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06-30-2009, 05:33 PM
i took my rear end apart and replaced my stock bearing carrier with a LSR twin row carrier today.
now ive got everything back assembled but the caliper on the disk(buying brake pads tommorow). and i ask if there should be a gap between the brake hub and carrier? this is the first rear end i tore apart and i just wanna cover all my bases before i ride it tomorow. heres a couple pics of what im talking about.
thanks for any input,



06-30-2009, 06:07 PM
That's what it's supposed to look like. You don't want that stuff touching;)

06-30-2009, 06:13 PM
Originally posted by Gibson
That's what it's supposed to look like. You don't want that stuff touching;)
awesome, thanks jacob.
now get your parts on so we can ride this weekend :p

06-30-2009, 06:47 PM
yea, i'm tired of waiting. It's actually crossed my mind a few times to sell it. But i can't bring myself to do it, it runs too good for what it is. Hopefully my carrier and sprocket comes in tomorrow or thursday. When are you going riding? Saturday or sunday?

06-30-2009, 07:47 PM
you dont need a 450 anyways, you got aaron's 450r haha
but we will most likely go saturday. will you be able to go?

06-30-2009, 08:37 PM
Yea, and mine's just as fast anyways. I can't go saturday cause we're havin a 4th of july party at one and then shootin fireworks off that night:p

06-30-2009, 09:02 PM
ah crap, me and dad forgot the 4th was on saturday. it may end up being sunday then. think you could make it then?

06-30-2009, 09:10 PM
I'll talk to my dad about it. Aaron or jonathan won't be able to go. I have to work on both of their quads. But if mine's back together by then i'll go.

06-30-2009, 09:17 PM
sounds good man, gimme call whenever you have an answer from your dad.