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View Full Version : I'm building a wood jump... well... sort of...

01-07-2003, 05:37 PM
I've posted a related topic about this before. I'm surrounded by sand so everytime I build a jump, it will be rutted up and just about worthless after just a few runs over it. My plan now is to build up the jumps w/ the sand like ussual and then use ply wood on the face of the jump. I was going to have the bottom of the wood dug into the ground about 6-12 inches to keep it from sliding back any. My questions are: Do you all think that is a good idea? Do any of you know if it gets to slick? If so, what can I do about the slickness? And finally, if the jump is 4 feet tall, what would be a good length for the face of the jump? I"m not trying to build a freestyle jump so it doesn't need to be the kind of jump that throws you real high and short or anything.


P.S. Does a quad usually react a lot differently to a wood jump than to the traditional dirt jumps? I know most jumps are different and that may be a hard question to answer but I just don't want to hit the jump and find out I have to pull up a lot more or something like that and end up landing on my front bumper. :eek: :p :)