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05-29-2009, 07:53 PM
Read all the mistakes and misinformation about the latest death involving a Rhino. Sad story, but could have been prevented with proper supervision and not turning loose a 13 year old with it


05-29-2009, 08:34 PM
here we go again to the late 80's atc/atv scene. Kids, inexperienced, high/drunk, no safety gear and safety precautions leading to accidents. Back then, almost all of the atc/atv accident could have been prevented with some common sense and keeping "unsuitable" and "unfit" riders off machines too powerfull and/or too big for them. Nothing has changed since then, just the number of wheels and price tag. The primary group of accidents is still the same.

The way I look at Rhino type utv's is idiot attractors. It has a gas and brake pedal, seat, seatbelt, steering and some have a radio and cup holder. Its just like my car/truck, I can drive it drunk, without worry, drinking a beer at the same time, and also put the cooler full of more beer on the seat next to me. Its scary, some of these utv's can go almost 50 mph, they are far from safe in the wrong person's hand. Exactly same as trikes, perfectly safe in the right/skilled person's hand, dangerous in the wrong person's hand. Would you let your 8-14 old kid drive your truck/car, NO, nobody with a brain will. We are dealing with the same thing, wrong person in the drivers seat. Anybody drunk/high, too small/young and inexperienced shouldn't be riding something they have no business on.

05-29-2009, 08:41 PM
Originally posted by deathman53
here we go again to the late 80's atc/atv scene. Kids, inexperienced, high/drunk, no safety gear and safety precautions leading to accidents. Back then, almost all of the atc/atv accident could have been prevented with some common sense and keeping "unsuitable" and "unfit" riders off machines too powerfull and/or too big for them. Nothing has changed since then, just the number of wheels and price tag. The primary group of accidents is still the same.

The way I look at Rhino type utv's is idiot attractors. It has a gas and brake pedal, seat, seatbelt, steering and some have a radio and cup holder. Its just like my car/truck, I can drive it drunk, without worry, drinking a beer at the same time, and also put the cooler full of more beer on the seat next to me. Its scary, some of these utv's can go almost 50 mph, they are far from safe in the wrong person's hand. Exactly same as trikes, perfectly safe in the right/skilled person's hand, dangerous in the wrong person's hand. Would you let your 8-14 old kid drive your truck/car, NO, nobody with a brain will. We are dealing with the same thing, wrong person in the drivers seat. Anybody drunk/high, too small/young and inexperienced shouldn't be riding something they have no business on.

well you pretty much hit the nail on the head

05-29-2009, 08:53 PM
Originally posted by deathman53
here we go again to the late 80's atc/atv scene. Kids, inexperienced, high/drunk, no safety gear and safety precautions leading to accidents. Back then, almost all of the atc/atv accident could have been prevented with some common sense and keeping "unsuitable" and "unfit" riders off machines too powerfull and/or too big for them. Nothing has changed since then, just the number of wheels and price tag. The primary group of accidents is still the same.

The way I look at Rhino type utv's is idiot attractors. It has a gas and brake pedal, seat, seatbelt, steering and some have a radio and cup holder. Its just like my car/truck, I can drive it drunk, without worry, drinking a beer at the same time, and also put the cooler full of more beer on the seat next to me. Its scary, some of these utv's can go almost 50 mph, they are far from safe in the wrong person's hand. Exactly same as trikes, perfectly safe in the right/skilled person's hand, dangerous in the wrong person's hand. Would you let your 8-14 old kid drive your truck/car, NO, nobody with a brain will. We are dealing with the same thing, wrong person in the drivers seat. Anybody drunk/high, too small/young and inexperienced shouldn't be riding something they have no business on.

agreed, the thing i never understood is if 1 person can ride or drive something at the highest level, clear 80 ft gaps and what not...how can the design be at fault when someone else rides 10 ft hits a tree and hurts themself....

i mean hell, if i take off running in a track meet and trip and fall im gonan say i guess track isnt for me, im not going to blame nike shoes, the track designer and everything else...

