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View Full Version : Bird Sanctuary

07-31-2009, 06:10 AM
Someone asked yesterday how I get alot of my wildlife shots.....and there is no secret to it. You have to go to where they are and hunt them with the camera.

Here at home, we have been working hard on building areas around our property that attracts song birds and other birds so that I can photograph them. I have even been to two Audubon Society locations to see if I was doing things right....and I actually had more birds then they did :p

It's been almost 8 months of learning and working to get the birds here and in areas that favor the light and shooting structure. Even with my big lenses, I still need to be in close, most of the time within 6 feet to get an image that doesnt require heavy cropping.

The learning and study has now lead us to start construction on an area that will be about 50' x 100' that will be the main area for the birds. Props are used to act as feeders so the shots look natural and landscaping will be on going and by next spring I hope to have a small pond with a waterfall and stream section so that I can give the birds a place to water and bathe.

I will update the thread with some pictures of the area and how we are doing it. Maybe some of you who want to do this stuff will get some ideas and start getting your own shots!


07-31-2009, 06:47 AM
The birds must love you :)

That's one thing that I love about photography, you learn so much more than just how to operate a camera.

07-31-2009, 11:18 AM
Well they go through spells where they accept me sitting out there then spells where they fly away when they see me:p

The biggest thing for me is trying to capture realistic shots. I hate seeing the cookie cutter bird feeder shots


And when you put the effort out, the rewards can be very self rewarding. I caught that grasshopper (it was missing a leg) and no sooner then I sat down from placing it in the log the Titmouse swooped in and snatched him


07-31-2009, 06:59 PM
Ok, it POURED rain here for most of the ay...so much so that I didnt even turn the shop on:p It was just plain nasty humid and I figured the shop would possibly flood so instead we worked on building our blind/hide ....I personally call it my "Shooting Shanty":p


It now can be painted and we can move forward with landscaping and adding more to the area to hold and attract birds


This entire area will be utilized, I figure 1/2 acre or so. There will eventually be multiple shooting blinds as different areas will be best during different times of the day and year (light changes) and certain species will want to hold in different areas


View from inside


07-31-2009, 07:01 PM
The sun came out this evening and I managed to get a few hours in the new blind.....





07-31-2009, 07:03 PM



08-01-2009, 10:20 AM
Cool setup pappy thanks for sharing.

08-02-2009, 08:14 AM
After a badazz T-storm woke me up at dawn.....I went out to see what was up while I had my coffee:p There wsn't alot flying due to the weather, but 2 of the shots I liked




08-04-2009, 05:11 PM
Built the ponds and stream section this evening...man what alot of work!


08-05-2009, 04:53 AM
Very nice work Pappy. My house already has lots of things around like youve been setting up and I see birds and deer and rabbits and other wildlife around all the time. Youve got me wanting to actually buy a camera that will take better pictures than my cell phone which is what I use now. Just this morning I saw a couple chickadees standing on the small stump on the island in my pond.

08-05-2009, 05:48 PM
Go for it, its alot of fun!

Not much action today. I kept an eye on the new watering system and did not see any birds use it. A few started using the feeders I placed near it so hopefully they warm up to it




08-07-2009, 09:35 AM
well youre officially a bad influence. Ive got a rebel XSi coming now. I was watcing for one to sneak in on on ebay and it paid off. Got a wicked deal on a kit with a back pack and a couple tripods and a few other goodies for less than camera only was usually going for.

08-07-2009, 10:58 AM
Welcome to yet another hobby:p

08-07-2009, 11:00 AM
As if the quads, snowboard, boat, wakeboard, school, work, hiking, kids softball, etc didnt take up enough of my time. But this can be combined with other things :) its multitasking

08-07-2009, 11:12 AM
Haha there ya go!

08-08-2009, 09:51 PM
Well, I havent had as much free time to sit in my blind, but I did manage to catch a few this evening. I knew th birds were already using the water but they are still warming up to it


The feeders are working that are placed around the ponds and stream and I am getting some good stuff off them



08-09-2009, 06:42 AM
The Bluejays are still cautious...and the Cardinals as well. As soon as fall arrives, and winter sets in, their natural food sourceswll dry up and I will hopefully be over run:p
