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06-26-2009, 12:10 PM
seems that everything Fun is causing a problem , look at the video at the bottom of the link


06-26-2009, 12:25 PM
im going to bite my VERY eager tounge and just be quiet:scary:

this is what im going to start: stoptreehuggingwhineyasseswhodontlikemotorizedvehi cles.org

06-26-2009, 12:27 PM
are you kidding me?

every single scene of "destruction of public lands" is in a designated riding area, i've never even heard the word "thrillcraft" before, and never want to hear it again. people don't understand the joy of riding like we do.

lol at "stressed" bear

06-26-2009, 12:28 PM
"It is a culture that represents strange men from nature." Wtf? Ahaahaha. Apparantly we're a cult now guys. :huh

bigd's ex
06-26-2009, 12:29 PM
Unbelievable!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! What's next ?

06-26-2009, 12:33 PM
i have to add more

there website says that "in a recent study only 2% of montana used "thrillcraft""
then what the hell are they *****ing about?

and they also say that "the average thrillcraft owner is anything but an average american"

then they go on to say that: "ATV's are the fastest growing segment of the offroad vehicle sector"

is it just me or does that contradict itself?

im angry:mad:

06-26-2009, 12:51 PM
you can look and see how some is photoshoped. When have you ever seen this?


and this


now who stands in the water, wearing wetsuits like is worn like jet-skiers?

Also this gets me

"There is no doubt in some very specific cases, the local economy gets a boost from thrillcraft, however, there are several alternatives that must be considered. First, in many cases, thrillcraft use drives away other potential economic activities. Cross country skiers and snowshoers avoid places where snowmobiling is popular, Canoeists avoid popular jet ski lakes. Quiet sport endeavors can provide a strong economic base for a community"

Really, they mean to tell me that those users spend as much money with non-motorized stuff and rarely breaks. If something breaks, the local shop who has the part is most likely gonna get the business, even if they are higher than the chains. What about gas stations for our "thrill craft" and the almost constant changing of motor oil and cleaning/new airfilters. The local shop is likely to get that business also. When I rode bikes, it was so cheap!!! Very little ever went wrong, no gas needed, no oil changes, no air filters. You might have broken a chain, bent derailer, flat tire or wore brake pads. I've never broken a chain, bent derailer, only once I replaced brake pads and rarely gotten a flat tire(anybody that is smart has a tube with them anyway). Most of the time, the gas was purchased somewhere else also.

I never heard of this riding area? and dune buggies allowed. As far as I know, there is nowhere legally except private property to ride atv's and dunebuggies.

"Holdgate beach in Brigantine Wilderness Area in New Jersey, dune buggies disturb birds, including the threatened piping plover, during critical feeding and resting periods."

06-26-2009, 12:54 PM
soon it will probally going to be illigeal for a man to have a harmless drink at the local bar BECAUSE we have a high number of people who DUI or DWI , whats this country coming to :rolleyes:

06-26-2009, 12:56 PM
im e mailing this guy

this site angers me the more i read it

06-26-2009, 12:59 PM
as in beat stuff up

06-26-2009, 01:09 PM
Originally posted by scuzz
as in beat stuff up


06-26-2009, 01:10 PM
Words cant descripe how much i HATE people like that. This is starting to get out of conrtol.....

06-26-2009, 01:23 PM
I called that George guy (under contact us) and told him his site was total bulls*** and I said to get your facts straight before you post things like this on the internet. He claims to know nothing of the site but yet somehow his name is on the main page of it. This guy is a major tool.

06-26-2009, 01:48 PM
got tits?? lol that video is ridiculous

06-26-2009, 01:59 PM
To battle this we need to start a site that is against it and prove to them our responsible use of OHV.

We need to show the public how much more factual our information is and show people that we are not a propaganda site like antithrillcraft. We need to battle their pointless statistics. Like said before, "Statistics are like bikinis, they show alot but not everything"

We also need to start a petition to fight anything that comes of this.

If we make ourselfs heard, and out-smart them and prove that we are more intelligent than them, we can ultimately win.

