View Full Version : Testing the coil & rectifier

06-03-2009, 01:29 PM
Has anyone tested either with a digital meter?

06-04-2009, 01:54 PM
Well the coil tests out with a digital meter.

The rectifier does not at all.
Not with my meter, not even with a high dollar Fluke.
I'm thinking it should read the resistance at the 200 setting.

I do get a reading with an analog meter though.
I checked it with 2 different ones of the same brand.

Both read no higher than 3 ohm resistance on any test.
Should read 5 ~15 ohm.

I think the rectifier is bad, but don't know how it's related to my issues really.

06-05-2009, 11:15 PM
Anybody have any feedback at all on this?

I'm sorta surprised there hasn't been even a peep.

I figured this would for sure open up a can of worms discussion that lead off-topic from my issues even.

I'm surprised no one has thought even for a second that this little part might just be the culprit of the primary nagging issues with this bike.

I'm really surprised no one has said... "hey I'm going to check my rectifier too, because that might just be what the REAL cause is for my battery issues... or my hard starting issues... etc..."

I don't even understand it all that well at all, but I can see there is a possibility there worth checking into.... and it's super easy to check.

A bad rectifier can for sure cause a low voltage or high voltage situation.
BOTH will screw with your battery's ability to hold a charge.
Low would cause it to drain during operation.
High would cause it to charge during operation, but not hold a charge.

I think since the resistance is low on mine that the current might be high.
That would explain why I don't drain the battery down while riding...
But have had issues with it holding a charge...

I'm not sure how high current would effect the ECU, EFI or ignition though.
It could be causing my missing and easy stalling to if it's bad.

I just need one more different brand meter to show me a low 3 ohm reading.
If it does, then I'll haul it in for warranty replacement.