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View Full Version : i need your help guys...this isnt a joke so please dont make fun of me.

07-21-2009, 10:54 AM
alright. well im almost 18 and me and my girlfriend broke up about 2 months ago after were together for a year. we had a pretty rough break up because when we first broke up, there were alot of girls that wanted to start talking to me and that really made her mad and everything just got blown out of proportion. well anyways one day i just tould i couldnt do this anymore and i said bye for good. we didnt talk to eachother for 2 months. she texts me all the time and trys to talk but i ignored her. i met a really pretty girl recently and things are going good. anyways my ex, megan, calls me lastnight in tears and she begs for me back. i still love this girl guys. you dont understand how happy we were when we were together. we never fought at all. we broke up over nothing. it was one of those little problems that gets blown up into something big. just everything with her was so perfect, i loved her, she loved me, her family was very nice to me, her friends liked me. my family liked her, my friends liked her, i brought her with me everywhere. we always had fun. it was one of those relationships where you knew it was real. everytime i looked at her i got butterflies in my stomach. everytime i looked her in the eyes i couldnt believe she was mine. we had the perfect relationship guys. we were loving and faithful to eachother, we never fought at all. she loves me soo damn much and even after i ignored her shes still there, i just had to get away from the drama. but anyways the reason im posting this is because i found another girl about a month ago, kelsey. me and her click, shes fun to be around, but idk if shes the one for me. guys i know im only like 18 and a senior but idc about running around with a bunch of whores. i know some of you will just tell me go have fun, screw girls, there worthless in highschool, i already had all my fun. i wanna settle down again. but anyways me and my ex megan talked on the phone for 5 hours lastnight. heres what i need your help on. i love megan still, i really care about her, she was a great girlfriend. but idk if i can go back to her. im scared it will be a mistake idk what to do. this thing with kelsey is a whole new experience and i want to see where it takes me. but i feel that kelsey is too immature for a relationship. idk what to do guys. i need your help. have you ever been in a situation like this? me and megan love eachother but im confused right now...

07-21-2009, 11:02 AM
"kelsey is too immature for a relationship."

If she is to immature for a relationship then don't go for it. If your serious about settling down, then you need to find someone with THAT similar interest as well, not just fun to be around and all that. maybe it would be good to get back with the other girl. BUT and a big BUT!!!!!! Why did you guy split if you cared about each other so much? Seems to me that one of you didn't fight hard enough to hang on. I can assume it was you since you allready found another girl that has spun your web? Could be wrong though, younger (then me) chicks have an erie glow when they get ready to drop you like a lawn dart. IF she is the one that dumped you for another guy... She will do it again. Woman are like vipers, they bite HARD!!!! Harder then a bad roll over from 60 foot up....


07-21-2009, 11:05 AM
Heres some advice:

1. you are 18, you have not found the girl of your dreams no matter how much you think you have.

2. you are 18, go have as much fun with as many different girls as you can, you only live once and you are only 18 once.

3. don't ask for relationship advice online, and you are 18.

07-21-2009, 11:10 AM
Originally posted by derekhonda
Heres some advice:

1. you are 18, you have not found the girl of your dreams no matter how much you think you have.

2. you are 18, go have as much fun with as many different girls as you can, you only live once and you are only 18 once.

3. don't ask for relationship advice online, and you are 18.

1. Not true (I'll agree the odd's are against it, but still).

2. I agree to a point. Do what makes you the happiest. If you can't decide on one or the other, chances are neither are "the one".

3. Very True.

07-21-2009, 11:15 AM
Originally posted by derekhonda
Heres some advice:

1. you are 18, you have not found the girl of your dreams no matter how much you think you have.

2. you are 18, go have as much fun with as many different girls as you can, you only live once and you are only 18 once.

3. don't ask for relationship advice online, and you are 18.