06-26-2009, 02:01 PM
This pisses me off and I want to send an email but I dont know what I want to say... This makes me want to go ride through a park and tear up the place and maybe just pour a couple gallons of gas into a lake, maybe I should just kill myself since Im such a problem for all the happy people and the nature.
And wtf is this stupid national heritage.... f**k the national heritage. honestly I want to run this dumbass over right now.

06-26-2009, 02:19 PM
That's actually a repost. Someone posted up that site last year I believe.

Does somebody have the ability to make a website? I really think we SHOULD do what 8my said. If all of us ATV riders just sit around and complain about this stuff, these sites, we get no where. If all we do is send threatening angry emails, we get no where.

If us fellow riders don't start getting together and doing something.. more parks WILL get shut down.


06-26-2009, 02:26 PM
Originally posted by DMC-4OOEX
That's actually a repost. Someone posted up that site last year I believe.

Does somebody have the ability to make a website? I really think we SHOULD do what 8my said. If all of us ATV riders just sit around and complain about this stuff, these sites, we get no where. If all we do is send threatening angry emails, we get no where.

If us fellow riders don't start getting together and doing something.. more parks WILL get shut down.


I know how to do HTML but it takes forever to make a complete site. :scary:

06-26-2009, 02:29 PM
Originally posted by DMC-4OOEX

Does somebody have the ability to make a website?

I Can create a website, i have taken web design classes, i need some people to chip in to my paypal to fund it, i have.... 00.01$ in it.

but if people are willing to chip in PM Me, if i get enough, we can brainstorm a name for it, and all that.

we'll show that guy:devil:

06-26-2009, 02:30 PM
Lol I am a web designer straight up.....but the problem will be logistics

If we can get a good collaborative effort together i know we can work something out.

06-26-2009, 02:34 PM
I just sent an email. I would have made it longer but I have to go.

I would like to bring up a few points regarding your website. Please read and do not delete, for I feel this information is necessary.

On your website, you mention that offroad enthusiast's are a "culture" that is rude, ignorant, and does not care about anyone or anything. I would like to inform you, this is not true. A very low percentage of people are actually like that. For instance, my father and I ride All-Terrain-Vehicles. We do it for special occasions, and to have special father and son time. We do NOT endanger the environment, we do NOT litter, and we respect fellow people out in the trails. Whether there is another person riding, or if they're fishing or hiking, we always politely ride slower and quietly, until we get past them. All of the other off-road enthusiasts are the same way.

You also mention that although we help the economy, we make it worse by cutting down on other activites like canoeing. While as it is, I do not know anyone that does those types of activites, our sport helps the economy much more. Bikes, canoes, hiking, all take very little money. Stuff very rarely breaks. In out sport, off-road vehicles cost a lot more money, as do parts. We have to put gas in them, change the oil in them, change the air filters, etc. Which all helps the economy.

ATV's today put out very little greenhouse gases, and compared to cars, we are a tiny spec of the gases.

Interested to see your reply to this.

06-26-2009, 02:39 PM
Originally posted by DMC-4OOEX


06-26-2009, 04:47 PM
Originally posted by DMC-4OOEX
I just sent an email. I would have made it longer but I have to go.

I would like to bring up a few points regarding your website. Please read and do not delete, for I feel this information is necessary.

On your website, you mention that offroad enthusiast's are a "culture" that is rude, ignorant, and does not care about anyone or anything. I would like to inform you, this is not true. A very low percentage of people are actually like that. For instance, my father and I ride All-Terrain-Vehicles. We do it for special occasions, and to have special father and son time. We do NOT endanger the environment, we do NOT litter, and we respect fellow people out in the trails. Whether there is another person riding, or if they're fishing or hiking, we always politely ride slower and quietly, until we get past them. All of the other off-road enthusiasts are the same way.

