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05-13-2009, 08:26 AM
I recently been going to a Orthopedic Surgeon for my back and leg problems... I have bad sciatic pain down my right leg that is sometimes unbearable to deal with.... I been spending more time in bed than anywhere, and its beginning to drive me nuts.

My doctor called me yesterday with my MRI results... Nothing really I didn't already know; Herniated disk pressing on a nerve. His only recommendation was to get an Epidural.... Now from what I know, an Epidural is a short lived steriod inject for pain relief/anti inflammatory, which I think will only solve my problem for a month or so..... Or could it possibly bring the inflammation down long enough for this to heal or find another nerve route??? Im very skeptical about this.

Does anyone have experience getting these injections? If so, how did it work for you, how long did it last, and how painful was the injection? Im really not to found about someone sticking a needle in my spine, but if it will cure my problem, then im all for it.

05-13-2009, 08:33 AM
My brother in law just went thru this. He did have the epidural that didn't last but a few days and he said it hurt like he** He was in the hospital for 4 days on lots of pain meds and finally the epidural and sent him home a week later he had surgery to remove the piece that was pressing on the nerve. He still has three hurniated or bulged discs but took care of the piece that was pressing on the nerve.

05-13-2009, 08:47 AM
Yikes! This doesn't sound like its gonna be easy... I been on these pain meds for about 2-3 months now and im dying to get off of them, again, but its the only relief I can get in the day. But im really hoping to get around the hole surgury thing... Im real afraid to have my back operated on. I don't wanna come out worse than before. There really isn't many options to choose from for this kind of problem :ermm:

05-13-2009, 09:31 AM
My dad had back surgery for 3 ruptured discs back in the 80s .... he had it done after spending 2 years in pain and he said it was the best thing he could have ever done. As far as the epidural, it's done on a daily basis for women giving birth ..... you'll feel a bit of pain , and then it's done with.

05-13-2009, 10:56 AM
Mine hurt like hell and drained down one side of my body and not the other,which was a very weird feeling .lol they told me that is not too common though.
My best freinds hubby just had it done for the exact same reason you are considering and his lasted for quite a long time.
It was the best thing he has ever done .He can now feel is foot, which he has not felt in many years and it helped him avoid having more risky surgeries.He hasnt felt this good in years!

Epidurals are a very common use on back injuries and used everyday by women in labor. Thank God for them! :p

05-13-2009, 12:48 PM
Thanks for the replies.... Makes me feel a bit more comfortable getting it... I have been looking all day for someone who does epidurals, that my insurance will cover... No luck so far :ermm: .

If I do happen to undergo back surgery, I wanna have a top notch surgeon! My aunt went through multiple back surgerys and now is left with a morphine pump built in her back. But hopefully this epidural will work, I just don't really see how it will completely fix my nerve problem... If the disk is pretruding on the nerve, I would think it would have to be surgically moved/fixed :confused: . But what do I know?

I try to ask my doctor questions, but he pretty much blows me off everytime. Hes a real unhappy little prick with no personality!

05-13-2009, 12:54 PM
Originally posted by Ryan
Thanks for the replies.... Makes me feel a bit more comfortable getting it... I have been looking all day for someone who does epidurals, that my insurance will cover... No luck so far :ermm: .

If I do happen to undergo back surgery, I wanna have a top notch surgeon! My aunt went through multiple back surgerys and now is left with a morphine pump built in her back. But hopefully this epidural will work, I just don't really see how it will completely fix my nerve problem... If the disk is pretruding on the nerve, I would think it would have to be surgically moved/fixed :confused: . But what do I know?

I try to ask my doctor questions, but he pretty much blows me off everytime. Hes a real unhappy little prick with no personality!

LOL gotta luv Dr's! :ermm:

Ill ask my friend about what her Dr told her.apparently something helps because it sure helped him.
Ive had sciatic nerve issue before with two bulging discs and man.... that was NO FUN :(

05-13-2009, 01:04 PM
Thanks QJ, i'd apreciate it...

And yes, no fun it is!!! I have been in constant pain for about 6 months... First I couldn't feel my foot, but had hardly any pain.. Started going to the chiropractor, they miss diagnosed me, saying I tore a hamstring tendon out of the bone in my leg. As soon as I started getting feeling back in my foot, the pain was unbearable. Feels like theres a rope tied around my leg and my calf is gonna explode. I been taking oral steriods that help a little, but I still can't limp further then 100 feet before I have to sit or lay down. And it seems to get worse and worse as time goes on. I just hope theres a light at the end of the tunnel.

05-13-2009, 01:52 PM
1 herniated
2 bulging
1 extruding

I went through intensive physical therapy and it fixed it after 4 months. I have to keep up with the stretching, but it keeps it under control. Laying down is the worst thing I could do. i needed to be stretching and getting my muscles unbound from all the compensating they were doing for my disks. I would go to a good pain clinic and see if you can get it taken care of there. Last on my option list would be surgery, that rarely seems to work