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View Full Version : Clutch?????

01-07-2003, 07:36 PM
This is going to sound like a stupid question, but well I'm a pretty stupid person so here goes:

Do you pull in the clutch for every shift you make
or just starting and other stuff like that?

I'm asking this because my friend has a blaster and doesn't pull in the clutch for every shift. Is this right or wrong?

01-07-2003, 08:26 PM
Well for power shifting you dont have to pull in the clutch while shifting UP in gears. Like say you where drag racing, you dont really need to jack the clutch to shift.. cause its almost impossible to do it really fast and keep the power consistant (for me anyways).

But for down shifting I always do.

01-07-2003, 08:34 PM
you are suposed to use it,,,, i use it and it doesnt slow me down any

01-07-2003, 08:37 PM
i would reccomend using it....i use it for stopping and shifting....i had a friend that could never get his dirt bike to idle, and then another friend of his went and rode it, stopped next to him, and pulled in the clutch and it idled(The kid's eyes nearly flew outta his head) "YOU GOT IT TO IDLE!!!" and he never uses the clutch to shift...he never knew what it did i guess...its easier on the engine/gears when you use the clutch....

01-07-2003, 08:44 PM
use the clutch, they put it there for a reason

01-07-2003, 08:45 PM
I've never noticed a slow down from using the clutch, and it saves a ton of wear on stuff. Its there for a reason, use it!

01-08-2003, 07:44 PM
Yeah that's what I thought but my friend screwed me up.

His dad is a mechanic and he says you don't have to use your clutch.

But when I get a new quad i'll definatly use my clutch.


01-08-2003, 09:42 PM
do u need to pull in the clutch when u let of the gas but your not braking, like your just coasting? or would it go dead if you ever let go of the clutch while not on the gas

01-09-2003, 03:13 PM
u dont have to pull in the clutch when u let off the gas, unless u wanna coast some more...because when the clutch is out(disengaged) and u let off the gas, ur momentum is sorta carrying you along, and its all the while spinning the crankshaft...meaning more resistance...(i could be totally wrong, somone correct me on something if its wrong)..if your at a complete stop and let out the clutch, with no gas, it ususually will jump and die....if u let it out when ur going 60+ with no gas, it will coast....