View Full Version : 450r exhaust

05-17-2009, 11:45 AM
well ive took a look on tqsatv and i found out that buying a full dasa exhaust would be a great deal. I was just wondering , if i buy the full exhaust will it simply go bolt-on on my quad and run perfectly if i dont get a premapped fuel controller ? I mean just leave it right there without ajusting anything. Ive got some1 that told me its all good it will ajust itself and theres my dealer that keep saying it will w00ter everything up :x

Waiting ur reply to decide if i can buy it right now or not :P Thanks

05-17-2009, 05:03 PM
I was under the assumption that on ANY of the fuel injected bikes you would need something to help map a aftermarket exhaust system. You know what is said about ASSuMEing though lol. Call Dasa as they make the pipe and find out ;) .

05-17-2009, 07:15 PM
You CAN but it's def not going to be right. These quads ( along with most other ) come to lean right off the showroom floor in order to pass emissions. If the exhaust is all your doing you CAN get away with it but I wouldn't waste my time without getting a fuel controller..... And NO, The ecu will not "learn". It has no Mass airflow meter or wideband o2 Which would allow learning capabilities. It's pretty much a fixed fuel map.

05-18-2009, 09:58 PM
Absoluelty correct. The EFI does not LEARN anything. It can adjust itself for elevation, but that is all.
Even autos with EFI do not learn or adjust for intakes or exhausts.
These do come lean as delivered(thanks to the environazis and EPA). You definitely will not get the full benefit of a better exhaust without a fuel controller.

Will it wooter your engine? Probably not, unless you also get an intake. Then you may be asking for eventual problems with the valves burning. Even that won't happen right away.
Fuel controllers are more expensive than jets, but they are much easier to fine tune once you buy them.

Add the power commander and the right map with the exhaust and it will really wake up!

05-19-2009, 07:22 PM
Hey tedwilley, have you gotten rid of the "cough" when revved hard from an idle?

05-19-2009, 09:00 PM
The only cough is when it is sitting and I nail the throttle. This seems to worry everybody on the internet.
It never hesitates or bogs when the throttle is nailed while riding.
My Cannondale does the same thing when just sitting, but never when riding.
So, is this a problem?
Only if you are concerned about sitting still and revving your engine suddenly from idle to WOT.
Remember, the EFI throttle response is near instantaneous compared to a carb, so when the map adds fuel in the upper RPM/throttle positions, it's going to happen right now; not after the increasing air flow pulls more gas like with a carb.

I have been into a couple of different PC maps and they all show fuel reduction in the lowest RPM/throttle ranges, so they have made an effort to lessen this.
I personally am not concerned about the 'cough'.
But I sure love the snappy throttle response when I nail it!