You also mention that although we help the economy, we make it worse by cutting down on other activites like canoeing. While as it is, I do not know anyone that does those types of activites, our sport helps the economy much more. Bikes, canoes, hiking, all take very little money. Stuff very rarely breaks. In out sport, off-road vehicles cost a lot more money, as do parts. We have to put gas in them, change the oil in them, change the air filters, etc. Which all helps the economy.

ATV's today put out very little greenhouse gases, and compared to cars, we are a tiny spec of the gases.

Interested to see your reply to this.

You were probably not as convincing as you think you were.

That video doesn't make me mad, it made me laugh.

"you wouldn't ride your dirtbike through arlington national cemetary, so why should we tolerate it on our public national resources"


this would have been more convincing:

You wouldn't ride your dirtbike in the ocean, so why should you ride it in the woods?

06-26-2009, 04:49 PM
Who ****in winches up a waterfall? hahahaha

06-26-2009, 05:29 PM
They squander fossil fuels. fulfill excessive and unnecessary thrill-seeking experiences With 65% of Americans over 20 estimated to be overweight, use of thrillcraft, and the lack of exercise that goes with it, can even be said to promotes the growing obesity problem in the country that burdens our health care systems The government, rather than assisting and aiding such behavior by not enforcing or creating rules or regulations, should aggressively fight the use of thrillcraft as a public health menace just as it supports anti-smoking campaigns. How many more reasons do we need to mount a national campaign to end the thrillcraft plague?

Wow, so thrillcraft attribute to obesity and involves no physical activity.

josh burden
06-26-2009, 06:30 PM
screw those ***s have fun were u ride just be respectiful. and about that vid most of the "natral forestes " have damn fences around them so wt does that say.

06-26-2009, 06:57 PM
I have a degree in web design myself, so I am more than willing to help out.

I need to get a paypal account going, and we can all pitch in.

I also have this idea: Why don't we forward a link containing that link to the major manufacturers, and aftermakert companies that have the ability to do something.

Let them see that sites like that hurt thier business, and they will want to do something about it.

We could start with the site sponsers.

*as long as a site is up for an educational, or informative purpose, the government will fund it. Using a .org, or .net domain, we can actually have the site hosted for free, and paid for by the US government (our tax dollars actually doing something POSITIVE for US!!)

06-26-2009, 06:58 PM
I don't even know what to say... I've read through every bodies posts before me and watched the entire video..

i've just found out that i'm a fat unhealthy nature killer. i hurt the animals in the forests. i'm killing trees, plants, and wildlife every time i use my "thrillcrafts". i'm selling the o-zone layer on the black market. i don't help the economy. i hate people. i can't wait to endanger others.... the list goes on.. o ya and i'm not an American?

this is pretty heavy, shoot i've known me for over twenty one year and this guy knows all about me in 17 minutes?
give me a f'n break.. i can't believe some people are really like this.


06-26-2009, 07:00 PM
Originally posted by 416exfreak
I have a degree in web design myself, so I am more than willing to help out.

I need to get a paypal account going, and we can all pitch in.

I also have this idea: Why don't we forward a link containing that link to the major manufacturers, and aftermakert companies that have the ability to do something.

Let them see that sites like that hurt thier business, and they will want to do something about it.

We could start with the site sponsers.

*as long as a site is up for an educational, or informative purpose, the government will fund it. Using a .org, or .net domain, we can actually have the site hosted for free, and paid for by the US government (our tax dollars actually doing something POSITIVE for US!!)

I like your thinking...

06-26-2009, 07:03 PM
id donate to help get it going if the .net/.org thing doesnt work out. and id join the site and help out with anything else. i wrote a report supporting the good and bads of motocross/dirtbikes and quads in general so i know some stuff that i researched :)

06-26-2009, 07:14 PM
Originally posted by BakerRacing40
I like your thinking...

Thank you.

Smarter than the average 17 year old.:p

06-26-2009, 08:01 PM
what a douche bag i bet the guy who made this site is 40, still living in his moms basement. what a loser. i cannot stand people that do nothin with there lives but try to ruin everyone elses

06-26-2009, 08:10 PM
i'd be willing to help :)

06-27-2009, 11:06 AM
I say take this post down, his site doesn't even deserve the small amount of publicity its getting even from us...

