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View Full Version : High output stator

05-29-2009, 01:20 PM
Ok, So I am looking for a high output stator for my 300ex.

The big name guys tell me the stock stator is maxxed out and cannot go bigger, Wattage wise...
They also tell me its 110watts.

Well As some of you know I run ALOT of lights.

My setup is for extreme night rides and spotting spiders!

So, I run 2 55 watt (round-white) lights up top on a custom bracket. they sit up even with my bars.

Second set is the spider spotters. 2 55 watt(round-yellow) lights. Mounted on the same bracket, But below my upper whites.
These work so well its not even funny!
How many times did you not see that 6 foot diameter web across the trail untill it was wrapped around your face at 30mph+? well the yellows make those webs glow GOLD! and can be seen from 10-15 feet away, depending how thick it is. NO MORE SPIDER MAN FOR ME!!! UGH! I hate spiders! especially at night!

Finnaly I have one rectangle (white) 55watt light mounted on the frame just behind the bumper.

They are all setup to use the factory light switchs.
with one exception, the yellow on/off switch works my 2 yellow spider spotters. A simple on/off setup.
While the white high/low switch operates either just my bottom bumper light on low. While when you flip to high, it turns on all 3 white lights.
Everything is on its own relays and is water tight.
This allows me to turn on my lower white and yellows at the same time while leaving my uppers off. Or running pure whites, all 3. And even all 5 at the same time. but the yellow gets washed out and becomes useless. So iI dont run all 5.. Other than the obvious. 55x5 = 275 = Dead battery.

This operated for almost a year with no problems at all. Even under 6-10 hour night rides, 2-3 per weekend! Yess I ride ALOT!

But now, Im killing my battery in under 2 hours with only my top 2 whites on.. While with no lights on, I can run all day long with no problems.

So back on topic. I need a Powerfull stator.
Im under the impression the 250X has alot of parts that transfer over and it has a high output stator. anyone know its wattage rating?
Or a stator that will bolt on with out mutch trouble and produce say..... 170-200+ watts?
I am replacing my battery with a Gell cell Hopefully that will bandaid my problem for awhile. Was also thinking of running duel batterys, but that also is just a bandaid for the stator problem.

Any ideas?
Other than what Im alread thinking. Step up to a 400ex or 450r. As they both have some serious aftermarket stators..

Thanks in advance. :eek2:

Tommy Warren
05-29-2009, 01:45 PM
check ricky stator and see what they have.

05-29-2009, 02:02 PM
The big name guys tell me the stock stator is maxxed out and cannot go bigger, Wattage wise...
They also tell me its 110watts.

05-29-2009, 05:01 PM
Have you heard the old saying, "Speed cost money, just how fast do you want to be?" Lights are the same way it seems. I've been looking at the same thing. Here is what I found. SICK light power. You know how it works now, so you can judge how this might help. You can add 65 watts or 150 watts. Instant daylight. It's a bunch of $$$ though.

175 WATT STATOR....$250.00

We recommend 110-watts of lights while using the 175-watt stator.

260 WATT STATOR....$395.00

We recommend 220 watts of lights while using the 260 watt stator.

These are at Alba Action Sports site. Performance / Stators. I want to keep 2 narrow beam lights on the bars and use the mount point of my front plastic for 2 floods.
Let there be light.

05-29-2009, 05:25 PM
O MAN! you have made my day! Thats exactly what im looking for !!! :eek2: 260watts of night piercing power here I come!!! WOOHOOO!!!!

JohnT_98300EX IS THE MAN!!!

Im always the leader of the pack since I can see so well. But O man, JohnT_98300EX You just took the lead!

Now I need to snag a used stator from Ebay as fast as I can!

Thanks a TON!

To bad the other 2 major stator companys both told me they couldnt help.. Alba is getting my cash for shure!
LOL lets just hope they can wrap that 260 on a 300 stator!