ***** for brains left there. I just cant understand why you would thank a guy for being cool to you by trashing his property. This George seems WAY TO COOL,if he has a donation box....really use it and let him know who it was from,We used to have an old guy around here that sounds alot like Goerge,stuck his neck out w/ about 30 acres of land and pretty much told the cops to chill on the riders,all he asked was not to leave garbage and please pick up trash,he even let ppl bring in heavy equipment and set up a wicked track.....needless to say the losers dumped their trash,burnt dead cars and left em,left huge messes month after month,after a yr he finally closed his gates,the thro-backs ruined a really cool thing and really embarrassed the rest,let this guy know your appreciation,it could change

02-01-2003, 01:03 PM
Yeah i know wat u mean by the *******s that leave crap. one time at georges we found a car that was left and gotten trashed soo we towed it over to state land. And george is a eally cool guy. If u ever have a chance to talk to him u should. The cops r always on him about the riders and them goin on stateland. He basicaly says he doesnt invite people so he has no responsibility for wat u do. So it would be really nice if we all could help him out and give him a hand cleanin up and lend him a few bucks for maintance and etc...

02-02-2003, 10:19 AM
HEY Rebel300, last MArch i was down there and i got my 400ex stuck in some really bad glue mud. George on his Polaris 500, a Raptor, and a Warrior all pulled me out then we went over and moved a car onto State land, it actually ran. Whatever dooshbag that left it on Georges property is the kind of idiot that will cuase up problems, anyway is that the car you are talking about. I rode with a guy named Pierre and his son Jon, Pierre is an eye doctor. I usually had my own parking spot down there which was not on Georges property because i always rode on state land anyway but i just don't want to get busted by the DEPA thats why i have not been back there again, but it has been cool in some time i may consider going back there.

02-02-2003, 12:10 PM
No its not the same car. This one didnt run and we did this in like december. U should come back to georges we havent been botherd in a real long time. Probaly because its winter. That glue mud u goty stuck in we call it peanut butter mud, casue it looks and feels like it its soo sticky. My friend on his KX got stuck in there and we had to get like 4 big guys to help. My dad got stuck in this black quicksand type stuff no the side of a trail, and he has a rancher and we had to get a pickup truck to get it out. LOL :D

02-02-2003, 06:46 PM
Well the local police were out in force there today. Not in the forest itself but just waiting on the road most use to exit the area since the normal way has the gate locked. So any of you thinking on going there be carefull which way you leave.

I dont know what if any tickets they were handing out and the road is a township road so no concerns for tresspass etc. but I wouldnt be suprised if they were up to no good as far as people with quads and bikes etc.

Anyone there who knows more lets hear it.

02-02-2003, 07:29 PM
440EX4me you were there on Febuary 2? I was there on the second. Maybe you saw me i was riding a grey and blue Banshee with alot of stickers, my dad had a yellow and purple Banshee and my brother has a red and black Blaster. We came in with a white F-350. I have'nt been riding there in a month.

02-02-2003, 11:03 PM
I am pretty sure I saw you guys when you were getting ready to leave.

Were there any problems on the way out?

02-02-2003, 11:22 PM
anybody there see the red 250r with the desert tank out in the back pits off of georges property?

02-03-2003, 02:39 AM
Hey onebadbanshee91,

Hows my old shee runnin? Judging by your screename it must be doin fine. What did it need to get runnin right again?

02-03-2003, 01:06 PM
The shee runs great. Its an animal, its very powerful. I put the coolant bottle on it, adjusted and rejetted the carbs, swaped the airbox, put the thumb throttle on, and wired up the lights. Thats all I did so it ran. I bought cascade bloodshot eye light covers, ac racing nerfbars, 21" holeshot fronts on douglas .190 rims, 22" realtor rear on douglas .190 rims, black shockwears. Did you find anymore parts for the shee? Who is RCR?

Hows your r? Have you been out riding since I bought the shee? Have you done any work to the r?

02-04-2003, 02:07 AM
RcR is Ritter cycle racing, www.rittercycle.com. He ported the barrels and did head mods. I havent been riding since last spring.

We are going to have to hook up and race my quads. Maybe I will make it out there one day this spring. Even though ive been busted there 3 times. Once by the DEP. Once by the owners of the hunt club(one of the pits in the area). And I got stopped in my pickup on the road by a local cop for driving with a quad in my truck!

