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View Full Version : clutch is hard to pulll?

06-23-2009, 12:37 PM
i just put some ebc clutch springs in and now the clutch barley pulls in do i need to break in the springs??or what

06-24-2009, 03:49 PM
they may just be that hard. the plates should mesh a bit and it may make them a bit softer but for the most part they will be stiffer i think. mine are a bit but with the asv and the magura before that i never really noticed if it was too much stiffer. Do you still have the stock perch? steve

06-24-2009, 04:51 PM
they just had to be broken a a lil bit but there nice and that magura i had that on may 2002 ktm 125 those things are nice

06-24-2009, 06:49 PM
i liked mine too but they do not work good with the aftermarket stuff. It would not pull far enough to disengage the clutch. I would adjust it and then the plates would wear a bit more and it would get all messed up. I blew the seals in my slave cylinder while rebuilding my 400 and sold it. It worked like described above after the rebuild. I hit the lever by accident while it was off the clutch and it blew the seal out of it. All well i like the asv better and it looks cool too so it was a win win for me. steve