1. You never really know the true identity of the female species until they turn 21. If they stay true to you, good. But don't be surprised when they make "drunken" mistakes.:ermm:

2. Being with many girls is a good thing, just keep the fat ones behind closed doors.

3. This one is nothing but the truth.

07-21-2009, 11:25 AM
i know some of you will just tell me go have fun, screw girls, there worthless in highschool, i already had all my fun

ok, your not even 18 and you wanna settle down... How did you have all your fun yet? You must not be having much fun. In the next 5 years of your life, your gonna learn alot about yourself, and make alot of changes. Wait it out before you consider settling down with anyone..

IMO, relationships can be a pain in the a** . The more girls I've gotten serious with, the more I wanna stay single.

07-21-2009, 11:47 AM
Dude don't listen to these guys....they don't know what they are talking about. I got married just after turning 19 and have been with the same women for over 20 years. Sometimes you do find your soul mate at a young age.

Now here is the problem....You said that yall broke up over a sily little thing that blew up.....well there is your key, if your relactionship was that shallow then you should most likely move on.

07-21-2009, 11:56 AM
i meant i already had fun as in i already hooked up with 3 other girls after her. and it was my fault i let her go. shes still here tho. im just lost guys. i dont need yall making fun of me.

07-21-2009, 12:00 PM
Originally posted by ATVMX905
i meant i already had fun as in i already hooked up with 3 other girls after her. and it was my fault i let her go. shes still here tho. im just lost guys. i dont need yall making fun of me.

I'm gonna need pics of all four before offering any advice.

07-21-2009, 12:03 PM
Originally posted by Scro
1. You never really know the true identity of the female species until they turn 21. If they stay true to you, good. But don't be surprised when they make "drunken" mistakes.:ermm:

2. Being with many girls is a good thing, just keep the fat ones behind closed doors.

3. This one is nothing but the truth.

ah, grasshopper almost correct...a female not know herself until she 28, you not know her sooner. :D

07-21-2009, 12:44 PM
ill post pics..hold on

07-21-2009, 12:46 PM
Originally posted by usp4u
I'm gonna need pics of all four before offering any advice.

:chinese: :chinese: :chinese: :chinese: :chinese: :chinese:

07-21-2009, 12:51 PM

<a href="http://s290.photobucket.com/albums/ll266/mcclain905/?action=view&current=l_dff3e5b02f224c9d892faf17c5e3fbee.jpg" target="_blank"><img src="http://i290.photobucket.com/albums/ll266/mcclain905/l_dff3e5b02f224c9d892faf17c5e3fbee.jpg" border="0" alt="Photobucket"></a>


<a href="http://s290.photobucket.com/albums/ll266/mcclain905/?action=view&current=l_04bd0c32a0e64a10a68d30cbcc51a811.jpg" target="_blank"><img src="http://i290.photobucket.com/albums/ll266/mcclain905/l_04bd0c32a0e64a10a68d30cbcc51a811.jpg" border="0" alt="Photobucket"></a>

heres my myspace link if any of yall wanna add me.


07-21-2009, 12:53 PM
defenetly Kelsey :chinese: :chinese: :chinese: :chinese:

07-21-2009, 12:53 PM
Originally posted by usp4u
I'm gonna need pics of all four before offering any advice.


07-21-2009, 01:16 PM
If you are having doubts enough to break up than maybe you should give the new chick a chance. Besides the new one is pretty hot. But you gotta know.

07-21-2009, 01:21 PM
pics dont show up

07-21-2009, 01:23 PM
pics are broken

but i say if the new girl in inmature, it will only cause problems unless she grows up fast, your call rather you think she will or not

and you think your going to make a mistake getting back with the girl you were with for 2 YEARS?
kinda hard to mess that up unless somthing has changed bigtime

your call dude
pick witch one you think will turn out better

i wish you luck,the female mind is a complex one:)

07-21-2009, 01:37 PM
You've already decided but you are ignoring yourself...

Flip a coin. Heads = Kelsey, tails = Megan. By the time the coin hits the floor, you will be wishing it lands one way versus the other. Go with that and forgot about what the coin shows. Problem solved!

07-21-2009, 01:41 PM
Originally posted by quad2xtreme
You've already decided but you are ignoring yourself...

Flip a coin. Heads = Kelsey, tails = Megan. By the time the coin hits the floor, you will be wishing it lands one way versus the other. Go with that and forgot about what the coin shows. Problem solved!

By the way, you want the old girlfriend. You are just feeling guilty and being a wuss about telling the new girl.

07-21-2009, 01:43 PM
Originally posted by quad2xtreme
By the way, you want the old girlfriend. You are just feeling guilty and being a wuss about telling the new girl.

as straight up as that was, i think ur right bro. plus meg washed my dirtbike for me all the time haha....

07-21-2009, 02:02 PM
dude kelseys hotter

07-21-2009, 02:41 PM
haha that was a bad pic of meg. everyone usaully sais megs hotter. but idk man. its not all about looks. im just confused hah..

07-21-2009, 03:01 PM
pics were completely different. You couldn't tell.

07-21-2009, 04:12 PM
Okay brother, here is some advice. You are 18 years old. You have a lot to learn and experience in life. There is no need to settle down at this point in your life. You've got many years to think about that. I would just be friends with a lot of girls and date as many as possible. You don't have to go out and be a man whore, just have fun and experience life out in the real world. I would say move away from home, go to college or start a career path and then figure out what you should do after that. I've been married for 9 years and have an amazing wife, but still to this day believe there is no reason to rush things in life, especially serious relationships. Hope this helps.

07-21-2009, 07:11 PM
thank you for the advice man. it really helps.

07-21-2009, 07:24 PM
Why did you even post up pictures? First of all , if you base a relationship off of looks and "who's hotter" then it ain't going to work.

Second .... if you were in a relationship that ended over something small .. then there's a problem .. either one of you two are immature .. maybe both.

Third .... don't listen to the guys that say the right girl will not be found at age 18. I've got many friends that met in highschool and are now happily married.

Fourth ... the Internet is not the best place to look for advice. Friends and family can help you out better ... they know the two of you more .

And Fifth and final one ..... Who cares what everyone else thinks .... at 18 you're old enough to make decisions for yourself . Only YOU know what YOU want and need from a relationship .

07-21-2009, 08:21 PM
Originally posted by Quad18star
Why did you even post up pictures? First of all , if you base a relationship off of looks and "who's hotter" then it ain't going to work.

Second .... if you were in a relationship that ended over something small .. then there's a problem .. either one of you two are immature .. maybe both.

Third .... don't listen to the guys that say the right girl will not be found at age 18. I've got many friends that met in highschool and are now happily married.

Fourth ... the Internet is not the best place to look for advice. Friends and family can help you out better ... they know the two of you more .

And Fifth and final one ..... Who cares what everyone else thinks .... at 18 you're old enough to make decisions for yourself . Only YOU know what YOU want and need from a relationship .
I gotta agree with him on this one. I met my girlfriend in high school and we have been together for 3 years now and were both 19. A few of my friends that were in my class still have there same girlfriends as well. Of course me and her have had our ups and downs but were very happy together. You need to talk to someone that your close to though, dont post it on a forum. IMO, neither meg or kelsey is the right one for you because your seeking advice on a forum as to whether you should date one of them or not. That'll make you feel real good 5 years down the road if you are with one of them knowing you came on this site to have a bunch of us help you make the decision. Do whatever YOU feel is best. Good luck.

07-21-2009, 08:37 PM
...well i cnat see what these girls look like cause the photos dont how up, but just judging by you myspace, seems to me that you re freinds with alot of attractive grls..and yes i do agree that you should nto base you relationship off of looks, but as one of those other girls out on a date....thik past getting your bean waxed man...get to know some differen girls on a personal level so you know whats out there......

i also agree that you can find true love at a young age, but the fact tht you broke up over somethign little spells hidden problems dude.....i think you shuld just be patient...dotn rsh into ****...trust me, as much as you thik youve had fun, you have your best years of your life ahead of you...

..remember, you are gonna grow adn change so much and so fast in the next few years, that you will look back and be like "wow"....just give your self, and her time to grow...figure out who you are, and who she is...and if things are truly ment to be...then it will work out...life always finds its way through things

and to who ever said listn to your family and friends....in the words of al pacino, "**** you"....family and friends can give you som of the worse advice ever.....

