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View Full Version : is there a lid out there??

06-01-2009, 06:49 AM
hey guys i got a UM alumni airbox and i really wanna put some sort of lid on it cuz i ride alot of mud and wet stuff and my filter and battery r constantly getting wet and dirty!! I know that um makes a cover 4 the alumni box but i wanted something a lil more waterproof and dirt proof, thanks 4 any suggestions

06-01-2009, 09:03 AM
is it the same size as the stock air box?

also look into a uni filter cover. its basically a bag that velcros onto the top of your box. keeps out mud and its supposed to be fairly water repellent

06-01-2009, 09:07 PM
i dont think so. is that the one that has the battery inside it or not? if it is then it is for sure different. I would contact um about it and see if they have one, otherwise outerwears may be your best bet. steve

06-01-2009, 09:18 PM
Yeah or get some sheat mettal and make one. There is one person on ebay selling one that is vented in the middle on both sides like air scoops so its not restricted but water wont go in as easy.

06-02-2009, 05:09 PM
yeah its the 1 with the battery inside the airbox, hey snipe u got a link or name of the guy on ebay i cant seem to find it??

06-02-2009, 11:27 PM
I have a UM airbox as well with no lid. For water and dirt/mud repellancy, without restricting the air an open airbox can provide, I installed an Outerwears airbox cover on it. It is made for a stock 400EX airbox, but it comes with velcro strips that you can place wherever you like in order to adapt it to the UM box.

Only pic I have of it on mine :ermm: