View Full Version : Huge oil problem, need help! 08 Honda 450er

05-12-2009, 08:07 PM
Okay, i have an 08 honda 450er. I put an exhaust and jets airfilter cut box on it etc. I had a hose going from my head, that tee'd off into two hoses, one to my air box and one back into the motor, i am guessing to be reused. One of the hoses got burnt through by my exhaust, so no big deal i was just going to replace the hose and since i cut my box, the hose runing to my box was basically dangling there, so i bought a small filter from auto zone and tee'd it all off basically making it the same as before. So all was good i ran oil, (dumonde tech, if needing to know), and i was practicing for racing and oil was basically, leaking out of the filter, not too bad though just made a little mess here and there no problem i thought. But my dad thought he could fix it so he ran the line to the other side of the bike, exhaust side. Bike seemed great! I got to race and after several practice laps, smoke was pouring everwhere, there was oil shooting out of this small filter onto my exhaust. Took it back and just re-routed the filter so it wouldn't smoke. So i line up for first heat and as in line, all of the oil in my motor leaks out the hose in the head, just everywhere. So we basically nig rigged up some hosing from head back into the motor and didn't put the filter on, the bike ran fine and everything though. But problem is still not fixed, i want to fix it right, the owners manual doesn't say anything about it and no body knows what to do they have no idea, we routed everything like it was when it was stock! makes no sense at all. Please help, i have a race this weekend need to get fixed plus it aint the cheapest oil lol thanks for looking

the Z Man
05-12-2009, 08:23 PM
Be sure you are not plugging the breather causing pressure to build, the crank needs to breath..

05-12-2009, 08:51 PM
see that was what somebody else sugggested and i tried checking on it but i still don't know what i am doing wrong? like i said, i ran the hoses the same way as the stock, could it be i used a differnet hose tee?

05-12-2009, 11:10 PM
I think honda and other manufactures put the hose to the airbox to help suck pressure from the case also. some of the ways ive seen oil come out of that hose is oil overfilled or a cracked piston.

05-13-2009, 07:20 AM
Check out Tokyomods, they have a engine vent kit for 29.95 and you can get different color hose.

05-13-2009, 08:23 AM
Originally posted by hondaracing_13
Check out Tokyomods, they have a engine vent kit for 29.95 and you can get different color hose.

I would like to see how they are mounted if you have a picture.

05-13-2009, 03:56 PM
I don't have a pic, I found one on the Tokyomods web site. Check it out it look cool. There may be someone on here that has one or did something that looks better.

05-13-2009, 07:48 PM
make sure your oil isnt too high and make sure your tranny and engine oil arent mixing it will overflow out the vavle cover.

05-14-2009, 09:01 PM
well i think that we fixed it..back pressure and too much oil i think was probably the problem, the hose that went to the air box, we ran a huge line almost to my grab bar (wheelie bar) plus we ran clear hoses so if the oil did leak we could see it and basically asses from there. it was fine when i rode the bike around, lol thanks everyone and i may check on tokyomods it sounds pretty cool!