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View Full Version : Tie rods are hitting

06-27-2009, 08:39 PM
Started putting my front end together today on my project R. Found that my tie rods hit the bottom of the upper a-arm before the steering stem hits the stop.

Arms are all tight and pretty well set up for still being up on a stand. Only other thing is I do not have a bearing in the bottom of the stem. Only have an old seal in there at the moment to help hold the stem in place. Toe is not set up, just eye balled at the moment. Probably toed in way to much right now.

Tie rods are mounted in the top of the stem and on the bottom side of the spendle.

I am using Loan Star Race arms, plus 2 plus 1 with 400ex spendles.

I have never seen a tie rod hit an arm like this before. Anybody got any ideas on why and or a fix?

06-28-2009, 12:41 AM
I shaved my steering stops and pretty sure mine hit the arms... laeger +2s

06-28-2009, 06:43 AM
Funny thing about this set up is that the frame came from a buddy of mine. It is his old frame, front shocks and tie rods. He used 400ex front spendels on it too.

Only thing that is really not the same is I am using Lone Star arms and he was using American Starm arms. Both sets of arms are +2 +1. He never noticed any hitting on his.

One thing I did try last night was compressing the front end about 3/4" with a strap and the hitting got a lot less.

I know these front shocks are a touch longer than stock 250R shocks so this may be the whole problem.

Anybody got any thoughts on it?


06-28-2009, 11:07 AM
400ex spindles the tie rod end comes up from the bottom of the spindle unlike a stock 250r that goes down though the spindle .

If you have it right and it still hits adjust the camber by rotating the spindle back towards the rear of the quad and that should fix you problem .


06-28-2009, 12:24 PM
Tie rods are mounted in the bottom side of the spendles.

What is the best way to what is the best way to figure out proper caster?

Right now the R is sitting on a stand and the bottom of the frame is level. I pretty much have it all the same up front as far as everything being the same on both sides. Camber is about 4 degrees in at the top of the hubs.

Guess that would make since to roll the hub back some to try and get some clearance for the tie rod. What is the best way to go about it? Just adjust the upper heim joints to roll the top of the spedle back? And how do I measure to get the best set up?

I would assume from my days with dirt bikes, that rolling the spendle back would be like a bike with more rake in the front end.

If someone could give me a ball park idea of where to start and a good way to measure it, that would be a big help.

06-28-2009, 03:25 PM

06-28-2009, 07:09 PM
That looks like a good article. I will have to sit down and read it.


I did get to play with the upper arm a little more and by threading in the back heim and out on the front, I was able to roll back the spendle enough to clear the tie rods now.

Thanks for the tips