06-27-2009, 01:34 PM
Iam down for helping

06-27-2009, 02:20 PM
we better stop riding streetbikes too because we get great gas mileage but are slowing tearing the nation apart with loud bikes and different lifestyles. I'm sorry but these people shouldn't judge when they have most likely never done any of those things in the video

06-27-2009, 02:46 PM
Originally posted by 400exrider707
I say take this post down, his site doesn't even deserve the small amount of publicity its getting even from us...

I would almost agree with that. The guy sounds like any other tree-hugging looney tune, like the type that would chain themselves to a tree. He's grasping at every possible straw, stretching facts to make his point.

06-27-2009, 05:54 PM
i emailed the guy
heres what i said:

I am writing this E-mail in response to your stopthrillcraft.org website. I belive that you are sending people the wrong message about OHV users. Yes i realize that we get alot of crap from enviromentalists but think about it, are we going to ban gasoline cars on public lands anytime soon? It doesnt look like it, and contrary to what you say, yes there are very simple steps to take to reduce enviromental impact from OHV's that are on designated trails on designated land that will cause no more harm than the cars people all over the world drive every day. Also, on your website it says that: "The average thrillcraft owner is anything but an average american" then it goes on to say that: "ATVs are the fastest growing segment of the off road vehicle sector". So in turn this would mean that more and more people are getting into the sport right? This would mean that it is becoming more and more the "Average American". You talk about our sport as if we are a Satanic Cult when in reality we are everyday people that like somthing that you dont.


this dude is so full of **** its coming out his eyes:rolleyes:

06-27-2009, 09:36 PM
Originally posted by 8my_Cash
Lol I am a web designer straight up.....but the problem will be logistics

I dont even know what that is, so this should work out just fine...

06-27-2009, 11:42 PM
Will be sending an email a day telling them how ignorant I think there cause is. Gonna enjoy this very thoroughly.

06-29-2009, 08:29 AM
Originally posted by motofreak2772
I dont even know what that is, so this should work out just fine...

Haha, Im talking about the collaboration that is involved in design of the site, the reasearch of correct information, the overall operations of the website, getting the message out, and last and sadly the costs. Just remember, bad information or extremely biased views hinder the point and validation of the message you are trying to broadcast.

We can design a site, thats no problem there are many people here who are in web design, have degrees in that related field, or just have a wealth of knowledge on the web world. I am more than welcome to help but i dont have the time to be the manager of it.

I am not trying to down play anything but it will take a good amount of effort to make this work and a great ammount of time. And if people are willing to do both, then we will have a killer idea.

Its all about dedication. But the big things are time, money, and management of it.

06-29-2009, 09:06 AM
TIME: I have it.

MONEY: We all need to pitch in and support the cause, at least if we want to stop the rediculous garbage like THAT from being put on the internet for people to see.

MANAGEMENT: The developers of the site will have control over it. We could each develop our own segment.

Some of us will be more fluent with basic HTML, while others will more fluent with Javascript or other programing languages.

This will have to be a collaboration of efforts, with a common goal (which we are all clear on, yes?).

Seems to me that we have it figured out, now we need to make it happen.

06-29-2009, 09:09 AM
BAM! there we go

Freak PM me, ill try to respond when i can, im down for helping

06-29-2009, 09:33 AM

Anyone else who is interested in helping, or knows something about web design, get at me or 8my_cash.

I dont want to speak for 8, but I am serious about getting this site going, and getting garbage like that "thrillcraft" site, off of the internet.:)

06-29-2009, 10:04 AM
Originally posted by andrew450r
Words cant descripe how much i HATE people like that. This is starting to get out of conrtol.....

06-29-2009, 10:19 AM
they want us all to sit at home and be couch potatoes................

06-29-2009, 11:03 AM
this is what im going to start: stoptreehuggingwhineyasseswhodontlikemotorizedvehi cles.org

you don't ned to make a website, just start a stoptreehuggingwhineyasseswhodontlikemotorizedvehi cles facebook group.

