View Full Version : New England Riders

01-05-2003, 11:20 PM
Trying to organize a ride on the Cape for the three day weekend coming up (Martin Luther King Day weekend, the 18th, 19th, 20th). Please inform me if you can make it, and what day will be best for everyone... The day the has the MAJORITY of "votes" will be the scheduled riding day. If traveling from a distance and woud like food/lodging info please make a request for it either on the post or email me, siberthugd@aol.com .

~~~ I would also like to get a "vote" going for where to ride. There are a few options and they are as follows. Please only post a vote if you intend to go riding that weekend with us.

1) Town Forest * --> There is a variety of riding conditions here, from trails to pits. There are some jumps ranging from 3 feet to 15 foot tabletops.
2) C.C.A. --> This is a VERY LARGE sand pit that mainly consists of "hill climbing". There is a considerable amount of flat, open space as well, not mny jumps though. Most of these hills are HUGE and tough to climb for smaller bikes. A lot of people ride here, and as far as I know there have been no problems riding here. As a matter of fact, my friends and I have been riding here when the owner has shown up on a weekend, seen us, and kept going. He DID NOT say anything, nor did the E.P.'s or the regular police show up.

I would like to start out early (between 8 and 9AM) and will ride for the day. People may stay as long as they would like.

*Disclaimer: (#1 Option) this ride will be on Town property. I do not know the laws regarding riding here, however, I ride it daily and have never had a problem. I will NOT be held responsible or liable for anything that may occur. Anyone who comes, does so knowing this and acknowledges that they came to ride on their own free will.

01-06-2003, 05:08 AM
dude you dont need to post in every forum :rolleyes:

01-06-2003, 10:54 AM
Hey id be up for that weekend I will ask a few other guys as well. Better off Sat or Sun, you talk about C.C.A are you talking about going to Hyannis I know they have a few different pit's?

Also how much snow is down there now? It’s starting to build up a good base around here and I think we will be seeing it till April:rolleyes:

And Quad041 is right let's keep this in the Where To Ride forum I keep getting confused witch thread to fallow.


01-06-2003, 09:03 PM
sorry about all the different posts everywhere guys, I am checking them all. I just wanted to get the ride idea out there. And Knight, I got a e-mail from one of your buddies saying there will be like 7 of you going, including yourself. Please, if you can get this out to the other people who are going or if you can just e-mail me with the names and contact info (e-mail and telephone #'s) I'd appreciate it. siberthugd@aol.com

01-09-2003, 09:27 PM
I'm in and I'm sure I can get 2-3 other people too!

Please keep me posted


01-12-2003, 01:08 PM
Wee.. New England forum is up - http://www.quadstop.tk