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View Full Version : **** people

01-02-2003, 08:05 PM
I dont get this its just my luck lol iv had such a bad day. Well went ot drive the quad around a lil today so i went out ot my truck got the key and went to the wheeler pushed it out of the barn started it and was waiting for it to warm up and i was lookign it over first i noticed that the clutch lever was bent no biggy might have just hit somehting withough noticing but then i noticed that the rear plastic has a 12 inch crack runnign down right next to the seat were the plastic starts to go up yo make rom for the tire. So im like ok i only had a 2 inch crack last time i rode this (from hitting a tree lol) So i got pretyt pissed off and tried to thinlk about were it could have happenedwel to put 2 and 2 together some one tok my wheeler for a joyride :grr that kinda pisses me off cause i know it has to be someone i know. I keep my truck at the place i work same with my wheeler the key is in the truck so i know someone had to know were the key was to start it. The only other place it could have happened was when i kept it at my freinds house over 2 nights and a day but he wasnt even home and the key was hidden in the garage so i could pick up the quad at my conveniance. That pisses me off that someone tok my quad out rode it rolled bent the lever and broke the plastic more than it was and doesnt even have the balls to admit it. I mean come on i have to know the person. I dont really care about the damage im just happy to have the quad. So sry abou this but i just had to vent a lil bit. Anyhow anyone got a set of red or black rear fendars for a 300ex? stock or aftermarket it dont matter i just need somehting to fix the fendar. This sucks today was the worst day of my life the day only got worse after this but i wont get niot that i dont want ot bore you all lol just had to vent a lil

01-02-2003, 08:11 PM
ayone want to make a donation to get help a rider get a fender? lol j/k guys i could never take your money. But does anyone know how much a new set costs?

02 Red Rider
01-02-2003, 08:17 PM
I don't know how much for the fender but I do know that a 300ex is unbelivably easy to hotwire. That sucks, some people have no respect for other peoples stuff.:grr

01-02-2003, 10:09 PM
lol..that sucks..but ya might wunna try ebay for the plastic and seat.;)

01-02-2003, 10:14 PM
ZIPPY TIES!!!!!!!! HEHEHEH:devil