View Full Version : first time

08-04-2009, 11:34 AM
I got pulled over the other night for speeding on my way home from work for doing 45 in a 30. The officer asked for insurance and I didnt have the right ins card then he saw my air freshner and said the it was a obstruction of view?? When he came back from his car he told me he was 16 at one time to and gave me a warning for a 39 in a 30. I got lucky and got a non d bag officer.

08-04-2009, 11:40 AM
Haha, you will never forget the feeling when your stomach sinks after seeing a cop have you dead on with the radar. I've been pulled over 4 times since I was 16(25 now) and I received 1 ticket. That was 66 in a 50, but he wrote the ticket for 65 so I wouldn't get the higher fine. 2nd was going 65 or so in another 50. Cop gave me a warning for the ticket and a $35 fine for failure to find registration. Had another run in a few weeks after that for #3. I was coming from a 25 to 35 to 50mph zone all within a half mile, and was already at 45 coming out of the 25 zone. Couldn't find the registration, got the same deal, warning and fine. The 4th time was for not having a front plate, MD requires 2, and I lost one a few years back on a weekend vehicle. I got a warning.

Sorry for going on and on... I just treat the officer with respect, more than likely he had a reason to pull me over. Never seems to end up bad.