05-29-2009, 09:27 PM
I seen the cpsc's atv accident report from the late 80's until now. Better than 95% could have been prevented with common sense. There was an accident... a drunk guy was riding his trike fast, he went past several signs stating of a cliff coming up, he kept going playing chicken wondering how close he could get before trying to stop and stopping it. He misjudged, luckily the cliff was only something like 20', he hit the ground broke legs and arms or something. He sued the atv maker and WON. He won from the typical thing that is used, inheritly unsafe 3 wheel design, lack of differential and some other BS. How was this in ANY way the trikes fault? The throttle wasn't stuck, even then, the kill switch probably worked.

Another one, 4 kids were on a utilty atv, all were 10-13 old, two on the seat, one on front rack and another on rear rack. The kid lost control and he ended up crashing, all 4 got hurt the one on the front and back the worst. None had helmets on, warning stickers were on the atv, stating not under 16, NHU, helmets, only 1 operator, etc. Atv maker got sued and the kids' parents won, despite the very apparent ignoring of warning labels and common sense.

In recent times, a kid got killed on his dads 600+ cc utilty quad, this kid was 8-10 old, he was riding it in a circle, gave it too much gas, it flipped and snapped his neck. The parents started this whole thing about "unsafe" atv's, making alot of news attention, they sued and won, despite the apparent misuse and ignoring of all safetly/warning labels and common sense. Same thing as the atc/atv's of the mid-late 80's, same age group, same drinking/drug use and stupidity. As I stated earlier, same people, different number of wheels and cost.

I fell on my atv's a few times, stuck throttle was the only times it was the machines fault, all others it was overconfidence and my own fault.

Old Head
05-30-2009, 02:39 AM
Chief Deputy Craig Apple says the Rhino was sold by Gable Motorsports in Cobleskill, which has provided his office with paperwork showing it made the approved fix - adding spacers to the rear wheels and removing an anti-sway bar.

Wouldn't removing the sway bar make it more prone to rolling over?


05-30-2009, 04:12 AM
Originally posted by SRH

i mean hell, if i take off running in a track meet and trip and fall im gonan say i guess track isnt for me, im not going to blame nike shoes, the track designer and everything else...

Lmao that's a very good way to put it.

Sad to hear, but once again this accident probably could've been prevented.

05-30-2009, 05:11 AM
No helmet or seat belt and driving like a moron? Its sad but what do you think is gonna happen:confused:

05-30-2009, 07:34 AM
seems like the story makes light of all the facts..
the machine was up to date and all the safety gear was available.
its easy to see the kid was outmatched and riding unsafe.

absolutely terrible lesson to learn.

know your child's skill level and teach them safe operation..

as for those that would/have sued the manufacturer when clearly its a case of misuse and ignorance of the machine and child.. they should be sued for child endangerment or whatever similar criminally negligent parenting law applies..

05-30-2009, 11:19 AM
These types of hit jobs happen alot it seems. You see the same thing with guns, and a few other things in the news alot. I'm not sure if the people writing the articles are just ignorant or just don't have any clue. :ermm:

05-30-2009, 02:18 PM
you know the alcohol commercials that say "drink responsibly"? there needs to be a "ride responsibly" commercial. they could have a pro quad or mx guy, and he could say "You wouldnt let your 13 year old kid drive your car, dont let them ride off-road vehicles over their limit" and then say "ride responsibly" lol

05-30-2009, 06:50 PM
Originally posted by <DRS>GPF

as for those that would/have sued the manufacturer when clearly its a case of misuse and ignorance of the machine and child.. they should be sued for child endangerment or whatever similar criminally negligent parenting law applies..

I do feel that IF they tried to sue they should be open to being held responsible for thier neglect, whether it be an atv, car, firearm you name it. If we start holding parents accountable, the responsibility might slowly find its way to our youth

(Edited-I think in many of these cases they know they are accountable, but the loss serves as the sentence. The above statement is meant for those that claim no responsibility and sue )

05-31-2009, 01:45 PM
This is actually local to me. Its not uncommon to see kids out riding adult quads helmetless and riding three up around here. There's a lot of farm country out this way. Most of these kids are just brought up this way. Sad, but true.

For once I will say that the news article doesn't actually seem to be blatantly blaming Yamaha. It seems to be a pretty unbiased news report, compared to what we are used to seeing. I still feel like leaving a comment, but dont want it misrepresented and wouldn't want the parents to see it. I'm sure they're well aware of what went wrong here.

