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View Full Version : lid or wrap, whats better?

05-26-2009, 04:46 PM
im trying to debate which one to buy. the outerwears lid or the filter wrap? ive got a drilled lid now and the one i found is just the actually material that replaces the entire lid and gets attached to the box. is the a difference in which one i run? im guessing the lid would let in more air rather than running just the wrap. although if i ran a wrap and no lid... :D

05-26-2009, 04:51 PM
if you can afford it, i would get both. otherwise get the wrap first then the lid second, and as long as you dont hit the water holes fast you will be able to get by until you can get a lid too. i did for a year, lol. Steve

05-26-2009, 04:57 PM
Thanks bud. I've been riding for like 4 years with just the filter and 2 with a drilled lid. I'm thinking the lids my best bet. Think ill buy it tonite. Not a regular lid though its like a condom you pull over the airbox and get rid of the lid altogether. Although ill probably modify it to work with my lid and ill open it more. I wonder if I can find just the outerwears material somewhere. Like a generic universal thing.

05-26-2009, 05:00 PM
check out the ehs site, they have just the outerwears or you can get a generic outerwears at like denniskirk or something. just measure it and get the closest size. The ehs one you can make your own bracket and mount it to the lid and make it look like an ehs one. the outerwears that goes around the filter will work good too, since it is tight to the kilter it helps to keep out the water and such a bit. steve

05-26-2009, 05:03 PM
Are these wraps water repelant enough that if I run one with no lid or even no box it'll keep water from being sucked in?

05-26-2009, 05:05 PM
the ehs one is pretty good i am assuming it would repel some water. i would not try to soak it but a few splashes would be fine. steve

05-26-2009, 05:06 PM
I'd get a foam filter or Outerwears first. When you're ready for a lid have a look at this...


And this...


05-26-2009, 05:08 PM
Yeah. Maybe the wrap and some bigger holes to be safe. Damnit you got me confused haha

05-26-2009, 05:10 PM
i have a K&N with just the outerwares lid, i have the wrap for the filter too but i dont use it. its been fine with just the lid

05-26-2009, 05:11 PM
On a budget, get the wrap and a set of these...


05-26-2009, 05:11 PM
Got a k&n already so ill stick with that. Thanks for the links.

Originally posted by BEAVER.989
I'd get a foam filter or Outerwears first. When you're ready for a lid have a look at this...


And this...


05-26-2009, 05:15 PM
the kit is the $15 dollar one in black


heres a k&n air box lid with velcro


heres a hard filter style k&n


and the k&n outerwears precharger filter i am talking about


I would get a lid and the precharger. steve

05-26-2009, 05:18 PM
Thanks for the leg work steve. Appreciate it. Gonna have a look in a few minutes when I get back on the computer.

Originally posted by honda400ex2003
the kit is the $15 dollar one in black


heres a k&n air box lid with velcro


heres a hard filter style k&n


and the k&n outerwears precharger filter i am talking about


I would get a lid and the precharger. steve

05-26-2009, 05:19 PM
hey no prob, i just wanted to show you most of the lids and such available. steve

05-26-2009, 05:21 PM
Appreciate it bud. You've helped me quite a bit. If we ever meet I owe you a couple beers.

05-26-2009, 05:50 PM
oh man i was about to order the velcro cover and those screens from that motorsports.com site, and they want 50 bucks to ship it all to canada, haha, looks like ebay it is. prices are the same and shipping is gonna be a third. thanks for all the help :D

05-26-2009, 07:53 PM
one mroe question. those small vents. does it matter where on the airbox i mount them? i bought the cover so does it matter, side or bottom?

05-26-2009, 08:55 PM
no you can put the plugs in anywhere if you want. make sure the hole is not any bigger than 1" or they will be loose and you will have to silicone them in. it is not a big deal and would be a good idea anyway but just for a bit of info on it if you get them. as long as i am on the same thing as you are talking about. the vents with the filter in them. i would make them uniform over the whole lid that way yoiu get uniform air throughout the box. steve

05-26-2009, 08:59 PM
Yup those are the same ones. I've got that fabric lid that velcros onto the box and replaces the lid so ill just probably do these near the top along the sides. I wonder if keeping them near the exhaust would have any effect on them. Maybe idleing around might heat soak them a little. I think I'm putting too much tjought into this lol

05-26-2009, 09:03 PM
if they are in your airbox they should be fine. i would just notch out the top of the lid and velcro the one inside of it then make it like an ehs sort of. I would not waste the money on the vents but i guess it is up to you. The velcro would do plenty and not get clogged as easy. you can just rinse it out instead of cleaning out the vents all the time. As they get clogged there is less air flow. if you know what i mean. steve

05-27-2009, 04:55 AM
Yup I get what you're saying. I just wanna get some air flow from the sides of thebox aswell as from the open lid. I might even see if I can shove a vent into where the snorkle tube goes into the boix.

05-27-2009, 08:51 PM
i dont see why you couldnt if you found a big enough one to fit in it or fabbed something to hold a vent. You could put them anywhere. That would work good like a ram air if you put them in the right spot. steve

05-27-2009, 08:58 PM
Ram air. I like that. I bet I can fab some kind of setup up with the snorkle force feeding air into the intake. Ill have to look into it next time I'm messing with the atv. Oh and I did my first night ride last night. Just around the block through some fields. Damn lights work really well. A lot better than I expected. And I haven't even fabbed up the fog lights yet. Haha. Might not need to. Might just get some brighter bulbs for the stock housings

05-27-2009, 09:06 PM
you can run a tube from the front bumber all the way back if you wanted. it would be a bit goony but cool. the 35w bulbs from honda are not too bad compared to the stock 30w ( i think that is what they are, they may be 25w) that is what i just got again and they work good. fogs would be really nice but unless you ride at night all the time they would probably not be needed. there are also some hid bulbs that fit in the stock sockets buth they are $40 a peice. the 35w is about 10.50 or at least that is what i paided for them from the shop in town. steve

05-28-2009, 05:02 AM
Those hid bulbs are probably just some xenon knock offs of some kind. Ill look into those 35s next time I'm at the bike place.

The only real problem I'm seeing with the ram air is dust being sucked through that tube. Even with the little vent it might still be an issue as we do a lot of riding on gravel and its been bone dry here the last few rides but ill figure something out. Maybe make a cap for it for the drier days. Ill figure something out. I'm all about cheap and free power haha

05-28-2009, 06:14 AM
Oh man. That guy sent me the invoice for the lid thing. That bag I guess we ll call it. And he wants 36 bucks to ship it. Haha. Man I shipped a cylinder head with valvetrain for 40 acros the other side of the states. Hell I had hids come from japan for 18 bucks. This should get good hahaa