View Full Version : Arctic Cat Powler xtz 1000

05-07-2009, 05:56 PM
I'm at the 10 hour mark for break in.Going to change the motor oil and filter.My question is do I have to use the Arctic Cat ACX All Weather synthetic oil they recommend ? Also is there a cross over number for another brand oil filter.How about tie rod ends and belts.NEED TO BUY EXTRAS.Prowlers rule ! Let me know.Thanks Wayne

01-20-2010, 11:49 AM
i dont think you need the acx but i would use a oil that has the the correct rating in the owner manual. as far as tie rods they have come out with a new one that looks to fix the ends and from bending them at the treads. remember if its to tough you will just bend something else. belt no sure but have had good luck so far with my knock on wood.