07-22-2009, 12:37 AM
You're 18, even if you do settle down with one and think you've found your dream girl, in a couple years you're going to be asking yourself why you didn't try some other girls out...

Try and get them both at the same time...;)

07-22-2009, 03:34 AM
ill make this decision easy for you...just go out with both of em:devil:

07-22-2009, 07:49 AM
Originally posted by 400exrider707
Try and get them both at the same time...;)

LOL that has to be the best answer yet. I see what ya did there.

07-22-2009, 09:37 AM
Originally posted by JLanphear
LOL that has to be the best answer yet. I see what ya did there.

There's 7 days in a week for a reason...he's got 5 more open spots :blah:

07-22-2009, 09:40 AM
guys im just gonna not rush into anything. its my last summer and i wanna have fun. im just gonna stay friends with alot of girls and have fun with my friends. im just scared i would be making a mistake by passing all of this up. i guess i just worry too much...

07-22-2009, 10:41 AM
Originally posted by ATVMX905
im just gonna stay friends with alot of girls

If you are tied down by one girl, this wont happen. If you think Megan is the one, then hangout for a while and see how it goes. Nice and slow. Make sure that your status is "single" until you know for sure. Nothing wrong with thinking she is the one, but I would make sure to keep it on a fun relationship level for a while yet. No need to get serious. If she loves you, she will understand why you aren't jumping the gun.

07-22-2009, 11:13 AM
Originally posted by ATVMX905
alright. well im almost 18 and me and my girlfriend broke up about 2 months ago after were together for a year. we had a pretty rough break up because when we first broke up, there were alot of girls that wanted to start talking to me and that really made her mad and everything just got blown out of proportion. well anyways one day i just tould i couldnt do this anymore and i said bye for good. we didnt talk to eachother for 2 months. she texts me all the time and trys to talk but i ignored her. i met a really pretty girl recently and things are going good. anyways my ex, megan, calls me lastnight in tears and she begs for me back. i still love this girl guys. you dont understand how happy we were when we were together. we never fought at all. we broke up over nothing. it was one of those little problems that gets blown up into something big. just everything with her was so perfect, i loved her, she loved me, her family was very nice to me, her friends liked me. my family liked her, my friends liked her, i brought her with me everywhere. we always had fun. it was one of those relationships where you knew it was real. everytime i looked at her i got butterflies in my stomach. everytime i looked her in the eyes i couldnt believe she was mine. we had the perfect relationship guys. we were loving and faithful to eachother, we never fought at all. she loves me soo damn much and even after i ignored her shes still there, i just had to get away from the drama. but anyways the reason im posting this is because i found another girl about a month ago, kelsey. me and her click, shes fun to be around, but idk if shes the one for me. guys i know im only like 18 and a senior but idc about running around with a bunch of whores. i know some of you will just tell me go have fun, screw girls, there worthless in highschool, i already had all my fun. i wanna settle down again. but anyways me and my ex megan talked on the phone for 5 hours lastnight. heres what i need your help on. i love megan still, i really care about her, she was a great girlfriend. but idk if i can go back to her. im scared it will be a mistake idk what to do. this thing with kelsey is a whole new experience and i want to see where it takes me. but i feel that kelsey is too immature for a relationship. idk what to do guys. i need your help. have you ever been in a situation like this? me and megan love eachother but im confused right now...

Haha you remind me of myself a few years ago bro. I had this bytch of a girl and everytime we got in a fight I made a thread about it on here, mostly got tormented but everyone told me to get rid of her... so eventually I did.

Now, that girl that I was dating a few years ago dropped out of school her senior year, has 2 kids and lives in a trailor that her parents bought her. Shes unemployed, on food stamps and is married to a guy that she hates and they do nothing but fight and threaten to divorce each other ... My excuse for putting up with this was "hey, shes hot". And I thought for dang sure I was in love. But when it was me and her I was determined to make it work cause I thought she was the one.

Sometimes you just gotta take a step back and look. Give it some time. I dunno what it is about young people being so determined to make a relationship work to where their trying it over and over with the same result. Usually, it just gets worse everytime. Trust me

07-22-2009, 12:39 PM
fastredrider44 sumed it up in his last post i think.Just be friends all over and dont rush and see what hapens.

