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View Full Version : Arm pump/ tired thumb, what to do?

06-15-2009, 06:19 AM
My son has been having a problem towards the end of his races with his thumb getting extremely tired. Was wondering if anyone has suggestions on what I can do, was running in 2nd place for a whole race and dropped to 5th on the last lap because his tired little thumb. Any suggestions will be appreciated....Jeff

06-15-2009, 07:47 AM
is the quad using an oil injector? does the throttle cable have a splitter on it that goes to both the carb and the OI unit? I know on ours, that splitter gets dirty and makes the thumb throttle very hard to push. the throttle really should be feather light to push in. When ours gets dirty, I can tell because my boy takes his thumb off and shakes his hand in the air down the straights.

clean and lube. I use grease in ours. You can also take the OI unit off (if legal for your class) and get a single pull cable. of course you'd have to pre-mix, but it will help. you could also experiment with cutting the springs on your carb's throttle body return and your OI injector return. that will make it easier to push as well.

If its not the throttle, you might also check air pressure in front tires and lower it a bit, could also look into some "soft bars", or lay down the money on some good suspension.

06-15-2009, 08:10 AM
No on the oil injector, I will check the stiffness of the throttle itself, but the suspension was just done ( nice set of Elkas) which has improved his lap times a lot!

06-15-2009, 09:32 AM
When my son was younger we had the same problem. I switched to a twist throttle and it made a huge difference. Now that he is a little older and stronger I have moved him back to a thumb.

06-15-2009, 11:22 AM
I made my own thumb saver. I just extended the throttle with a better angle and wrapped it with some foam. I had some scrap 3/16" aluminum that I bent and zip tied to the throttle, put a peice of 1/2" medium foam on there, and wrapped it in electrical tape. He doesn't complain now and really don't see him shaking his hand anymore. The leverage and being softer helps. You can buy them for under $20.

06-15-2009, 03:03 PM
When Kyle was little we used this on his quads........I thought I was going to have to get a nother one when he went to the 300 but he just quit talking about it so I guess it's fixed...lol. With the moose one he said he used to use the palm of his hand if his thumb gort tired.

Mike Kozura


06-17-2009, 01:05 AM
My son Brandon swears that all his gaming is what keeps his thumb in shape .:o :p


WE done the same that jetta75 done with my kids years ago .

06-17-2009, 03:56 AM
Thanks for the help guys, I was also informed that I can snip about 1/2 inch off the spring in the carb to reduce the pressure coming back @ his thumb, i will try some of these suggestions.