02-04-2003, 08:50 AM
Even though ive been busted there 3 times. Once by the DEP. Once by the owners of the hunt club(one of the pits in the area). And I got stopped in my pickup on the road by a local cop for driving with a quad in my truck!

Now thats a interesting couple of tickets.

What happened with the guys at the hunt club? I know that a few of them "ride" and are pretty cool about?

WTF did you get a ticket for when you were driving your truck with the quad in the back? This one should be good!

02-04-2003, 10:07 AM
Hey CHris whats up? What happened to the old Chrisco screen name? I would be nervous going back there again seems like Sarco has been ok. I have been checking out some quads.

02-04-2003, 12:40 PM
i had the nicest spot there to park... george kept everyone out but my group hasnt gone there in a while... it has a fire pit, cemented in grill, a little hill to park all the quads out of the qay... it was really nice and the riding was awsome... and if u are a mud rider i suggest u dont just drive into some of those pits i have some pix of the pit with my friends trucks... quads can only go through if it hasnt rained in a week or so because they are so deep....
i loved that place but george blocked the wide trail in that we took so we didnt scratch my dads dually but im sure come summer time the rest of my group will be down there again....
a couple of my riding buddies kno george really good and say he was closin trails bc he was mad about all the a$sholes dumping

that pic was at the pit on a slow sunday

02-04-2003, 12:42 PM
race ready small block chevy pushing 450 hp stuck!

02-04-2003, 12:44 PM
ill post a few more of the pit
this one is in the lake

02-04-2003, 12:45 PM

02-04-2003, 12:48 PM

02-04-2003, 04:05 PM
YEp we know that area real well, i usually spent most of the time in the real big pit which was more like a small desert which was where that hunting club was located and the active pits at the end of the power line road. The last time i was in the active pit it was real nice with some medium sized sand hills that were nice for jumping off the top. Hey Chris, we should ride again this Spring even if it means going out to Tower City, If spend 6-7000 on a new quad i am going to ride it even if it means driving 3 hours and showing up at my bands shows covered in dirt. I would like see what honda has but I'm sick of waiting for them. I think i might have to get a Cannibal, even if they claim bankrupcy I'm sure parts will still be available.

02-04-2003, 07:02 PM
Yep I agree to stay clear of those mud pits. They were almost full last weekend and didnt even see anyone try.

One thing I get really nuts over when in that area is the amount of people that dont think their dumb arse brain is worth a helmet :grr Oh well

And yes he is really po'ed about the trash and junk. A couple friends had taken out like 30 55gal garbage bags full and even dragged out a bunch of old washing machine and car parts.

Why people need to screww up a good thing :grr

Well maybe he will at least be happy some of us try to do things right.

02-04-2003, 08:14 PM

What ocatne gas and what oil did you run in the shee? At what ratio did you mix the gas and oil?

02-04-2003, 08:19 PM
Originally posted by 440EX4me
One thing I get really nuts over when in that area is the amount of people that dont think their dumb arse brain is worth a helmet :grr Oh well
half my group rides with out helmets... most of them actually but they all ride utility quads and dont go fast unless going into the mud... so i dont see anything wrong with that...
george doesnt wear a helmet either unless it is cols out

02-05-2003, 12:48 AM
Yea I know george forgoes the helmet also but with so many people not wearing them its like looking for a problem.

Well I am tired of trying to talk sense into people without any so never mind. :)

02-05-2003, 02:23 AM
I always ran Maxima 927 oil at about 40:1(a 16oz bottle to 5 gals premium pump gas). But now i run amsoil 2000 in my 250R @50:1 It burns much cleaner than the 927. Only problem is you cant buy amsoil at a dealer.
I only got a ticket from the DEP. The local cop pulled me over and said he knew where I was headed and they were closing it down. But he told me if he catches me there again he will summons me.

Yo Dan I'm dying to get started riding again this year. 10 months off was way too long, even though I was pretty burned out from riding.

02-05-2003, 08:02 AM
The local cop pulled me over and said he knew where I was headed and they were closing it down. But he told me if he catches me there again he will summons me.

Was this when you were on your quad or in your truck?