06-29-2009, 12:21 PM
Originally posted by TAZ450r
you don't ned to make a website, just start a stoptreehuggingwhineyasseswhodontlikemotorizedvehi cles facebook group.

your wish is my command:D :D :D :D :D


join up you guys

Tommy Warren
06-29-2009, 01:34 PM
Originally posted by UNBROKEN
seems that everything Fun is causing a problem , look at the video at the bottom of the link


This guy is an IDIOT!!! he probably drives a vespa scooter that runs on strawberry douche!! I'm gonna put a hit out on him! (j/k) What does this guy think is gonna happen when he kicks all of us out of the bush? ummm I can tell you... we're gonna go up and down the road. well I am anyways.. just because I have no trails to ride doesn't mean I'm gonna stop riding!

06-29-2009, 02:28 PM
Originally posted by C41Xracer
they want us all to sit at home and be couch potatoes................

THen they will be complaining that everyone is unhealthy and overweight. I dunno about some of you but my weekly riding is my weekly workout

06-29-2009, 03:37 PM
thats gay wtf did we ever do what are they gonna do make riding illegal next thing you know ppl are gonna be protesting about driving cars a certain distance everday:mad:

06-30-2009, 09:08 PM
You could take a slightly different tact and agree with everything they say but take it a little further.


Copy all the greeny/sandle warer/anti fun sites and through sarcasim point out that every we do is unsafe and hurts the enviroment and therefor should be banned.

What are hacky sack balls filled with.........bad


Toyota Prius...........dangerous and unfriendly to the enviroment

Think of everything the stupid enviro-mentals hold dear and push for it to be banned.


06-30-2009, 09:49 PM
I e-mailed the guy. and we all should!!! they are complaining about people getting hurt?? well isn't it our own choice to ride?? and heck if we get hurt then that is our own problem. right??

Speedy 400ex
06-30-2009, 10:13 PM
Ya this guy is smoking something. We are not all rotten apples and i am very much American!

07-01-2009, 05:24 AM
Originally posted by trailrider894
I e-mailed the guy. and we all should!!! they are complaining about people getting hurt?? well isn't it our own choice to ride?? and heck if we get hurt then that is our own problem. right??

he never replys:rolleyes:

to me anyway, i think i hurt his feelings:p

07-01-2009, 07:31 AM
Yeah this guy is on something!!! :devil:

07-01-2009, 07:47 AM
you should try emailing him and pretend that you agree with him and support his cause and want to help.... see if he responds then?!?!?!

07-01-2009, 01:51 PM
Originally posted by 54warrior
you should try emailing him and pretend that you agree with him and support his cause and want to help.... see if he responds then?!?!?!

too much work twards a dumbass like this:rolleyes:

07-01-2009, 03:25 PM
i think people like that are people who don't ride... just like "doing it" do it once and you can't have enough of it:chinese: like riding:D

07-01-2009, 03:49 PM
Originally posted by buck440
i think people like that are people who don't ride... just like "doing it" do it once and you can't have enough of it:chinese: like riding:D

:p agreed

07-04-2009, 08:46 AM
This site is nothing new. It's been up for a little while now. I don't mind that people have differing idea's, but what I do mind is his deliberate, twisted way of his use of statistics. What we don't help the economy? Please. The OHV park that was opened up here in Pa has brought so much life into that little town it's unbelievable. I probably spend more a year on my bikes that this guy makes.

