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View Full Version : Pismo Beach Possible ShutDown

06-02-2009, 06:33 PM
I posted this a little while ago but the name kinda drew away from the importance:

I have quad magazine as a freind on myspace and and yesterday they posted up about the I-5MX track in cali shutting down and now today they posted about Pismo being In Grave Danger, turns out they are trying to shut it down

this is a post from quads website:

CYPRESS, Calif. – June 2, 2009 – The California State Legislature’s Budget Conference Committee is meeting today to consider closing more than 200 state parks, including the Oceano Dunes SVRA, aka Pismo Beach (http://www.parks.ca.gov/?page_id=406), a popular Central California OHV area and “the only California State Park where vehicles may be driven on the beach.”

As the leading advocate for trail stewardship and OHV access, the Yamaha OHV Access Initiative is asking all OHV enthusiasts to contact California state representatives and communicate just how important OHV access, state parks, and the Pismo Beach OHV area specifically are to you, your family and/or your business. The Oceano Dunes State Vehicular Recreation Area (SVRA) is an important area that needs to stay open.

For more information and to take action, OHV enthusiasts should visit the California State Parks Foundation’s Save Our State Parks web site at: http://www.savestateparks.org/. A link is provided that enables visitors to enter their name and send a message of support for State Parks to both their legislator and the Governor of California.

Take action today!

this pisses me off even though ive never been out of the southeast
if we let this continue it will be all across the country

and all of a sudden it seems like we are fight more and more bills and proposals to shut down riding areas,bans on quads, etc.


06-03-2009, 03:13 PM
Cali seems to be cutting ALOT of things in there budget this year ..:rolleyes:
Why not kill some revenue while there at it!! :grr:

Speedy 400ex
06-03-2009, 03:23 PM
ya luckily they just opened a new track down here closer to SD. It does suck seeing places go....

06-03-2009, 03:37 PM
Yeah California is having some major, major budget issues.

06-03-2009, 03:48 PM
I saw last night on the world news that Cali is facing MAJOR budget cuts to everything. Schools, parks, welfare, everything's taking a hit.

06-03-2009, 03:54 PM
Originally posted by kawabunga
I saw last night on the world news that Cali is facing MAJOR budget cuts to everything. Schools, parks, welfare, everything's taking a hit.

The educational part of the cuts is where I think its a load of garbage! If there is any cuts that need made its whos in office!:mad:
I fee for those who have to deal with the states BS right now.. I have relatives that are state workers in Cali. that have taken some hits this year .