02-05-2003, 10:34 AM
YEah, sometimes those endless trails of whoops got old. The last time we were down at Lacey it was nice though except for the DEPA busting us. I have not heard back from Pierre but sometimes he vanishes for a month to some part of the world. This time i want to get a quad thats really fast without getting a dumb loud pipe and I'm seeing lots of Cannondales for sale. SO I'll let you know what I'm up to.

02-05-2003, 12:09 PM
U should watch out if ur not gunna wear a helmet in lacey. Me and onebadbanshee91 were down there and we saw/heard everybody without a helmet gettin a ticket from the rangers. I think we should all wear helmets just so the cops dont break r balls. Yeah those mudpits do get pretty deep at georges. U cant go through them long ways but ive seen some big utilitys cross them sideways. My dad did it a couple of times on his rancher. The 7 lakes at georges r pretty deep too. We saw a huge suburban go right up over its hood in water and the hood was probaly about 6 feet tall. So watchout where u ride. And we should all help george out with the garbage. Last time we were there We saw like 4 grills that were on the side of a trail, and we towed an old POS nissan truck out of there. we put it on stateland. lol.

02-09-2003, 03:09 PM
I was down at georges today with onebadbanshee91. was anyone else down there today. Everything was covered with snow and the 7 lakes were frozen. it was pretty cool. even the mud pits were frozen, we went over to the black hole (on state land) and it was soo cool you could go as fast as u wanted cause the snow took out most of the whoops. It was a pretty cool day cause u didbnt have to worry about getting wet or anything. It was good until the end of the day when my friends blaster fouled a plug and he couldnt ride cause he didnt have a another one. But i towed him around on my dads rancher with a sled LOL.

02-09-2003, 06:18 PM
next time u go lemme know id like to meet up w ya

02-15-2003, 10:20 AM
i haven't been there is a while the last thig i heard was that they were even busting you on gorges land but it never happened to anyone i know how about you gorge is a nice guy just remember to come out with everything you came in with i camp there a couple times a year i love the holidays but watch out for cops then cause that is there quota day http://hometown.aol.com/brokenboy500000/

02-15-2003, 02:54 PM
Yeah. Holidays are tyhe best at Georges. The cops arent there lately, maybe becasue its winter. Ive never been busted ther Ive been worn not to start any campfires and thats it. And if u do see a cop just dont go on ststeland cause thats all they can get u for. Even if u dont wear a helmet as long as u r on georges than ur fine cause its private. U just have to be careful out there and respect that place becaus the moer people F it up the more the cops r gonna pressure george and then george wont let anyone ride there. He alerady started kickin some people out so just respect what he is giving us.

02-15-2003, 11:31 PM
The problem is that Georges property gets boring real fast and most of the good riding is on state land, thats where the pits are.

02-16-2003, 06:39 AM
Actually there is one pit on georges land its the one with 2 big mud holes in it, right by the seven lakes. You are right though it does get boring after a while.

02-16-2003, 07:10 AM
i go there just for the pits on state land that is the best part and that when you camp you can night ride i like that the best gorge is a nice guy but he let so many people come they turned his land into one bug woop after another and a few bad apples are going to ruin it for the rest of us when ever you are there clean up and dont foget to put something in his box http://groups.aol.com/_cqr/atvinnj?mmch_=0

02-16-2003, 10:31 AM
Originally posted by Rebel300
Actually there is one pit on georges land its the one with 2 big mud holes in it, right by the seven lakes. You are right though it does get boring after a while.
i have some new pix of that spot im scannin them now ill post them later

02-16-2003, 10:37 AM
monster malibu

02-16-2003, 10:45 AM
crew cab small block monster
pushing 400 hp lots of motor work...

02-16-2003, 10:48 AM
an old tired 460 street monster pushing through

02-16-2003, 10:52 AM
that crew cab gmc shooting out the side...
by the way all of these are people i ride with and i have a few pix of some guy beating his toyota i dont know but i will post them anyway
these were takin on halloween weekend

02-16-2003, 10:57 AM
Are those pics from this past summer/spring?

