View Full Version : tell me what you think?

05-12-2009, 01:32 PM
back right at the end of december i baught a new 08 kfx 450r
but right off the bat had problems with the battery so i put the charger on it and it was good for a while

about 2 months agio it was running real funny mainly a bad idle along with mid range sputter took it down the dealer 2 weeks later got it back and ran good for exactly 5 days and just wouldnt fire so back to the dealer it went 1 week later i went down to get it and it wouldnt start so we brought it back because i was going to take the stuff i had on it, off and put the parts on the new one i was going to get

now 5 weeks later i got an 08 le kfx

do you guys think that was handled well??

Tommy Warren
05-12-2009, 01:34 PM
as long as you didn't pay anything and you've got an Le out of it I'd say its a good deal!

05-12-2009, 05:31 PM
yea me too, you got a brand new qaud again lol as long as you didnt have to pay anything...

05-13-2009, 05:03 AM
naw it was 100% free
meaning i got an 08 le for 5600$