I recently had a run in with a guy very similar to this. Very rarely anymore do I ride trails, but we decided to last week. We just pretty much ran a bunch of powerlines. Well apparently the local tree hugger insists that he owns the land and stretches barbed wire across the trails. As my cousin rounded the corner 3rd gear on his crf, me following directly behind, he hits it and brings it bike to a dead stop throwing him over the bars. I smash into his bike and get thrown off as well. As we lay on the ground wondering what the hell just happened we look over at his bike with wire tangled around his sprocket three or four times. As we got our bearings straight and got up off the ground a group of horse riders actually came over and helped us get out bikes up and out of the tangled mess. If that isn't coinciding with other forms of natural recreation, I don't know what is. Well needless to say I know where the guy lives and I decided to take the barbed wire home with me. hehehehehe. It ended up strategically placed in a high grass ditch the day before he cut his grass then we just watched and laughed our asses off. Sorry but vengence is sometimes fun. After what we went through, it was worth it. Sorry to digress like this, but it was needed haha.

07-04-2009, 11:27 AM
happy 4th fellow non-americansbecauseweride'thrillcraft'!

07-04-2009, 11:54 AM
Originally posted by trailrider894
I e-mailed the guy. and we all should!!! they are complaining about people getting hurt?? well isn't it our own choice to ride?? and heck if we get hurt then that is our own problem. right??

u can get hurt rolling out of bed in the morning or takin a dump in the bathroom yes theres more of a chance on a quad or bike but still yet u only live once take a chance and ride ur heart out

Tommy Warren
07-04-2009, 11:09 PM
I love how he says that the fumes from these bikes prevent people from seeing the beauty of nature:eek2: :rolleyes: I've never seen smog on an ATV trail! If he's so into "making a difference" why doesn't he go after cars and trucks? they are a lot dirtier then atvs. IMO buddy is a total flamer!!!

P.S hows that website going freak and 8my_cash?

07-05-2009, 08:36 AM
Idk how its going on 8's end, as he has a full time job.

But im getting started with it.

I had to quit my job of bussing tables (oh joy) because we were 4 weeks behind on pay, and i dont work for free, so all of my free time has been spent trying to find another job.:(

07-05-2009, 08:36 AM
Idk how its going on 8's end, as he has a full time job.

But im getting started with it.

I had to quit my job of bussing tables (oh joy) because we were 4 weeks behind on pay, and i dont work for free, so all of my free time has been spent trying to find another job.:(

Old Head
07-05-2009, 01:26 PM
wtb web hacker:grr:

07-06-2009, 08:27 AM
the boat at 1:01 was photoshopped into the picture.

so was the jet ski and kids at 1:12

4:58 is the exact same picture as 1:01 but with a jet ski instead

i love how he is talk about the average income of atv owners at 41-61k and saying we make alot of money. 60k is nothing in todays society lol

07-06-2009, 09:10 AM
Originally posted by hondariderdylan
your wish is my command:D :D :D :D :D


join up you guys

Hey spell group right so we dont look dumb when people join the group lol

07-06-2009, 11:09 AM
Originally posted by beaker1214
Hey spell group right so we dont look dumb when people join the group lol

where is it spelled wrong

07-06-2009, 12:00 PM
Right there....Wanted to make sure if we were going to take a stance at least we seem educated and don't give other's things to use against us. :D

07-06-2009, 01:10 PM
Originally posted by beaker1214
Right there....Wanted to make sure if we were going to take a stance at least we seem educated and don't give other's things to use against us. :D

ah, gotcha

it will be fixed :D

07-06-2009, 01:45 PM
people like that disgust me.

07-06-2009, 05:31 PM
Originally posted by Old Head
wtb web hacker:grr:

Uhhmm.. Excuse me?:confused:

460 TyLeR
07-06-2009, 07:13 PM
i would like to go to this guys house with "my thrillcraft" and tear his lawn up, and an thrillcraft rider is not an average american WTF

07-06-2009, 07:54 PM
Originally posted by 460 TyLeR
i would like to go to this guys house with "my thrillcraft" and tear his lawn up, and an thrillcraft rider is not an average american WTF

He would probably love you for doing that.:rolleyes:

07-06-2009, 11:40 PM
Originally posted by hondariderdylan
your wish is my command:D :D :D :D :D


join up you guys

i joined :D

07-07-2009, 05:23 AM
Originally posted by krt400ex
i joined :D :cool:

07-07-2009, 05:54 AM
well he convinced me, i already scrapped my atv, my snowmobile, and my wrangler. i didnt want to sell them because they would be used by others to destroy this earth,

07-07-2009, 09:41 AM
Originally posted by 416exfreak
Idk how its going on 8's end, as he has a full time job.

