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05-27-2009, 01:40 PM
I couldn't wait it out any longer and headed off to the lake this morning. It was almost 4 hours later that the fog/mist/rain let up enough for me to actually take a picture.

The Osprey's were not as shy today, but the sucky light didn't give me much to work with


The meal must have been pretty good, he ate it all


I dont count it as wasted time, they are allowing me to float around and do thier thing alot better then when I first found them so I reckon it was time well spent. I can only hope that when this front moves on the sunshine will return and I can get back on them



Luckily for me one would fly off and come back every few minutes...sometimes it worked as the mist would lift or the sky would brighten/darken


The shots arent great, but it was one more trip to get used to shooting from my sneak boat


05-27-2009, 01:41 PM
I did see the 2 Eagles i've been after, but both were far away

I found one large nest, but there was no one home.


About 100 yards down further I found another nest..empty as well.


I had searched for the Eagles but after 10 minutes or so I igured they were not in the area.....

Then I picked out it's white head. I had no sooner trained my lens on it to get a shot to chimp when a king bird rooled him off the perch and sent him flying away:cry


Oh well, here's looking towards better light days:nutz I atleast have something to go after now.


05-27-2009, 02:16 PM
That's awesome Ken. Eagles are an amazing bird and so huge when you see them up close.

Last sumemr Mel and I were fishing right across from my parents cottage and an Eagle was perched uptop a large pine tree. When he took flight the bird must have had a 10 foot wing span and he gave us quite a show while flying overhead. Of course I didn't have a camera to take any pics, but I hope it's back in the same area again this year.

05-27-2009, 06:12 PM
I called a wildlife biologist friend of mine and he said BS...there had to be chicks in one of those nests. So we went back this evening just to scout and both adults were there and I dont know how many chicks! I should have atleast taken binoculars!

Friday will be the best chance for sunshine and I will be back on them at daylight

05-27-2009, 07:02 PM
Sick pics:cool: Theres a hawk that hangs around my local skatepark, me and my buddys named marvin. I'm gonna bring some snake food down(frozen rats) and see if i can get some pics. He was chillin on the fence about 15 feet from us today just watchin us work, pretty cool.

05-27-2009, 07:07 PM
Ditch the frozen rat, buy afew white mice and turn one loose near him. I know photogs who do this for catch shots. They use white and then change its fur color to brown in PS

05-27-2009, 07:17 PM
Worth a shot. I just need to get him in close enough so he doesnt look like a speck, all I got is a 14-42mm lens.

05-27-2009, 09:08 PM
Awesome. We've got some nice owl, hawks turkey vultures ect but nothing quite as cool as those eagles around my house, lucky you.