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View Full Version : No Iran thread? I can't believe it.

06-21-2009, 08:01 PM
There's some pretty important stuff going on over there right now, so I'm surprised that there hasn't been a thread about it yet.

If there is a successful revolution over there and the current gov't is overthrown and replaced with a more moderate body, that could be huge! With Iraq and Iran as democratic nations, the middle east could see some real progress, and maybe move out of the dark ages.

I have to say that I was really shocked (in a good way) to learn about Iran's demographics. With such a young population, I think there's a real chance that what's starting now could end up with regime change.

Hopefully you younger guys and girls are watching this and learning as much as you can, because the outcome could drastically change your quality of life in the future.

Any thoughts/input from people that know the subject matter? I'm not an expert, but I know that what's going on there is big and important.

06-21-2009, 08:52 PM
Been following it too. I hope that country can see a change for the better, but each morning when i turn on the news, i am expecting to see a tienenmen square repeat first thing....i hope im wrong.

06-22-2009, 06:08 AM
Yeah, I hope it doesn't come to that. The people have numbers on their side, though. With a population that young, the majority of citizens are pretty tech savvy, so I'd think they know how the rest of the civilized world lives, and want to be more like that. Hopefully the era of totalitarian governments is coming to a close. I think the majority of the Iranian population are fundamentally good people, and the country would make a great trading partner if their government was replaced. Like someone on the news last night said, the 1979 attitude of "Death to America" is quickly losing relavence among Iran's citizens.

06-22-2009, 07:39 AM
The way I understand it, they're protesting the rigged election for the presidency. But the president there is mostly a figurehead and doesn't have ultimate power so unless they protest their whole system of government, I don't see it accomplishing anything.

06-22-2009, 08:11 AM
I've heard indications both ways. From what I understand, it started as a protest of the election, but when the gov't said that there wasn't going to be a re-count, and that everybody should just shut up and color, the people took to the streets in masses. I think they're tired of not having a say, and are starting to wonder why they should listen to a government that doesn't listen to them.

06-22-2009, 08:55 AM
I got a bad felling about this, it is going to get very bloody this week.

06-22-2009, 09:19 AM
Originally posted by OutlawBill
I got a bad felling about this, it is going to get very bloody this week.

Sounds like its starting.

30 minutes ago on yahoo....


06-22-2009, 10:18 AM
i think their saving us some trouble

06-22-2009, 10:27 AM
Originally posted by buck440
i think their saving us some trouble
I think you're confusing the population with their government. If they're willing to risk their lives to speak out against the current regime, they couldn't be that bad. I think they're trapped in a bad situation, and the election gave them the motivation to do what they've secretly been wanting to do for a long time. Would Americans have the courage and unity to risk their lives to challenge their government? Sometimes I wonder.

06-22-2009, 12:10 PM
I don't think we should worry about Iran right now.... North Korea has me concerned.......

06-22-2009, 12:17 PM
Originally posted by TWISTED
I don't think we should worry about Iran right now.... North Korea has me concerned.......


06-22-2009, 12:23 PM
All bark, no bite. With all of the sanctions that have been in place, they have to be back in the stone ages, technology wise. I can't think of any powerful allies that they have, and all of their neighbors hate them.

06-22-2009, 12:39 PM
Originally posted by F-16Guy
All bark, no bite. With all of the sanctions that have been in place, they have to be back in the stone ages, technology wise. I can't think of any powerful allies that they have, and all of their neighbors hate them.

Exactly. But at the same time we're sitting back letting them develop whatever kind of weapons they want. I think they WILL do something and when they do it should be everyones que to blow them off the Earth.

06-22-2009, 12:40 PM
As stated above, the elected president has very little say in anything in the government. (a figure head just like the Queen of england just to look more legitimate to the rest of the world ) Their government is ran by the Shah who is a religiously elected official very much like the roman catholic Pope. So basically they have a long way to stimulating any substantial core changes in their government (being that their government is basically formed around religious beliefs). My guess is that this only results in far greater suppression than they had experienced before.

We had just studied Iran in COMPGOV class before school let out, pretty interesting that this has unfolded.

It happend in Russia, but I don't see it happening here.

06-22-2009, 01:05 PM
Originally posted by F-16Guy
All bark, no bite. With all of the sanctions that have been in place, they have to be back in the stone ages, technology wise. I can't think of any powerful allies that they have, and all of their neighbors hate them.

They've had several tests of a nuclear weapon. They have developed a missle to carry said nuclear weapon. I'd say that's alot of bite. They don't need allies to fire a nuke at another country.

06-22-2009, 01:26 PM
I think they're still quite a way from being a threat to anyone but their closest neighbors. They claim to have tested nuclear weapons, but all that has been confirmed, to my knowlege, is seismic activity that coincides with their claims. They may have a nuke or nukes, but what is the yield, how reliable is it, and can it be attached to a launch vehicle and deployed with any accuracy? Only time will tell, I guess. To be honest, I've been waiting for someone to press the button for a while, now. What really worries me is Pakistan. I hope the Jihadists don't get control of the arsenal there.

06-23-2009, 12:09 AM
Originally posted by F-16Guy
All bark, no bite. With all of the sanctions that have been in place, they have to be back in the stone ages, technology wise. I can't think of any powerful allies that they have, and all of their neighbors hate them.

The clinton administration gave NK nuclear material back in the 90s to use for power and peaceful purposes. Obviously they haven't complied. I am very concerned with NK as well as Iran.

06-23-2009, 05:42 AM
Originally posted by Cron
The clinton administration gave NK nuclear material back in the 90s to use for power and peaceful purposes. Obviously they haven't complied. I am very concerned with NK as well as Iran.

Kinda funny how often that happens actually. Help out a country to fight their battle (of course against a country we don't like), years later, they hate us and now they have better weapons.

06-23-2009, 05:50 AM
Originally posted by Cron
The clinton administration gave NK nuclear material back in the 90s to use for power and peaceful purposes. Obviously they haven't complied. I am very concerned with NK as well as Iran.
I have a feeling that Kim Jong Il is more of an ego maniac than anything, and most of his posturing is for attention. He has to know that hitting the button would mean guaranteed destruction for his regime. You never know, though.

Pakistan, on the other hand, is in a struggle to maintain control from the Jihadists, and if they lose the battle, there could be a bunch of suicidal religious zealots in control of a nuclear arsenal. I'm almost 100% sure that we would intervene before that happened, but it still means another war and a lot of bloodshed.

Everything is just guessing at this point, so it's interesting to watch it play out.

06-23-2009, 05:54 AM
North Korea has a ship in the water now carrying a missle that on the 4th they are going to fire. This missle will be fired toward Hawaii. Our govt. is treating this way to gently. I don't believe in just rushing in on them but the whole "lets sanction them thing is a little stupid. How can you effectively santion a country that is used to be oppressed by the U.N.?