02-16-2003, 11:13 AM
gmc going strait through

02-16-2003, 11:22 AM
thats all for now im to lazy to scan the toy

02-16-2003, 09:31 PM

03-12-2003, 01:14 PM
anyone goin this weekend its supposed to be nice. i wanna meet up w anyone if u guys wanna go

03-12-2003, 02:29 PM
i will be going this sunday with about five guys i will see you there if you go on sunday ATV IN NJ (http://groups.aol.com/_cqr/atvinnj?mmch_=0)

03-12-2003, 05:30 PM
could u pm me w directions or ur # if u want illl pm u w mine

03-12-2003, 05:38 PM
check your pm bigsho400
ATV IN NJ (http://groups.aol.com/atvinnj?mmch_=0)

03-16-2003, 01:56 PM
the toy that will be showing all of them up down there soon... my ranger:devil will be ready in about 2 weeks

03-16-2003, 01:57 PM
last one for now i have a seperate post that i will be posting progress pix in

03-16-2003, 02:27 PM
Nice ranger but do yourself a favor and stay out of that mud hole :D

I heard there was a pick up stuck in there for 3 hours today and the 10 wheel military truck couldnt pull it out.

03-17-2003, 11:22 AM
i saw the truck stuck and the duce and a half tried to pull it out forwards and backwards with no luck the holes are way deeper than last year you will have to have like 8inch lift with 38 and a lot of speed and you might get lucky lol

03-17-2003, 12:14 PM
That guy with the duece and a half lives near me. If it's the guy I'm thinking of he also has (or had) a Raptor.

03-17-2003, 12:56 PM
That mudhole is a monster. The got reall rutted out and alot deeper since the summer was so dry alot more people were able to go through and really make it hell for this year. I was there thurday and that water was still really really high

03-17-2003, 01:06 PM

03-17-2003, 01:35 PM
Yeah i would say there were a good 5 foot deep or more. I would stay out of there till summer time even if i had a big truck

03-17-2003, 01:38 PM

03-17-2003, 02:02 PM
Yeah...That real deep hole and alot of alchohol is going to make for a really good time on the holiday weekends with all those drunk guys and thier big trucks

03-17-2003, 02:32 PM
Hey BrokenBoy. Have you ever ridden in the really really big pit where they are working. Not frechies...Its not the one right off of the Telephonepoll road. Its off a little trail on the side. The pit is huge. Its probobly the best pit at that place. Do you konw if they break you balls in that pit? We have ridden in there before with no problems but never for long periods of time. We should meet down there sometime. I think we are going down sunday.

03-18-2003, 01:25 AM
hey 02Yellow400 i was just there this past sunday i went to both pits the one on the right and the one at the end that you have to take the side trail to get in i have to agree with you that the one you go too is the best one i found out there i have stayed out in the pit for about three hours i had a problem out there one time and that was cause we rode by the offices when people where there and stayed there in there face till they came out there were so many people out there on the holiday they started shooting salt pellets at us but we went to close to where the people are if you stay in the back of the pit i never had a problem next time i go maybe you can join us
ATV IN NJ (http://groups.aol.com/atvinnj?mmch_=0)

03-18-2003, 01:33 AM

03-18-2003, 01:35 AM

03-18-2003, 01:36 AM

03-18-2003, 01:38 AM

03-18-2003, 01:39 AM

03-18-2003, 01:46 AM

03-18-2003, 05:15 AM
Are those pictures all of the same pit? Is this all Georges property or is it off of his property?

03-18-2003, 11:30 AM
Yeah that looks like the pit. And no QUADFAMILY thats not on georges property. Its at the oppiste end

03-18-2003, 12:18 PM
There are three big pits that i know off, 2 are right across from eachother at the very far end of the powerline road, at the opposite side of the place from Georges. The other one you have to cross a small bridge on the powerline road and make a right and head down for a few miles and it opens right up to a desert, off on the left there is the remains of what looked like an old mx track with some of the biggest whoop i have ever seen, they are in the back against the tree line, i can't get over them with any speed. If you go to the end of the pit through some woods you will eventually either hit Lacey road or the Parkway.

