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View Full Version : How to mount and unmount tires?

07-18-2009, 01:30 AM
Does anyone know the technique to mount and unmount your tires from your rims? The local dealerships, etc. charge like $25 a tire. Seems a bit pricey to me. I think they make tools for this, but can someone give me directions.

Thanks for your time.

07-18-2009, 08:26 PM
the way i do it is pretty easy (unmount) out your tires on the driveway with a 2x6 and put it close to the bead and roll up it in a truck and it will slip down and that will brake the bead do it till the bead pops off on each side then to finish it off i use to flat bars to pry the bead over the rim..

to mount i put the rim in to the tire as far as i can by hand and use a flat bad to get it the rest of the way then air it up to pop the bead works for me

07-18-2009, 11:12 PM
Here is my issue, I want to unmount my tires, send my rims in to get powdercoated black (tires can not still be on the rim to powdercoat), then remount the same tires....

And this is definatley i dumb question, but i dont understand any of this stuff about the bead....could you please explain how that works?

Thank you very much.