View Full Version : 400ex with loose steering stem... help.

08-09-2009, 12:50 AM
Alright, i have a 99 400ex.. And i have about half an inch of play up and down in the steering stem.. There isn't any play forword or backward..., left or right.. Onlly up and down. I tried crankin down the nut on the bottom of the stem a lil, but didn't help. Is there anything else to check? Or is it time for a new stem or new bearings in bottom of this stem.... thanks, steve

08-09-2009, 08:57 AM
You may want to pull the two dust seals to see if your bearing is wasted. Also check to make sure that little spacer is in there correct also. That would be about 1/2" difference if that isnt in proper or even there.

08-09-2009, 09:05 PM
I had the same kind of thing happening with mine.. I fought with the bottom nut and everything just like you. On mine, my bearing was completely trashed, but its a fairly easy/ cheap fix, so no big deal...