05-31-2009, 02:36 PM
Originally posted by 400exrider707
This is actually local to me. Its not uncommon to see kids out riding adult quads helmetless and riding three up around here. Most of these kids are just brought up this way. Sad, but true. .

Same here nobody here uses helmets. what makes me mad is the adults don't set the example for thier kids, they ride too fast for their skill or drunk . What do you think the kids think?

A local woman actually died over the weekend. She was riding a big 600 following her husband who was riding a bike, not wearing a helmet. She was going too fast and rolled. she sustained brain trauma and died.. If she was wearing a helmet she would still be here today.

05-31-2009, 08:27 PM
Originally posted by I live for this
Same here nobody here uses helmets. what makes me mad is the adults don't set the example for thier kids, they ride too fast for their skill or drunk . What do you think the kids think?

A local woman actually died over the weekend. She was riding a big 600 following her husband who was riding a bike, not wearing a helmet. She was going too fast and rolled. she sustained brain trauma and died.. If she was wearing a helmet she would still be here today.

I have a buddy who lives in the area who had a mishap about 3 months ago. He had a helmet on, but it wasn't strapped. Long story short the quad came up, handlebars hit him in the face and knocked the helmet clean off and took 4 of his teeth out. Insurance wont cover it because they're not a "necessity" so he know has his $15K bills to remind him why he needs to strap his helmet when he rides.

05-31-2009, 11:12 PM
ive done my share of incredibly dumb stuff, jumping doubles in the dark with no helmet, passing cars on the road on dirtbike with no helmet....but i wouldnt exactly feel like it was the manufactuers fault if i died or was seriously injured ...hell i got paralyzed, sueing yamaha never crossed my mind!
i dont think people are brought up anymore to take responsibility for there actions , i mean if some ******* was wasted shooting a gun and i walked out side and he shot me in the back and i couldnt walk, id take that dick to the cleaners...

05-31-2009, 11:13 PM
Originally posted by 400exrider707
I have a buddy who lives in the area who had a mishap about 3 months ago. He had a helmet on, but it wasn't strapped. Long story short the quad came up, handlebars hit him in the face and knocked the helmet clean off and took 4 of his teeth out. Insurance wont cover it because they're not a "necessity" so he know has his $15K bills to remind him why he needs to strap his helmet when he rides.

there not, why do you think they make soup...damn fools:p

06-01-2009, 04:12 AM
Rather than age restrictions, they should have IQ restrictions. "Do not operate if you have an IQ below 85".

06-01-2009, 08:50 AM
Originally posted by wilkin250r
Rather than age restrictions, they should have IQ restrictions. "Do not operate if you have an IQ below 85".

You might be on to something here....

07-08-2009, 11:02 AM
yeah and the thing of it is people are just sooooo stupid! theres a kid at my school that tinks and told me that his uncles 660 raptor has soo much power he was ridin in a corn feild and pinned it and was ridin a wheelie and it went down so pinned it again and there was soo much power that it spund the wheels soo fast it blew the tires right off... and he crashed the and quad rolled and all this other crap... i was like uhh.... what ever **** you are on... you need to get that on the market because people would hit that up like no tomorrow
(not telling peopls to use drugs as well... i hate them but hes just a crack head!)

along with the IQ thing its like kids these days just dont think... like hey... i have a few beers... then have a few more... hop on a quad show people what an idiot i am and then... i'll be fine but its lits drink... get on a quad and go to the ER because im an dumb@ss!

you know where they have the heres your sign and you ight be a redneck if you... well they should make a

your an idiot if you....


if you ever drive atv's druck and crash and almost or do kill your self... your a idiot...

07-08-2009, 08:28 PM
The thing I cant understand is if the quad has warning labels telling the owner that its for 16+ riders and 4 =8-10 yr olds wreck on it why are they held responceable for there injurys ,thats BS the owner should be! what needs to be done is Atv riders need to show up at court when they are there and protest the owners/parents of these kids/or drunks/retards ,and state ARE opion on the wreck and let the courts know that it the owners/operaters fault not the quads/utvs or have someone from quad/utv industry sticking up for the quads/utvs in these cases and stating the facts of the wreck and how/why it happened and the people that sued wouldn,t get nothing and quads/utv wont get these BS suits agains,t them