03-18-2003, 12:28 PM
ru guys goin staturday or sunday if so gimme a call brokenboy5000:devil

03-18-2003, 01:01 PM
everybody want to go back on sat and camp out and leave sunday around 3oo pm i don't know what im doing yet waiting for my sprockets to come in they say thursday if they come im there ATV IN NJ (http://groups.aol.com/atvinnj?mmch_=0) IVE BEEN TO ALL THREE PITS the one at the end on the left is the best just look at all the pic's and you decide

03-20-2003, 10:22 AM
YHeh daneyo the place you are talking about we call materials. Its real wide open and flat for the most part. The whoops on that track are huge. Me and 2 buddys of mine will be there on sunday. Look for us. Ill be with 2 red 400 ands i will be on my yellow 400

03-20-2003, 02:54 PM
me and a few people from the group are going down to camp sat till sunday look for us we camp on the main trail going to the state road we are close to the red sand piles that are both sides of the trail look us up ATV IN NJ (http://groups.aol.com/_cqr/atvinnj?mmch_=0)

03-21-2003, 11:22 AM
I will have to show you how to get to britans property when we meet up. A kid i met owns alot of that land back there and he said we are welcome to camp whenever we want just as long as we dont leave trash. And the cops cant bother us either...I will look for ya.

03-24-2003, 02:55 PM
i made it down there this weekend with a group of guys camped had fun and rode all over hope to see some of you next time

03-24-2003, 04:01 PM
George is closing down his property. He no longer wants people riding on his property. The cops have been giving him a hard time. I went to go riding there sunday and at the entrance I take to get to his property there was a cop sitting there with a guy in a truck pulled over, so i drove past. I eventully got in and spoke to George. He is blocking off all the entrances off with logs and dirt to keep everyone out. The cops are even giving people a hard time. A person I spoke with was given 4 tickets. He was give a ticket for not wearing a seatbelt, a ticket for too long of chains on his trailer, another ticket for a bent license plate on the trailer, and something else. As I was leaving there were cops driving back and forth. They are just after you for whatever they can. So unless you want to be fined and ticketed for stupid B.S. I would stay away from this area. George also doesn't want you riding here because the cops see you riding and give him a hard time about it.

Well it was fun while it lasted!

03-24-2003, 05:14 PM
Well that is the same story from last year and George did block his property off. The guy that sold you the Banshee, Chris, was pulled over by a cop and hassled just because the cop saw the quad in the truck. It seems the cops were also down at Sarco. NJ SUCKS!!!!!!!!!!

03-24-2003, 05:19 PM
Onebad its not over yet.

I would suggest that anyone who receives any of these harrassing summons contact a lawyer or at least try to work out a deal with the towns prosecutor etc.

If there is no justice then maybe we need to consider that everyone just plead not guilty and call up the local papers and the nj news channel to report on the absolute mayhem that would exist at the small courthouse they have there.

I do really "feel bad" for George as he has lost the ability to use his land in a way that he likes cause the state and local govt want to have it all mowed down and developed etc.

Dont like this crap then make sure you have everyone you know go to the following site and sign up.Click here (http://www.jorva.org)

03-25-2003, 05:04 AM
Hey 400exme, that site says they are trying to get 2 riding areas open by 2005. I think thats great news. They would have a lot less to worry about if they did open some legal areas. They should use the land in Manchester, i mean how much more damage can some quads do than those mining crews who cleared that whole area out and flooded it with that lake. Anyway, the rest of the area is like a desert. How much damage do we do when we are riding in wide open sand?
It's funny how they say the ORV's cause soo much damage to the environment. Guess it's ok to buy up every last square inch of the state and make strip malls and movie theaters and do we really need a Lowes every where there is a Home depot. AGH too many Yuppie scumbags running this state!

03-25-2003, 05:12 AM
I was thinking of joining Chatsworth this year but now that the price doubled I'm probably not going to. I have two boys I would have to pay for too so it gets pretty expensive just to be a member there. The new ORV parks will probably be the same way don't you think?

03-25-2003, 06:19 AM
FORGET Chattsworth. Join up at Tower City, it's a bit further out in PA but it's worth the ride. The parking area alone at Tower is bigger than the whole park down in Chattsworth.

03-25-2003, 08:07 AM
Originally posted by danyeo
Well that is the same story from last year and George did block his property off. The guy that sold you the Banshee, Chris, was pulled over by a cop and hassled just because the cop saw the quad in the truck. It seems the cops were also down at Sarco. NJ SUCKS!!!!!!!!!!

Are you saying this has happened before? After a short period of time will George open up all the entrances, so people can ride there after the cops kinda forget about people riding at Georges?

