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View Full Version : Yamaha Warrior shifter help

06-01-2009, 11:03 AM
My wife rides a '98 Yamaha Warrior. We were out last weekend on the sand when her shifter linkage broke. We were a few miles out, and stuck in first gear. I swapped quads with her, and rode hers back in 1st gear. Really sucked. I've never seen a quad with such a crappy set up for the shifter. The shift lever isn't 1 piece that connects to the shifting shaft that pokes out from the transmission like every other bike. The lever is about 3 inches longer, and connects to a pivot point on the inside of the left peg. Then it has an arm that drops down and has a short linkage piece that connects the shifter lever to the shifter shaft at the tranny. The linkage is really small, but the linkage is only connected by one little 1/8" pin on either side. One of these pins broke on me. This seems like a really screwy set-up, and was wondering if anyone knew of a 1 piece replacement lever.

06-03-2009, 07:33 PM
Throw that shifter in the carbage, go out and get a yz250f ( i think ) and put it on, go to www.YFM350.com for warrior information. That site helped me out a lot and there is a lot of people on there that know a lot about warriors.

06-04-2009, 12:47 AM
Hey thanks. I really appreciate it. I was pretty much lost. I have a few buddies that have these for their wives as well, so this will come in real handy. Thanks again.

06-04-2009, 12:19 PM
No problem, just go on there and look around, i advise that you join the site and post in the "welcome" section to get to know a few people, if you ever have a question about a warrior someone on there will useually know the anwser.