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View Full Version : Matt Bartosek write up

01-06-2003, 07:47 AM
just noticed ******** put up a page about matt. nicely put


01-06-2003, 09:12 AM
Everyone read

01-06-2003, 09:36 AM
thats so sad. was he pro?

01-06-2003, 09:46 AM
:( :( :(

02 Red Rider
01-06-2003, 10:17 AM
I did not know much about Matt unfortunatley until this tradgedy.:( However I find this to be a great loss to our sport after doing much reading on him. The above article I feel was very well written and done with class.

01-06-2003, 10:29 AM
Originally posted by 02 Red Rider
I did not know much about Matt unfortunatley until this tradgedy.:( However I find this to be a great loss to our sport after doing much reading on him. The above article I feel was very well written and done with class.

i also think so

01-06-2003, 10:31 AM
Stuff like that makes me very sad and makes me second thought about quad racing. I am going to continue racing but that doesn't help my confidence about the safety of this sport. Does anyone know if it was a TT, MX, or XC race. I am pretty sure it was TT but not definate. Does anyone have an idea the speeds of the quads were traveling when the tragic accident started??? Also I dont have nerfs on my quad yet and after reading the article on www.********.com I don't know if I will get them or not.

01-06-2003, 10:43 AM
that write up is an awesome write up on Matt it made me cry and i know matt wouldnt want me to be cryin.... I MISS YOU MATT :(

The accident happened while racing TT on Friday afternoon the 2nd moto of the day..... it's really hard to say how fast they are goin b/c TT is just a fast race but my guess is FAST!

Your always goin to be in my prayers Matt!!! God speed Matt... God Speed

01-06-2003, 10:55 AM
yeah....my prayers go out to his family. that was a very well written article.

01-06-2003, 02:10 PM
Reading this made me feel very down, and sad for his family and everyone that was around him. That TT race was tragic and he is not the only one who suffered, all his family and friends are suffering now that hes gone. I never even knew him but I feel like I did from reading all this and I feel very sorry for him right now. He was the future pro atv racer and this had to happen. Now that this has happened with Cody and Matt its makes me feel very unsafe riding now and who knows what it will do to the atv sport. I wish this would have never happened but like what was said, "God had different plans for him." My best wishes and prayers for Matts family and friends. Ride in heaven Matt!

Tants, Yes it was a TT race, If you read it, it says all about the race and how it happened. I guess he was trying to pass Jeramiah Jones and his left front tire hit Jones right rear tire. This sent him to flip and his foot was caught in the nerf bars and was constantly being beatin against the ground. Them boys on those TT tracks can get over 70 to 80 mph as far as im sure. You could imagine if it was that fast, what it could take a tole on someones body.

Matt Bartosek. Gone but not forgotten. :(

01-06-2003, 02:27 PM
It was called TT, but it was nothing like a TT track. It was super cross track with jumps and tight turns. It was more like a sx fair race not a TT race. Actually the pics on ******** with Matt behind Jeremiah is the track. Either way Matt will be missed forever.

01-06-2003, 02:30 PM
Yeah MrP got it right. They called it "Super TT" I imagine it wasn't as fast as normal TT races but still....

01-06-2003, 02:31 PM
It was a super tt race.

01-06-2003, 02:35 PM
I know this will make alot of people mad but I feel TT racing is very unsafe and bad for the sport. People die every day in automobile accidents going 60mph and they have a roof and sides around them. When you do 60-80mph on a quad with no protection around you, not counting the other 20 quads out there that is doing battle, that makes a very dangerous race. I have never been a fan of TT racing and after seeing that TT racing took a life of a young talented ATV racer like Matt, that makes me dislike it even more. I know motocross and cross country is also very dangerous, but I feel its not half as dangerous as TT racing. I wish TT racing would be non existent. But this is just my opinion. I don't mean to cause an arguement or anything. But i feel everyone should express opinions. I feel bad for Matt and his family. I have never heard of him before but after reading the info at the website it is just a terrible situation. Matt and his family will be in my prayers. God bless everyone.

01-06-2003, 02:43 PM
I also agree that TT racing is dangerous. I know every kind of racing is dangerous, but i think TT is the worst, even if this wasnt a true TT race. Matt is in my prayers, as is his fanily and friends. I am glad TT racing is at its downfall. I know alot of guys love it, but if you look at the injuries, deaths, and facts, you have to agree it is something you dont need to chance you life on. Heck you can race sprints and have a roll cage around you, or just start racing the cheaper mx and xc races. Everyone else out there be careful and use your head, one race is not worth getting seriously injured over.

01-06-2003, 02:48 PM
I also don't want to start anything, but do you think they should limit how many races you can do over a time period. From what I read it seemed like he did 3 races in 3 days.

He may be in great shape, but how much of a factor do you think fatigue played in this. He had to be running on straight adrelyne (sp) by that time. Maybe the promoters should consider limiting how many events someone can enter.

But I hope it was just a freak accident, my prayers go out to his freinds and family.

01-06-2003, 02:59 PM
Some guys do 4 races in 2 days:eek:

01-06-2003, 03:18 PM
its always sad when someone passes...........and tragic when life ends too soon. I wish his family well in these tough times.

01-06-2003, 05:10 PM
One of the best written and heart touching write ups I have ever read . There are injuries and deaths in every sport out there . Nascar is one of the safest sports out there , yet they have deaths . From what i hear this was a freak accident . It doesn't matter what sport it is , everytime you step out onto the track , lace up the skates , get behing the wheel or what ever sport you participate in , you know that there is a possibility that it can injure you and maybe take your life . Matt died doing what he loved and did best . Racing was what he breathed and lived for . I'm sure God had different plans for him if he took him at the age of 19 . But one thing is for sure , he touched all of us even though most of us did not know him personally.

01-06-2003, 05:15 PM
i guess some ATV racer has a gaurdien angel now. i think of it as that way. That was Gods purpose for him. Sad as it is. Everything in life is dangerour. Life is a precious fragile thing. Cherish the time you have with family and friends. for that time may be short.

01-06-2003, 07:01 PM
I agree, TT is very dangerous but don't blame it all on that. I know TT racing is very extreme on quads and its very fun but think about those guys on crotch rockets going over 160 mph. You couldn't imagine how many deaths probably happened during those races. I think one of the main problems in Matts accident was his nerf bars. Her might have just fell off and slid but I believe that his Nerfs toke him with the quad and thats where he got hurt. :(

01-06-2003, 07:37 PM
my dad's friend died racing TT on a three wheeler. i'm sad to hear that he has died also. maybe this was meant to happen to make some of us reconsider racing. i will still race though. safety gear is the most important thing when your racing. it's sad to hear it turn on us. my prayers go to him and his family.

01-06-2003, 08:16 PM
matt was a really really good person, not to mention a sweet rider... ill miss him!!!

01-06-2003, 08:52 PM
thats was a really well written article....that really sux that he died, sounded like he was really good and on his way to the top....at least he died doing what he loved.....:(