But im getting started with it.

I had to quit my job of bussing tables (oh joy) because we were 4 weeks behind on pay, and i dont work for free, so all of my free time has been spent trying to find another job.:(

Hey freak, let me know if I can help on the web design/development process. I am a Web designer as well(still a student). I can write XHTML, CSS, and some basic Javascript in needs be.

07-07-2009, 10:19 AM
are u friken serious u scrapped ur atv,jeep,and snowmobile!!!!!??im so friken mad that they wanna stop quads!!!!!!!!!!!!:mad: and if they do ban guads ill be sad:( and mad:mad:

07-07-2009, 10:26 AM
Originally posted by SmitTank789
are u friken serious u scrapped ur atv,jeep,and snowmobile!!!!!??im so friken mad that they wanna stop quads!!!!!!!!!!!!:mad: and if they do ban guads ill be sad:( and mad:mad:

Sarcasm. :) I'm sure he still happily owns all his toys.

07-07-2009, 10:30 AM
ya prob

07-07-2009, 04:21 PM
that was good

07-07-2009, 04:21 PM
Originally posted by SilverBomb
Sarcasm. :) I'm sure he still happily owns all his toys.

plus they convinced me to buy 4 chainsaws, and a bulldozer:devil:

07-08-2009, 08:55 PM
Theres a book just out its called GREEN HELL Im going to get, saw guy and heard what he had to say on all things going green BS they are trying to control everything and everyone its BS when really they need to be doing more reseach before they protest about something they THINK they are fighting for is not true, information by these GREEN activists are fause info but people believe and fight for these false facts on the enviroment .In fact since 1970 are air quality is better by I think 10% on a national basis. Theres is so much more there not told how good things are getting ,these Greens as I call them are speading false info to the pubics about what the dont like (ATVs/dunebuggys etc) to stop what we love to do .if things dont change and people dont say anything to these Greens they will have total control of new building materals/cars/atv/motorcycle/how much garbage your allowed to have ,etc. next thing you know we will be having to where filters on are butt hole to filter are farts!

07-09-2009, 07:36 AM
Originally posted by RATPACK Z400
Theres a book just out its called GREEN HELL Im going to get, saw guy and heard what he had to say on all things going green BS they are trying to control everything and everyone its BS when really they need to be doing more reseach before they protest about something they THINK they are fighting for is not true, information by these GREEN activists are fause info but people believe and fight for these false facts on the enviroment .In fact since 1970 are air quality is better by I think 10% on a national basis. Theres is so much more there not told how good things are getting ,these Greens as I call them are speading false info to the pubics about what the dont like (ATVs/dunebuggys etc) to stop what we love to do .if things dont change and people dont say anything to these Greens they will have total control of new building materals/cars/atv/motorcycle/how much garbage your allowed to have ,etc. next thing you know we will be having to where filters on are butt hole to filter are farts!

This is nothing new... I've known this along with many others for a long time. Global Warming, and all this other environmental bull crap is all not true.

07-09-2009, 09:07 AM
someone just hack that guys website and take it dowwwwnn!! lol

07-14-2009, 08:42 AM
Originally posted by QuadR8cer12
someone just hack that guys website and take it dowwwwnn!! lol

hmmm.....a DOS attack lol but i didnt say anything, sorry guys i been mad busy, my f150 decided that its radiator was not good enough for it and magically clogged itself...JOY

time for a flush, water pump, thermostat, and radiator

416....ill try to collaborate with you some more

07-14-2009, 09:28 AM
Originally posted by SmitTank789
are u friken serious u scrapped ur atv,jeep,and snowmobile!!!!!??im so friken mad that they wanna stop quads!!!!!!!!!!!!:mad: and if they do ban guads ill be sad:( and mad:mad:

i think a group banned spelling in your school district.