03-25-2003, 01:15 PM

03-25-2003, 01:50 PM
Well your right there are way too many arseholes out there.

Now about where to park, I know a lot of good spots and cant remember the last time I was parked on georges property but you had better find a good one cause the rangers are getting good at this.

03-25-2003, 04:11 PM
I was down there all day sunday and we didnt see one cop or get bothered by anyone. We use the entrance of lacey road. We were it both of the good pits and were not bothered by anyone all day it was great. We all need to meet up sometime down there. I wil be down there the next 2 weekends and then its off to W.V. To ride for 4 days.

03-26-2003, 11:17 AM
i will hookup with you and ride you should join us at the other spots we ride at check out the pics in my group to see some of the ridding we do ATV IN NJ (http://groups.aol.com/atvinnj?mmch_=0)

03-26-2003, 02:49 PM
on sunday we went there and the usual entrance had a state tropper sitting in it with a pichup pulled over. We went down to George and he let us in but he said he was closing down for good this time. That really blows for us people that take care of the place. :mad: Once we got into his property we were fine and I was surprised to see no cops in the trails by the railroad or anything. We might try the entrance off Lacey rd, but isnt that stateland. And if it is that means they can impound u which sucks. Well im almost out of places to ride. This sucks.:mad: :grr

03-26-2003, 04:22 PM
We might try the entrance off Lacey rd, but isnt that stateland. And if it is that means they can impound u which sucks The laws today pretty much let any cop impound our stuff, remember they look at us like we were ciminals or dollar bills floating around just waiting to be pick up.

There are about 30 different ways into that area, and most go thru either private or state land.

03-27-2003, 01:33 PM

03-27-2003, 07:37 PM
Broken your mostly right but it seems they are ticketing people who just have a quad or bike in their truck or trailer and hope they just pay the fine.

I was joking with a guy today about just sending invoices to the township to see if they would just pay them :D

looks like they are not pulling any stops in harrassing and discriminating against us etc.

Anyone here a lawyer? :)

03-28-2003, 07:46 AM
Most of the time instead of ticketing you for riding, which they cant as long as ur bike is on your truck/trailer, all they do is just bust your balls, and they will keep u there for a while.

We went down to georges on sunday and the state police were sitting in the trail to go to georges and they were driving up and down the roads, they pulled this on guy over and gave him a ticket for a bent license plate and some other little crap. but they let him continue in to georges. Cops that are like that really suck. because dirtbikers/quad riders dont want to mess anything up, if anything we want to take care of the land we ride on. Cause if we dont it becomes a bad enviroment to ride and then we get kicked out.

03-28-2003, 12:41 PM
they are doing anything they can to get money for the town and to stop us from ridding that really sucks because they are not out getting bad guys they are out busting are balls instead they need a smack in the head i wish we could all goto one spot and complain about it but it wont help they would rather put us in jail to stop us from having a good time they should be glad that we are ridding instead of causing trouble of other kinds

03-28-2003, 05:39 PM
I will be there all day tommorow. Saturday...that is. Anyone want to go look for a blue raptor, a red 400, and i will be on a yellow 400 with shaved fenders and polished cases look for and flag me down.

03-29-2003, 01:42 PM
Yeah there is so much other bad stuff we could bhe doing out there. but instead we pay them (taxes) to come and chase us instead of trying to stop a bank from being robbed. And I bet Chatsworth (NJORVP) is loving it, because alot of people getting kicked off of state land are going to legal places such as NJORVP. no ofense to NJORVP or anything, but it cant be hurting there business.

03-29-2003, 04:46 PM
And I bet Chatsworth (NJORVP) is loving it, because alot of people getting kicked off of state land are going to legal places such as NJORVP. no ofense to NJORVP or anything, but it cant be hurting there business.

Your so right there, but many or most who ride illegal are not going to stop (and why should they since we have as much a right to our state land as any other citizen)

I know one of the major reasons I became a member at NJORVP was that I had become tired that almost everytime I stopped to make a suspension or carb adjustment when I looked up there was the same ole ranger again :grr and from the few times I wasnt able to avoid a formal introduction we just didnt seem to see things from the same perspective etc.

So I have deff got my monies worth there but once everything is dialed in ready to go etc I may be splitting that time up differently.