Oh and yes its true you can DEF. find the right girl before 18.Im almst 18 and been with my gf for almost 2years now and we plan to get married in about another 2 and im 100% convinced we can make it.

07-22-2009, 12:44 PM
f*uck it and chuck it

07-22-2009, 01:18 PM
Originally posted by nemo25
f*uck it and chuck it
the 1 time use fleshlight doesnt count there budy^:p

07-22-2009, 03:37 PM
They'll both get mad when you go hangout with other girls who are friends... God I miss being single. :ermm:

Honda TRX250ex
07-22-2009, 04:06 PM
If you play your cards right, you can have both.;) :o

No cheating or lying involed.

07-22-2009, 04:08 PM
Originally posted by Nova
They'll both get mad when you go hangout with other girls who are friends... God I miss being single. :ermm:

Being in a relationship is YOUR choice . If you want to be single be single .. no one is holding you in it.

If a girlfriend gets mad if you hang out with other girls , there's a trust issue . One of my best friends is a girl and we hang out all the time. In fact today we hung out and went out for lunch together ... my fiancee doesn't have any issues with it because we have trust in eachother .... plus my friend is also a girl that I dated back in highschool and my fiancee knows that. If you have no trust in a relationship, well then you've got major problems from the start.

07-23-2009, 01:20 PM
Originally posted by quad2xtreme
You've already decided but you are ignoring yourself...

Flip a coin. Heads = Kelsey, tails = Megan. By the time the coin hits the floor, you will be wishing it lands one way versus the other. Go with that and forgot about what the coin shows. Problem solved!

Thats deep right there.........

07-23-2009, 04:51 PM
See there is a couple ways to look at it.

1. You just needed the couple months that you guys were broken up to realize how amazing your girlfriend really was. And now your just realizing how awesome your relationship really was.


2. If you really loved this girl you wouldn't be in this situation. You wouldn't even have to think twice about "should i get back together with her or should i move on." You would know that you wanted to be with this girl. You wouldn't be having these doubts.

My advice would be if you truly still have feelings for megan take things slow. Figure out how you really feel about her. And where you guys stand. Hanging out and being with her will let you know how you feel about her. To me it sounds like you guys really do have an awesome relationship. So don't let this little bump ruin things between you guys. Some times breaks like these make relationships stronger. I was in the same situation as you are about a year ago. My girlfriend and I have a very similar relationship like you and megan did. We broke up for 2 weeks after being together for over a year. We realized we needed to be together and ever since then we have been together. I can honestly say it made our relationship stronger. We have been together for almost 2 years now. So even if things don't work out you won't ever have that thought in the back of your head. "What if tried to work things out again what would of happened."

As far as this kelsey girl, it seems like in your mind shes just there to help you get over megan.

I don't really know if this makes any sense but i hope it helped lol.

07-24-2009, 08:43 AM
Originally posted by Quad18star
my fiancee doesn't have any issues with it because we have trust in eachother ....

You b r a i n w a s h e d her! You must teach me this at once!:devil: I've never met a girl that didn't have trust issues in some form or fashion.

07-24-2009, 08:54 AM
Originally posted by fastredrider44
You b r a i n w a s h e d her! You must teach me this at once!:devil: I've never met a girl that didn't have trust issues in some form or fashion.

Nope , never brainwashed her .. we just have trust in eachother.

I don't get mad or jealous when she goes out with friends to the bar or for dinner .. even with her guy friends.

Too many relationships have no trust , yet the 2 involved expect it to work. You can't expect something to work , if when your girl goes out, you're constantly thinking " Is she cheating, is she doing something with a guy , why isn't she home yet she's 5 minutes late , blah blah"

07-24-2009, 10:34 AM
I'm not gonna lie, sometimes I do tend to wonder what she might do when I'm not around, but I don't let it bother me, cause at this point in my life, I'm bout fed up with some of the antics of females. I finally realized that until I meet the "right" one, I'm just looking for a good time.